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Chapter 13 Section 1.  In a bit more than 100 years, the Industrial Revolution converted Europe from a rural farming system to an urban industrialized.

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1 Chapter 13 Section 1

2  In a bit more than 100 years, the Industrial Revolution converted Europe from a rural farming system to an urban industrialized society.  Most people had more money and material goods than before.  There was a growing gap between the ‘haves’ and the ‘have-nots’

3  There was mush support for laissez-faire, a system which allows businesses to operate without government taxes and regulations.  1700s, French thinkers, or Physiocrats,think this would enable farmers to grow more produce.  Industrialists thought laissez-faire would improve economy and give more wealth to people.

4  1776- Adam Smith, Scotland, wrote “The Wealth of Nations” how laissez-faire would allow a natural force of supply and demand to benefit everyone.  Great Britain, by 1850s had begun free trade and free-market practices.  David Ricardo, Great Britain, thought it would create greater poverty for the working poor.  The benefits of the Industrial Revolution were not equal for all.

5 Adam SmithDavid Ricardo

6  Late 1700s to early 1800s, many Protestant churches began the Evangelical movement. Evangelicals believed they should help the poor obtain a better life.  Because of this movement, Great Britain abolished slavery in 1833.  Parliament also passed laws to protect children and women in the workforce.  Illegal for women & children to work in underground mines or work 10hr plus days.

7  British philosopher Jeremy Bentham believed in utilitarianism, the idea that society should work for “the greatest happiness for the greatest number” of citizens. Society should have:  Better system of laws  Education for everyone  Public health service  Improved prisons  John Stuart Mill agreed and wrote “On Liberty” about importance of individual freedom & democracy.

8  Many people in Europe believed in Socialism. They thought that capital, land, raw materials and factories should be owned and controlled by society.  In 1844 in Paris, German philosopher Karl Marx met Friedrich Engels, the son of a British industrialist. Engels wrote “The Condition of the Working Class in England”, based on horrible conditions he witnessed in his father’s factories.

9 MarxEngels

10  Marx based his beliefs on those of German philosopher G.W.F. Hegel. Both believed that progress and history were made when ideas changed because of conflict.  Marx also believed that laws, social systems, customs, religion and art all develop along with a society’s economy.  Economics is the study of economy – the production, distribution and use of goods and services.

11  Marx said that society was divided into classes and that the ruling class was the one controlling production.  He also said class struggle could not be avoided because everyone would always try to control production. Revolution was the only way to change who made up the ruling class.  Marx thought Europe had gone through four economic stages-primitive, slave, feudal & capitalist.

12  Since at the primitive stage people produced only what they needed to live, everyone was equal.  It was after the Primitive stage that society was divided into ‘haves’ and ‘have-nots’  Capitalism was just another stage and would not last forever.

13  The proletariat, or working class, was the class that was productive.  An economic crisis would give the proletariat the chance to get control away from the bourgeoisie, or middle class.  The proletariat would then build a society in which the people owned everything. Classes and government would disappear and a new stage, communism, would begin.  Marx and Engels wrote ‘The Communist Manifesto’, in 1848 to explain these ideas.


15  19 year later, Marx wrote more about it in ‘Das Kapital’.  As time went on, workers found themselves much better off than they had ever been.  They did not want to get rid of their governments, just change them.  They asked and got the right to vote. Democratic socialism became popular in most countries.

16  Democratic socialists wanted the people to control some parts of the production process, but respected individual rights and democratic ideas.  Early 1900s Russia- revolution takes place in the mostly agricultural society.  A few followers of Marx took control of the government and establish communism there.

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