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THE FOCUS CENTER What is is? Why are are we here?.

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Presentation on theme: "THE FOCUS CENTER What is is? Why are are we here?."— Presentation transcript:

1 THE FOCUS CENTER What is is? Why are are we here?

2 WHAT IS THE FOCUS CENTER?  A personalized classroom designed to help students  work on school routines  learn useful and practical skills  get help with academic subjects  strengthen their creativity  practice thinking strategies  develop positive relationships with peers and adults

3 WHO IS IN THE FOCUS CENTER?  Many kinds of students are here! They may be students who may:  Learn in unique ways  Have not yet discovered their learning style  Have something interfering with school success  Have a history of not liking school very much

4 WHAT WILL WE DO HERE? I will help you: Keep your materials organized. Set goals to be successful in your classes. Get tutoring in subjects you need help with. Learn practical skills such as typing, note-taking, public speaking Select books you might like to read Develop your creativity in areas like drawing and other crafts Learn skills useful in working with other people

5 WHAT ARE YOUR RIGHTS? As a student, you have certain rights here: You have the right to privacy. You have the right to get help without judgment. You have the right to be treated respectfully. You have the right to make mistakes. You have the right to be listened to when you are speaking.

6 WHAT ARE YOUR RESPONSIBILITIES? As a student, you have certain responsiblities here: You have the responsibility to do your best work. You have the responsibility to treat your teacher and classmates respectfully. You have the responsibility to help others. You have the responsibility to tell you teacher what you need. You have the responsibility to participate in all activities.

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