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Maximum Entropy … the fact that a certain prob distribution maximizes entropy subject to certain constraints representing our incomplete information, is.

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Presentation on theme: "Maximum Entropy … the fact that a certain prob distribution maximizes entropy subject to certain constraints representing our incomplete information, is."— Presentation transcript:

1 Maximum Entropy … the fact that a certain prob distribution maximizes entropy subject to certain constraints representing our incomplete information, is fundamental property which justifies use of that distribution for inference; it agrees with everything that is known, but carefully avoids assuming anything that is not known. It is a transcription into mathematics of an ancient principle of wisdom … (Jaynes, 1990) [from: A Maximum Entropy Approach to NLP by A.L.Berger, S.A.Della Pietra and V.J.Della Pietra, In Computational Linguistics, Vol. 22, Number 1, 1996]

2 Example Let us try to see how an expert would translate the English word ‘in’ into Italian  In = {in, dentro, di,, a}  If the translator selects always from this list than P(in) + P(dentro) + P(di) + P( ) +P(a) = 1  If no preference P(.) = 1/5  Suppose we notice that the translator chooses in or di in 30% of the cases. This changes our probabilities to: P(dentro) + P(di) = 0.3 and P(in) + P(di) + P(dentro) + P( ) + P(a) = 1

3 Example – cont. This will change the distribution as follows (the most uniform p satisfying these constraints):  P(dentro) = 3/20 and P(di) = 3/20  P(in) = P( ) = P(a) = 7/30 Suppose we inspect the data further and we not another interesting fact: in half of the cases the expert chooses either in or di. So:  P(dentro) + P(di) = 0.3  P(in) + P(di) + P(dentro) + P( ) + P(a) = 1  P(in) + P(di) = 0.5 Which is in such case the most uniform p?

4 Example - motivation How can we measure the uniformity of a model? Even if we answer the previous question, how do we determine the parameters of such model? Maximum Entropy answers the questions: model everything that is known and assume nothing about what is unknown.

5 Aim Construct a statistical model of the process that generated the training sample P(x,y); P(y|x)… given a context x, the prob that the system will output y.

6 Feature that ‘in’ is translated as ‘a’

7 The expected value of f with respect to the empirical distribution is exactly the statistics we are interested in. The expected value is:

8 The expected value of f with respect to the model is:

9 Constraint: The expected values of the model and of the training sample must be the same:

10 What does uniform mean? The mathematical measure of the uniformity of a conditional distribution P(y|x) is provided by the conditional entropy H(Y|X)=P(X,Y)*ΣP(Y|X), here marked as H(P). Joint probability of x and y

11 The Maximum Entropy Principle observedexpected

12 Maximizing the Entropy … Lagrange ?

13 The Algorithm 1 Input: features, empirical distribution Output: optimal parameter values

14 Step 2a. For constant feature counts

15 The Algorithm 1 Revisited Input: features, empirical distribution Output: optimal parameter values

16 The Algorithm 2 – Feature Selection Input: Collection F of candidate features, empirical distribution P(x,y) Output: Set S of active features and a model P incorporatin g these features

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