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Missed Opportunities My Perceptions ! Martin Bekkeheien Statoil FORCE, 08.04.2002.

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Presentation on theme: "Missed Opportunities My Perceptions ! Martin Bekkeheien Statoil FORCE, 08.04.2002."— Presentation transcript:

1 Missed Opportunities My Perceptions ! Martin Bekkeheien Statoil FORCE, 08.04.2002

2 The Norwegian Continental Shelf

3 Wealthy Norway; Easy come – easy go !

4 From Nothing to Something in less than one generation Operators of production in 50+ m water depthsStrong positions Pipelines and terminals Crude marketing Gas marketing Offshore loading Methanol and GTL Gas to Bio-protein LNG

5 The Context Geopolitical Cold War, Middle East…….. => Terrorism National protection………….=> WTO, remove barriers European Economic growth Energy security……………….=> Sustainability National Industrial capabilities……….=> Lack of visionary National ownership… Leadership Industry NOC protection………………..=> Competition 7 sisters………………………….=> Mega majors Markets Seller’s …………………………..=> Buyer’s OPEC – high oil prices………=> ????? ?

6 NCS - How we create value Economic rent Economic rent Economic performance Economic performance  People  Competencies  Technologies  Effective Practices  Learning and Improving  Sharing, Networking Synergies in Education, R&D, Capability Building Synergies in Education, R&D, Capability Building

7 The bridge to the ”new economy” Industrial Based Value Creation Information and Knowledge Based Value Creation NCS Bridge Industrial ”heavy” GDP 20th century Services and Knowledge ”heavy” GDP 21th century Knowledge intensive Technology intensive IKT intensive Environmental challenges Global Industry / Business

8 Missed Opportunities Investments in Education and R&D Investments in Education and R&D Equity Capital and Ownership Institutions Equity Capital and Ownership Institutions Turning a unique cluster into Competitive Advantage Turning a unique cluster into Competitive Advantage Enhanced NCS value creation Enhanced NCS value creation The looser: The Norwegian Society We have Money – but lack Leadership! The looser: The Norwegian Society We have Money – but lack Leadership!

9 Requires a new scale of collaboration !! Requires a new scale of collaboration !!  Government => Leadership, funds and policies  Industry  Universities Challenges; Challenges;  Execution, performance and accountability  Perceptions, mindset, culture Competitive Educational Institutions Attracting talents Project Based Learning Education and Life Long learning - integration Student projects Dr. thesis projects E-learning / Simulators

10 Can FORCE influence ? ???????????????????? ???????????????????? !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

11 Care - Think - Act !

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