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Future plans & strategy for CCP4 (for discussion) Tadeusz Skarzynski, 30 March 2006.

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Presentation on theme: "Future plans & strategy for CCP4 (for discussion) Tadeusz Skarzynski, 30 March 2006."— Presentation transcript:

1 Future plans & strategy for CCP4 (for discussion) Tadeusz Skarzynski, 30 March 2006

2 What we want to achieve completely integrated, easy to use, cutting-edge software package incorporating the best available software technology and crystallographic methods individual programs largely hidden behind task and pipeline interfaces intuitive, minimalistic, yet effective user interface (including command line) with dynamic display of results, providing feedback and flagging problems automation of major tasks with decision-making based on encapsulated knowledge and crystallographic expertise

3 Where we are now The transformation of the suite has begun basic principles agreed (general direction, further integration, xml, python) first pipelines are taking shape (MrBump, Balbes, HAPPy, XIA) analysis of issues to address is ongoing (GUI, database, knowledge base, presentation of results, etc)

4 What needs doing continue developing algorithms and explore new ideas! define computational tasks for integration expand the current consolidation efforts to include new tasks review and enhance user interface including data presentation release new integrated tasks as soon as possible for feedback

5 How we are planning to do it continue the bottom-up approach within agreed framework and understanding of the overall goal project teams working on larger tasks assure more effective project management including management of collaborations and setting priorities (closer interaction between STAB and executive) review progress on a regular basis

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