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Uka Tarsadia University, Maliba Campus Inaugural SessionFacilitated by Faculty Version Varadarajan Kannan Dec 1 st 2012 - March 16 th 2013 Self Development.

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Presentation on theme: "Uka Tarsadia University, Maliba Campus Inaugural SessionFacilitated by Faculty Version Varadarajan Kannan Dec 1 st 2012 - March 16 th 2013 Self Development."— Presentation transcript:

1 Uka Tarsadia University, Maliba Campus Inaugural SessionFacilitated by Faculty Version Varadarajan Kannan Dec 1 st 2012 - March 16 th 2013 Self Development In the context of spirituality and a practical approach

2 Values – Part I 2 nd Class Dec 9 th 2012

3 Welcome  Greeting  Recapture of last week  Importance of SD, Aspects of SD,  Elements of the course ( Self, Spirituality, Practice)  Some housekeeping issues  What is central to SD and imploring who am I  Reinforce Diary Writing, Key words and concepts, Observing and Participating  Did you try to sit quietly daily?

4 Last week’s exercise “Who am I?”  70% of those present wrote and submitted their final thought   I am potentially divine/ soul 26%   I am helping /good/ simple human being 22%  13  I am not perfect/ short tempered / impatient 13%   I am a student of life/ learner/ listener/admirer 12%  / role/ name  I am my job / role/ name 9%  8  I am ambitious, confident/ winner/ dreamer/ actor/extrovert/introvert/harmless/independent 8%   I am blank/nothing/split/confused 8%   I am a cartoon/ not serious, stubborn, lazy 2%

5 Story of two travelling angels And the value of faith

6 What is central to Self Development? Your answers  Be same in public and in private  Finding the original person within  Being Positive  Spiritual and Mental development  Having good values  Finding one’s Soul within  Knowing and correcting oneself  Health Body, Healthy Mind and Healthy Spirit

7 What is central to Self Development? Answer: Acquiring and practicing a good value system

8 Mission Statement of this course To offer the students of this country an aspirational set of values to live by; to help them achieve a balanced life focused on a spiritual goal and an ethical material life; and to contribute to nation building.


10 What are values?  We will discover what values are collectively  sqn9W7FwQ&feature=related – Refer to supporting video folder to download the video to your local hard drive and link sqn9W7FwQ&feature=related sqn9W7FwQ&feature=related  What are values? This discussion starter defines what values are and what people and factors in our lives help to shape our individual values and beliefs.

11 Group Presentation on Steve Pavlina’s article on Values

12 Exercise Let us build the value set for this community

13 ValuesType

14 VALUES EDUCATION Play the PPT of the article by Dr. Neil Hawkes

15 Key questions? Can values be taught and learnt? Are we born with them? Is there an age limit to such learning?

16 Values Determine Behaviour &feature=related &feature=related – Refer to supporting video folder to download the video to your local hard drive and link &feature=related “Your values are the anchor that determine how you think, make decisions, feel and ultimately behave. Changing behaviors must begin with examining your internal core values. If you value things, prestige or ideas more than people and self, your choices and behavior will be poor and bring sorrow, loss and failure to your life as well as hurt those around you”

17 A Sample Set of Personal Values, Attitudes, Behaviors  Discipline, Prioritize, work hard  Humility, Fairness, Empathy  Kind, Generous, Giving  Honest, Truthful  Simple living  Respect, Politeness, Not hurting others  Treat others equally, avoid jealousy  Forgive and forget  Introspect and apologize even if not wrong.  Goal Oriented

18 A Sample Set of Spiritual Values Attitudes Behaviors  Discipline: Wake up at dawn. Do meditation at same time & place  Prayer: Begin with prayer for spiritual elevation  Fix a goal – complete oneness with God  Be truthful. Accept miseries as Gifts from God  Be plain and simple  Know all as children of God  Be not revengeful for wrongs done  Eat in divine thought  Mould life to rouse feeling of love & piety in others  Bed time, repent for wrongs committed

19 Exercise What are my three core values?

20 Self = Value + Goal Values Attitudes Behaviour SELF Aligning Values, Goals with the nature of real Self

21 VIRTUOUS CYCLE OF SELF DEVELOPMENT Having a Goal that is consistent with the real Self Refining values, beliefs and attitudes Gaining knowledge based on experience Practicing to become perfect

22 Values Matter Vc Vc – Refer to supporting video folder to download the video to your local hard drive and link Vc In a world where everybody is running and never walking, where we know the price of everything but have forgotten the value of life, we have decided to walk in order to celebrate and remind ourselves what we are made of: Love, Peace, Truth, Non-Violence, Right-Conduct. Let's turn anxiety into peace, fear into love, war into non-violence, exclusion into right-conduct. Let's walk hand in hand so that this world turns into our home... Walk for Values is an annual event that takes place worldwide to promote the goodness of human beings and the unlimited amount of values we posses. Ordinary people can do extraordinary things. Values Matter

23 In closing  Create a new habit based on one Value (Empathy)  Recognize and change a habit (Avoiding laziness)  Reminders  Meditate twice a day for 10 minutes  Diary Writing

24 In closing  Books recommended  O Henry’s short stories  Swami Vivekananda’s books  Next week - Speech by Dr. Elizabeth Denley from Australia - on ”The need to recognize and follow universal values” – Relevance of Values in Personal, Family, Social and Business Life.

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