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The Proof 1 The business case for newspaper advertising as part of the media mix.

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1 The Proof 1 The business case for newspaper advertising as part of the media mix

2 2 Karine Chik Marketing Manager, Dairylea Lunchables “National Newspapers played a key role in the re-launch of Dairylea Lunchables. We wanted mums to take a fresh look at the Lunchables range and understand it has improved nutritionals and is a better sandwich alternative for kids than before, whilst still being fun and convenient. By using several, single-minded executions, the newspaper ads enabled us to communicate the brand’s improved nutritional credentials. The brand tracking indicates that the newspaper ads not only communicated in their own right but also strengthened the performance of the TV campaign, improving takeout of key messages. Pleasingly there was also some evidence that the newspaper campaign boosted sales, bringing in new trialists during the campaign and for a short period afterwards..” Dairylea Lunchables The client’s view

3 3 Newspapers drove 10.5% sales uplift during and 7.6% post campaign Newspapers triggered 13.4% uplift in new customers Adding newspapers delivered 3 times the increase in buying Brand involvement up 6% points with TV + NP Adding newspapers significantly improved response to the TV ad Adding multiple newspaper executions increased Call to Action by 175%, created 4 times the emotional Brand Values and doubled Re-appraisal Dairylea Lunchables Headline results

4 4 Dairylea Lunchables Test Hypothesis: Newspapers are perfect partners to TV TV and national newspapers are the perfect partnership They are processed in different but complementary ways: TV is more passive, newspapers involve active processing Both media are heavily consumed in the evening Media profiles are complementary Together, the brand impact should be stronger than either medium separately

5 5 Dairylea Lunchables The creative work Newspaper creative TV creative

6 6 Dairylea Lunchables Test detail Media Plan FebMarAprMay£m Media Target audience: Female shoppers with children aged 5-10 TV – 30 sec1.1 Newspapers1.3 Research Dates Millward Brown Pre-wave Post wave Research sample: Mums with children aged 5-12 Media Source: NMR/BARB/NRS 528 TVRs Campaign objectives To re-launch Dairylea Lunchables as the sandwich alternative that’s nutritionally balanced and fun, by communicating that the range is wholegrain, contains calcium and has no artificial colours. 450 GRPs

7 Dairylea Lunchables 7 The findings

8 8 Dairylea Lunchables National newspapers drive extra 10.5% sales uplift Source: dunnhumby Newspaper advertising effect on Sales % increase During Post 10.5 7.6

9 9 Dairylea Lunchables Newspaper advertising brings in new buyers Source: dunnhumby Newspaper Advertising effect on New Trialists % increase relative to control 13.4

10 10 Dairylea Lunchables Three times the increase in buying by adding newspapers Dairylea Lunchables Buying Bought in last 12 months % Pre to Post % points increase 59 52 47 66 57 45 Pre-wave Post-wave +2+5+7 Pre-wave Post-wave Pre-wave Post-wave TV solus Any NP TV + NP

11 11 Dairylea Lunchables Brand commitment increased Brand Commitment Likelihood to choose Pre to Post % points increase – Top 2 Box% 47 46 51 40 Pre-wave Post-wave +6+4 Pre-wave Post-wave TV solus TV + NP

12 12 Dairylea Lunchables Stronger brand involvement with TV + newspapers Brand Involvement Someone I like Pre to Post % points increase – Top 2 Box % 48 42 27 54 45 27 Pre-wave Post-wave +0+3+6 Pre-wave Post-wave Pre-wave Post-wave TV solus Any NP TV + NP

13 13 Dairylea Lunchables TV and newspaper combination shifts brand image Brand Image % endorsing Dairylea Lunchables Pre to Post % points increase Made from natural ingredients Good value for money A high quality brand 0 3 13 6 6 0 TV solusTV + NP

14 14 Dairylea Lunchables Newspaper ads achieve double print recognition Recognition – Newspaper ads % recognising Dairylea Lunchables 20 40 Millward Brown Print Norm (326 ads)

15 15 Dairylea Lunchables Simple imagery, clear branding & vivid colour assist standout Newspaper ads - % agreeing Very eye-catchingI’d stop and look at rather than turn the page 80 61 42 95 MB UK Norm Dairylea Lunchables

16 16 Dairylea Lunchables Seeing newspaper ads makes TV ad more engaging Pleasant GentleIrritating Soothing Unpleasant Disturbing Millward Brown – TV Involvement Diagnostics Millward Brown Norm (Base: 698 TV ads) -+ Added effect of NP +5 +15 Recognise TV only Distinctive Interesting Weak Ordinary Boring Involving Recognise TV + NP -15

17 17 Dairylea Lunchables Adding newspapers increases TV branding Branding Definitely remember ad was for Dairylea Lunchables % TV solus 69 90 76 70 TV + NPAny NPTV + NP TV adNewspaper Ads +20+7

18 18 Dairylea Lunchables Newspaper ads enhance TV ad take-out TV Advertising Strongly suggests % answering Added effect of NP TV + NP TV solus Contains calcium Contains wholegrain Contains no added colourings or flavours New and improved range 55 32 -2 +4 +6 +17 Substantial enough to replace sandwich +23 73 56 75 69 84 80 86 88

19 19 Dairylea Lunchables Multiple executions communicate powerfully Newspaper Advertising Strongly suggests % answering 77 67 63 64 41 Contains calcium Contains wholegrain Contains no added colourings or flavours New and improved range Substantial enough to replace sandwich

20 20 Dairylea Lunchables Newspaper ads strengthen TV performance Response to TV ads % agreeing 65 86 77 86 73 82 70 88 80 TV + NP TV solus 74 Contains calcium Contains wholegrain Contains no added colourings or flavours New and improved range Substantial enough to replace sandwich

21 21 Dairylea Lunchables Newspapers provide strong call to action Advertising measures – Call to action Gives me a reason to go out and buy Top Box % - agree strongly % TV solus 38 TV + 1 NP ad 20 55 TV + 2 or 3 NP ads

22 22 Dairylea Lunchables Depth of information enhanced by media combination Advertising measures – Depth of information Gives me enough information to decide Top Box - agree strongly % TV solus 51 TV + 1 NP ad 40 65 TV + 2 or 3 NP ads

23 23 Dairylea Lunchables Re-appraisal doubled by adding newspapers Advertising measures – Re-appraisal Surprising and gets me to think differently Top Box - agree strongly % TV solus 43 TV + 1 NP ad 28 57 TV + 2 or 3 NP ads

24 24 Dairylea Lunchables Emotional engagement enhance by relevant editorial Advertising measures – Brand Values Helps me to connect and identify more strongly Top Box - agree strongly % TV solus 45 TV + 1 NP ad 14 55 TV + 2 or 3 NP ads

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