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Transport Against HIV/AIDS in Cambodia Maria Margarita Nunez EASTE 28 November 2007.

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1 Transport Against HIV/AIDS in Cambodia Maria Margarita Nunez EASTE 28 November 2007

2 2 Cambodia: HIV/AIDS 2005 Statistics Population: 14.07 million Extent  Prevalence of HIV, total (% population ages 15 - 49) 1.64  12,000 children under the age of 15 living with HIV/AIDS  More than 60,000 children have lost one or both parents to AIDS

3 3 Cambodia is particularly vulnerable to HIV/AIDS  Stigma and fear of HIV/AIDS carriers  Behavioral changes, more men are visiting sex workers  Highly mobile population

4 4 Cambodia: Need to reduce the HIV/AIDS threat The road to reducing the epidemic in Cambodia is to intensify prevention efforts and targeting vulnerable groups  Drug users  Sex workers  Construction workers and truckers

5 5 Reduce risks effectively with limited resources  Align to a multi-sector approach (coordinated efforts)  Make use of centralized delivery (mainstreaming national agenda) Transport Sector Strategy

6 6 Addressing HIV/AIDS in Transport Inclusion of HIV/AIDS education activities in project design HIV/AIDS education is part of ‘Health and Safety’ in the new Bank Standard Bidding Documents (civil works)

7 7 Work to Date 2005 – Provincial and Rural Infrastructure Project  Funded by the RGC and the IDA Credit 2007 – proposed Road Asset Management Project  Funded from IDA Credit ($160,000) and AusAID Grant (US$40,00)

8 8 Project Component Objectives Raise awareness of HIV/AIDS and Sexual Transmitted Diseases (STDs); Lower risk of HIV/AIDS and STD transmission; Reduce rate of HIV/AIDS and STD infections, and Support institutional strengthening within MPWT

9 9 Approach to HIV/AIDS Awareness Develop Program  Conduct Rapid Assessment  Co-ordinate with other agencies  Develop materials Deliver Program  Conduct field visits  Communicate knowledge and life skills on HIV/AIDS  Inform about the Voluntary Counseling and Testing (VCT) sites  Evaluate Results

10 10 Covered 100% of the project area Trained  70% construction workers and administrative personnel  17,489 village people in 22 villages in 4 target provinces About 10% visited a VCT site for pre-test consulting services About 10 people per month get tested for HIV/AIDS 5,000 handouts and brochures each have been distributed 20,000 condom have been distributed Coverage (end-December 2006)

11 11 Lessons Learned to Date Include the local health department Target Road agencies staff, administrative staff and workers of construction companies, and residents Most villagers had never participated in a HIV/AIDS education – a short story works better than a video spot Provide incentives for increased participation of male population

12 12 Lessons Learned (continued) Encourage including at least one activity that includes someone living with HIV or AIDS as part of the training

13 13 Thank You

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