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200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 American Revolution American Revolution Cont… Post.

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Presentation on theme: "200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 American Revolution American Revolution Cont… Post."— Presentation transcript:

1 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 American Revolution American Revolution Cont… Post Revolutionary War Ohio Indian Wars Hodge Podge

2 Ended the French and Indian War

3 Treaty of Paris 1763

4 Indian Response to the French loss in the French and Indian War

5 Fear of Westward expansion or Pontiacs Rebellion

6 Granted the Ohio Region to Quebec

7 Quebec Act

8 All gov’t positions appointed by the King or Governor

9 Massachusetts Gov’t Act

10 Battle of Point Pleasant took place in this “War”

11 Lord Dunmore’s War

12 This colonial organization boycotted British goods and sent a list of grievances to the King

13 1 st Continental Congress

14 Governing body managed the colonial war effort and issued the Declaration of Independence

15 2 nd Cont. Congress

16 The only Revolutionary War fort build in Ohio

17 Fort Laurens

18 Led by Col. David Williamson, 28 men, 29 women and 30 children all Indians were killed

19 Gnadenhutten Massacre

20 The United States now has its own colonial territory as a result of this…

21 Treaty of Paris 1783

22 “The colonies were to be regarded as an extension of the mother country” is a description of this…

23 The Northwest Territory

24 The Territorial government was structured in this…

25 Northwest Ordinance

26 Congressional Indian policy in the NW Territory

27 Conquest

28 The Shawnee were left out of this Treaty but the other Indian Minor Chiefs were liquored up and signed away their lands for protection in return

29 Treaty of Fort McIntosh

30 Shawnee will meet at the mouth of the Miami River and were also liquored up and threatened with war if they did not give up their lands in Southwest Ohio and Indiana

31 Treaty of Fort Finney

32 Provided the Ohio Indians with war making materials

33 The British

34 First Governor of the Northwest Territory

35 Gov. Arthur St. Clair

36 Defeated at the Maumee River by Little Turtle of the Miami Tribe

37 Brig. Gen. Josiah Harmar

38 Will suffer the worst defeat ever dealt to the US Army at the hands of the Indians

39 St. Clair

40 Built Fort Greene Ville and will defeat the Indians ending the Ohio Indian Wars

41 “Mad” Anthony Wayne

42 The battle of Anthony Wayne’s victory over the Indians ending the Ohio Indian Wars

43 Fallen Timbers

44 Seen as a traitor and switched sides to help the Indians and British in the American Revolution

45 Capt. Henry Bird

46 Fighting in the Ohio region during this war was seen as… “viciousness and spiteful revenge”

47 The American Revolution

48 According to the NW Ordinance the NW Territory was to have this many states

49 3 but no more than 5

50 This set the ground work for the public land system in Ohio and every state to follow except Texas

51 The Land Ordinance of 1785

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