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Blood on the River A book by Elisa Carbone.

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Presentation on theme: "Blood on the River A book by Elisa Carbone."— Presentation transcript:

1 Blood on the River A book by Elisa Carbone

2 What the book is about Blood on the River is about a young boy name Samuel Collier, James Town, the Powhatan Indian Empire, and the war between the Indians and colonists.

3 Characters Main Character Other Main Characters Other Characters
Samuel Other Main Characters Captain Smith Reverend Hunt Namontack Richard Other Characters Pocahontas Chief Powhatan Captain Newport Captain Ratcliffe Master Wingfield

4 Settings Main Setting Other Main Setting Other Settings Time
James Town Other Main Setting Werowocomoco village Warraskoyack village Point Comfort Other Settings London, England Carribbean Sea 'Tween Deck Time

5 Conflict and Solution The conflict is that Samuel hates James Town and Virginia. The solution is that he becomes friends with Captain John Smith and the Powhatan Indians.

6 Rising Action 1 The Susan Constant, Godspeed, and Discovery land at Virginia. The colonists want to search for gold first, but they get settled and build James Town first.

7 Rising Action 2 The Indians in Virginia treat the colonists friendly and trade a lot of food for copper and glass beads. One night, an enemy tribe attacks James Town. several people were injured, and one was dead.

8 Rising Action 3 James Town becomes part of the Powhatan Empire, making the Indians and the colonists friends towards each other. Pocahontas, the princess, visits James Town.

9 Climax King James forces the colonists to crown Chief Powhatan as a prince under King James. Chief Powhatan becomes infuriated, starting a war between the colonists and Indians.

10 Falling Action 1 Samuel goes to the Warraskoyack village for about a year and gets used to life there. When he is supposed to leave, he looks like an Indian and Richard couldn't recognize him.

11 Falling Action 2 Samuel goes to Point Comfort during the winter. They have more than enough food there for all of the people. Meanwhile, in James Town, massacre occurs and most of the colonists are killed by Indians or starved, causing them to eat their pets, dead bodies, and their clothing.

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