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Eng 1 The market leading Scandinavian chicken-based food company Company Presentation 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "Eng 1 The market leading Scandinavian chicken-based food company Company Presentation 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 Eng 1 The market leading Scandinavian chicken-based food company Company Presentation 2015

2 22 We inspire people to chose healthy and environmentally friendly chicken. ”Get Scandinavians to eat chicken once more per week!”

3 3 Long-term growth in global chicken consumption driven by strong fundamental trends 3 % Annual growth Population growth Accepted by All major religions Popular With young people Convenience Health aspects Environmentally friendly Developing economies Urbanisation Affordable Source of protein Source: OECD FOA Agricultural Outlook. Note: Poultry is largely constituted by chicken.

4 4 OECD prediction: Half of global consumption of protein will be chicken meat 50%50% 50%50%

5 5 High growth potential in the Scandinavian market for chicken-based food products Per capita konsumtion av kyckling Growth EU average 45 kg/person/year 29 kg/person/year 25 kg/person/year 19 kg/person/year 20 kg/person/year USA: UK: Denmark: Norway: Sweden:

6 6 Efficient production will continue to underpin relative affordability of chicken Low feed to meat conversion from chicken... Feed conversion ratio (kg feed per kg live weight) …and shorter growing period… (days)

7 77 Scandi Standard – A Scandinavian chicken-based food company Sales more than MSEK 5,200 Employees 1,660. Largest chicken producer in the Nordic region. Produces 100 million chicken annually. Customers within retail, foodservice and industry. Produces, markets and sells chilled, frozen and value-added chicken products. in Swedenin Denmark in Norway #2 #1#1#1#1 #1#1#1#1

8 8 Excellent, long-standing client relationships across all sales channels 56% Of sales 21% Of sales 4% Of sales 16% Of sales FoodserviceIndustryExportRetail

9 9 Diversified, stable sales Product categories Sales channels Brands / Private label Norway 23% Denmark 40% Sweden 37% Group

10 10 Our well-known brands

11 11 Comprehensive portfolio of high quality products Frozen Chilled WholeCutsFurther processedReady meal solutions Drives value and profitability

12 12 Our production Offices and HQ Other production Main production Sweden In total: 80 million chickens per year Kronfågel: 43 million chickens per year SweHatch: 52 million day-old chicks per year Bosarpkyckling: 200 000 chicken per year Skånefågel: Slaughtering capacity of 1.5 million chicken/hens per year Denmark In total: 100 million chicken per year Danpo: 55 million chicken per year Norway In total: 50 million chicken per year Den Stolte Hane: 15.5 million chicken per year

13 13 Healthy white meat is a forceful protein with low levels of fat and full of nutrition. Free of salmonella Chicken that is being bred in line with one of the most strict animal protection rules in the world. Chicken feed which is free from fishmeal and growth antibiotics. Scandinavian chicken is unique Environmentally friendly and sustainable food, as chicken generates a low amount of carbon dioxide. Our responsibility is to never compromise with quality or food safety, and to find ways to lower our impact on the environment. Professionally and efficiently produced chicken with high traceability.

14 14 Scandi Standard

15 15 Scandi Standard is the driving force behind sector consolidation 19501970199119931995199920002005200620082011 Foundation of Arne Magnussen AS Foundation of Norsk Kylling AS Scandinavian Poultry acquires 100% of Danpo, i.e. Danpo and Kronfågel belong to the same group Lantmännen aquires SweChick AB and SweHatch AB Lantmännen acquires a 91% stake in Spira, the majority owner of Scandinavian Poultry (remaining 9% acquired in 2007) 2013 Scandi Standard established Latest step in the ongoing consolidation of the Scandinavian market for chicken-based food products Creation of the category leader of scale with presence in all Scandinavian countries focused on branded food products and innovation Long history on each market – with up to 60 years in Norway Kronfågel and Danpo have belonged to the same group since 1995, and Cardinal Foods has been consistent since 2006 Lantmännen has been a principal owner since 2005 Further implementation of best practices throughout the group since 2013 Completion of the Valla Facility Divestment of Norsk Kylling to Rema 1000 Foundation of Vestfold Fugl AS Acquisition of Den Stolte Hane AS and Jærkylling AS Foundation of AB Kronfågel Aquisition of AB Kronfågel by Scandinavian Poultry Foundation of Cardinal Foods AS, Foundation of Den Stolte Hane AS Expansion of the Støren and Jæren facilities Foundation of Jærkylling AS

16 16 Production life cycle 1. Growing of parent stock birds… …gives a parent stock of females and males 2. Hatching egg production The females lays fertile eggs 3. Hatchery The eggs are being incubated and the day old broiler chicks are being hatched 4. Broiler growing Day old chicks are grown to market weight 5. Feed mills… …delivers different type of feeds 6. Slaughter 7. Further processing Cut up, deboning and further processing leads to value added products 8. Packaging 9. Distribution

17 17 Management Group Procurement Manager K Lange Group CFO J Mason Group COO P A Jensen Country Manager Sweden Kronfågel M Lagergren Country Manager Denmark Danpo J Bjerregaard Country Manager Norway Cardinal Foods F Strømmen Live animals T Saksala = Member of Operational Board CFO Norway H Røstad Group Communications J Fridh Group CEO L B Hansen Group HR K Jansson

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