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Regions of Canada PeopleName the RegionPlacesLandscapeEconomics 10 20 30 40 50.

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Presentation on theme: "Regions of Canada PeopleName the RegionPlacesLandscapeEconomics 10 20 30 40 50."— Presentation transcript:

1 Regions of Canada PeopleName the RegionPlacesLandscapeEconomics 10 20 30 40 50

2 The first inhabitants of this Region were the Plains Indians?

3 Many immigrants came to this region During the Gold Rush??

4 What is the most populated Region of Canada?

5 What is the approximate population Of Inuit in the North region???

6 Which Aboriginal group won compensation From Hydro Quebec for damage To their traditional lands in James Bay??

7 This region is considered one Of the “last Frontiers” in the World???

8 This region is the LEAST densely Population???

9 Western alienation is most acute In which region of Canada???

10 This region is part of a larger Area that stretches from the Mexican border to the Arctic???

11 One of two regions which is Reliant on outside areas for many Of its supplies and markets???

12 What is the capital of New Brunswick?

13 Name and correctly spell The capital of Prince Edward Island….

14 What is the capital of Ontario.

15 Name and correctly spell the capital Of Nunavut…..

16 Which region is Labrador included in??

17 This region is located above the line of “continuous permafrost”????

18 What body of water borders Quebec, Ontario, Manitoba, and Nunavut?

19 In which region will you find the most Lakes???.

20 What are the names of the two Largest lakes in the Northwest Territories???

21 What is Canada’s most northerly island(s)???

22 Wheat is the main cash crop Of which REGION??

23 Is it TRUE or FALSE that the population Of the Atlantic Region is mainly employed In Manufacturing or Service industries???

24 In which region is LOSS of farmland A potential CONCERN?

25 What “boom” brought settlers to The Plains region in the early 1900’s?

26 What is the name of the massive hydro Electric dam in the Shield region???

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