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 Diversity in Technical Writing  Reader/Purpose/Situation.

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2  Diversity in Technical Writing  Reader/Purpose/Situation

3  3 general stages: planning multiple drafting revising  Not strictly linear  Personal writing process

4 Analyzing readers Who? Why? How? Attitude? Knowledge? Preferences?

5 Analyzing Purpose 1. What the writer wants the reader to know/do 2. What the reader(s) want(s) to know/do *Different readers could have different purposes

6 Analyzing Purpose  To instruct  To record  To inform (for decision making)  To inform (without decision making)  To recommend  To persuade  To interest

7 Analyzing the Writing Situation  Organization’s environment may help or hinder your writing 1. Roles & authority of you & readers 2. Communication atmosphere 3. Preferences for specific documents, formats, types of info 4. Org’s relationship w/ community, customers, competitors, unions, gov’t agencies

8 Analyzing the Writing Situation 5. gov’t regulations controlling actions and communication about those actions 6. Trade or professional associations with standards or ethical codes *Must work there to understand (each org. is a unique combo of individuals, systems, relationships, goals, and values)

9 Gathering Information 1. Accurate 2. Relevant to readers and purpose 3. Up-to-date or timely

10 Organizing the Information 1. Grouping info into topics  Obvious segments? (ex: stages of process)  Some info shares a major focus? (ex: cost)  Readers prefer same topics to appear? (ex: benefits as separate section)

11 Grouping Information Within a Topic Which order will enable the reader to: 1. Understand the material easily? (ex: product descriptions) 2. Use this document? (ex: instructions; decision making) 3. Accept this document? (ex: company memo)

12  Rough draft  Don’t worry about grammar, punctuation, spelling  Follow initial plan  Write quickly  Keep reader and purpose in mind

13  Content  Organization  Headings  Openings and closings  Graphic aids  Language  Reader usability

14 Remember that no one writes a perfect first draft!

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