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STREAM MONITORING CASE STUDY. Agenda  Monitoring Requirements  TMDL Requirements  OCEA Initial Monitoring Program  Selection of Parameters  Data.

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Presentation on theme: "STREAM MONITORING CASE STUDY. Agenda  Monitoring Requirements  TMDL Requirements  OCEA Initial Monitoring Program  Selection of Parameters  Data."— Presentation transcript:


2 Agenda  Monitoring Requirements  TMDL Requirements  OCEA Initial Monitoring Program  Selection of Parameters  Data Collection and Usage  Q & A

3 Monitoring Requirements  Submit MS4 program monitoring plan to the Division of Water for approval before the end of the permit period  Once approved, the MS4 program monitoring plan must be implemented in the following permit period

4 Monitoring Plan  An effective MS4 program monitoring plan should include:  Effluent monitoring of pollutants  Monitoring of pollutants and conditions  In-stream biological monitoring  Monitoring of other parameters or conditions

5 TMDL Requirements  If a TMDL is approved for an impaired waterbody into which the permitted MS4 discharges and for which the MS4 causes or contributes to water quality impairment(s), the Division of Water will:  Review the TMDL and applicable WLAs  Notify the permittee if current discharges from the MS4 are not meeting TMDL allocations  Require a modified SWQMP  Require the MS4 to obtain an individual MS4 permit in order to meet TMDL requirements

6 TMDL Requirements  After establishment of an approved TMDL for a pollutant of concern in the permitee’s stormwater discharges during this permit term the permitee should:  Identify the impaired stream segment(s) and/or tributaries to those impaired stream segments and the location of all known MS4 major outfalls discharging a pollutant of concern under the TMDL to those segments or occurring within those segments.  Evaluate the discharge load associated with the identified MS4 major outfalls  Prior to any reopening of this permit under Part III.C., the permittee shall consider and propose to the maximum extent practicable applicable and appropriate best management practices guided by the wasteload goal of the TMDL, and a schedule of implementation for those Best Management Practices.  Pursue a variance or exceptions based upon a use attainability analysis or the criteria for exceptions set forth in 401 KAR 10:031.  Applicable limitations, conditions and requirements contained in the TMDL are also to be addressed in the SWQMP

7 TMDL Requirements  Impaired waters lacking a TMDL, the permittee shall evaluate its Best Management Practices in the SWQMP with respect to any new or expanded MS4 discharges for pollutants of concern to ensure effectiveness of post construction control requirements to achieve the MEP standard.


9 OCEA Initial Monitoring Program  Initial monitoring points based on:  Urbanized area locations  Current TMDL streams  Additional impaired streams in the county




13 OCEA Initial Monitoring Program  Streams with TMDLs and/or impairments included two runs of Harrod’s Creek  Pond Creek is impaired and may have a TMDL at some point  Huckleberry Creek had failing septic system discharging  Recent Floyd’s Fork TMDL proposed for bacteria; a second TMDL is currently under development for nutrients  North Fork Curry’s Fork, South Fork Curry’s Fork, Curry’s Fork, and Asher’s Run all flow to Floyd’s Fork

14 Adding a New Co-permitee  City of La Grange became a co-permitee with Oldham County in 2010  Sample Locations expanded to include points within La Grange


16 TMDL Requirements  The permittee shall develop and implement an appropriate monitoring program that evaluates the effectiveness of the BMPs to address the TMDL. An effective monitoring program could include:   a. Effluent monitoring at selected outfalls that are representative of particular land uses or geographical areas that contribute to pollutant loading before and after implementation of stormwater control measures; or   b. Monitoring of pollutants of concern in receiving waterbodies, both upstream and downstream of MS4 discharges, over an extended period of time; or   c. In-stream biological monitoring at appropriate locations to demonstrate the recovery of biological communities after implementation of stormwater control measures.   The program including monitoring strategies, locations, frequencies, and methods shall be submitted to the Division of Water for approval within 12 months of the approval date of the TMDL. Details of the monitoring plan and monitoring data should be included in the annual report required by the MS4 permit.


18 Selection of Parameters  Field Parameters  Conventional Parameters  Bacteria  Nutrients  Metals  Other Parameters

19 Field Parameters  Ph  Specific Conductivity  Dissolved Oxygen  Temperature Conventional Parameters  BOD  Total Suspended Solids

20 Bacteria  E-coli  Fecal Coliform  Enterococci Nutrients  Nitrate/Nitrite  Ammonia Nitrogen  Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen  Phosphorus, Total

21 Metals  Cadmium  Copper  Lead  Zinc

22 Other Parameters  Total Dissolved Solids  Oil/Grease  Phenols  COD  The Above Parameters Can Be Used As Indicators In An IDDE Program

23 OCEA Stream Monitoring Data

24 Data Use  Establish Background Levels  Determine Potential Pollutant Sources (IDDE)  Incorporate Into GIS Database  Public Education/Website Public Education/Website  Formal Permit- Required Reporting i.e. TMDL

25 Q & A

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