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Prokaryotes Objectives: Know the Differences between Viruses and Bacteria How do viruses and bacteria cause disease?

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Presentation on theme: "Prokaryotes Objectives: Know the Differences between Viruses and Bacteria How do viruses and bacteria cause disease?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Prokaryotes Objectives: Know the Differences between Viruses and Bacteria How do viruses and bacteria cause disease?

2 What is a prokaryote? Prokaryotes are defined as “ unicellular organisms that lack a nucleus.” Unicellular means: that these are single celled organisms. “lack a nucleus” means that prokaryotes have genetic material (DNA) but it is not separated from the rest of the cell by a membrane.

3 Two Types of Prokaryotes Bacteria : 1) Larger Domain (more species) 2) Live almost everywhere 3) Have a cell wall made of peptidoglycan <-- E. Coli Bacteria

4 Peptidoglycan Found in the cell walls of bacteria, peptidoglycan is a polymer of amino acids that surrounds the cell membrane

5 Two Types of Prokaryotes Archaea No peptidoglycan in the cell walls Cell membranes have different lipids DNA is more like ours than bacteria Extremophiles


7 Structure of a Prokaryote

8 Prokaryote DNA

9 Shapes of Bacteria Spirilla: corkscrew shaped bacteria Cocci: spherical Bacilli: Rod- shaped

10 Structure: Virus vs. Prokaryote Viruses can come in different shapes, but do not have a means of locomotion and tend to be smaller and less complex.

11 Prokaryote Structure Come in different shapes, but are generally larger and more complex. Some have means of locomotion (movement) Have a cell wall and cell membrane

12 How would you design an antibiotic to target bacteria? You could target the peptidoglycan in the bacteria cell wall. When the wall is broken the bacteria will lyse (burst).

13 What bacteria need to survive? Prokaryotes need “ chemical energy ” in order to survive. Different types of bacteria use different sources of energy. Photoautotrophs use sunlight to photosynthesize.

14 Metabolisms Photoautotrophs need sunlight so they can make their own chemical energy. Heterotrophs consume other organisms or organic molecules for food

15 Do viruses have a metabolism?

16 Virus vs. Prokaryote: Metabolism Viruses invade cells when they encounter them, but do not have a metabolism Prokaryotes require chemical energy, of one type or another, to survive. <-- Flesh eating bacteria

17 Prokaryote Reproduction Binary Fission: (asexual reproduction) A bacterium grows to twice its size and divides into two daughters Conjugation: bacteria share DNA

18 Virus Reproduction Lytic Infection: Get into cell and reproduce until it bursts. Lysogenic Infection: Enter a cell and bind its DNA to the cell’s. When the cell reproduces so does the virus. Then the virus will enter the lytic cycle

19 Prokaryotes Alive? They respond to their environment, reproduce, have a metabolism, and grow. Definitely a living organism.

20 5 Second Rule?


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