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Bacteria, Virus, Amoeba, Plant, & Animal (Eukaryotic and Prokaryotic) 1/27/2014.

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Presentation on theme: "Bacteria, Virus, Amoeba, Plant, & Animal (Eukaryotic and Prokaryotic) 1/27/2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bacteria, Virus, Amoeba, Plant, & Animal (Eukaryotic and Prokaryotic) 1/27/2014

2 Prokaryotic, Unicellular, single celled, DNA without a Nucleus.

3 Unicellular, single celled, Prokaryotic, DNA with no nucleus

4 Eukaryotic, Unicellular, single celled, Nucleus

5 Has all the components of animal cells with some additional structures. Chloroplast - Uses sunlight to create food, photosynthesis (only found in plant cells), contains green pigment chlorophyll Cell Wall - outside the cell membrane of plants and some bacteria, the cell wall serves as support Central vacuole - large water container, helps maintain a turgor (stiffness) in the plant Plant Cell: cell.html Animal Cell Eukaryotic, Multicellular, many cells, Nucleus

6 Lilac Leaf Stomata Phloem Xylum

7 lab-1121-test-1/deck/7719008 Elodea Root Cortex Vascular

8 Flower Bud Bud leaf

9 Nerve Cells

10 Intestine

11 Lungs

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