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Democracy v.s. Autocracy “By the people for the people” “Rule by one”

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2 Democracy v.s. Autocracy “By the people for the people” “Rule by one”

3 Rise of Democratic Ideals Developed in Athens, Greece around 431 B.C.Developed in Athens, Greece around 431 B.C. Greek philosophers (Pericles, Socrates, Plato and Aristotle) contributed to early democratic ideals.Greek philosophers (Pericles, Socrates, Plato and Aristotle) contributed to early democratic ideals.

4 Roman Influence on Democracy The first republic was established in RomeThe first republic was established in Rome Officials-including the heads of government-were elected by citizens of Rome.Officials-including the heads of government-were elected by citizens of Rome. Not a true democracy. Not everybody in Rome was a citizen.Not a true democracy. Not everybody in Rome was a citizen.

5 English Common Law England was ruled by Kings and Queens called Monarchs.England was ruled by Kings and Queens called Monarchs. King John was forced to sign the Magna Carta or Great Charter in 1215.King John was forced to sign the Magna Carta or Great Charter in 1215. The Magna Carta took power away from the monarch and gave power to the people.The Magna Carta took power away from the monarch and gave power to the people. 1295 Parliament was created. The House of Lords and the House of Commons.1295 Parliament was created. The House of Lords and the House of Commons.

6 English Common Law Continued Monarchs believed in the Divine Right of Kings “If God had approved their rule, who was Parliament to question them?”Monarchs believed in the Divine Right of Kings “If God had approved their rule, who was Parliament to question them?” 1689 the Bill of Rights was established. It listed rules that would bind future monarchs.1689 the Bill of Rights was established. It listed rules that would bind future monarchs.

7 English Common Law Continued The Petition or Right-Charles I was forced to sign this document that did 2 important things.The Petition or Right-Charles I was forced to sign this document that did 2 important things. 1) King could not collect forced loans or levy new taxes without the consent of Parliament. 2) King can not quarter his troops without the owners consent.

8 English Common Law Continued Restoration-The Monarchy was restored to power following the rule of Oliver Cromwell. King Charles II was made king by a decree from ParliamentRestoration-The Monarchy was restored to power following the rule of Oliver Cromwell. King Charles II was made king by a decree from Parliament Glorious Revolution-James II invited his daughter Mary and her son William to rule England. No bloodshed.Glorious Revolution-James II invited his daughter Mary and her son William to rule England. No bloodshed.

9 Enlightened Thinkers NATURAL RIGHTS- Life, Liberty and Property.NATURAL RIGHTS- Life, Liberty and Property. CONSENT OF THE GOVERNED-the government must have the consent of the governed or the people have the……CONSENT OF THE GOVERNED-the government must have the consent of the governed or the people have the…… RIGHT TO REBEL-if the government doesn’t have the consent of the governed then the people have the right to rebel.RIGHT TO REBEL-if the government doesn’t have the consent of the governed then the people have the right to rebel. JOHN LOCKE


11 Enlightened Thinkers ROUSSEAU SOCIAL CONTRACT People would willingly give up some of their rights in order to be allowed to VOTE on key decisions, and society would accept MAJORITY WILL.

12 Enlightened Thinkers VOLTAIRE FREEDOM OF RELIGION, SPEECH AND THOUGHT “I may not agree with you, but I shall defend to the death, your right to say it.”

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