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Chemistry Chapter 1 Matter and Change. I. What is Chem *Chem: *Chemical: *Quantitative: *Qualitative:

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Presentation on theme: "Chemistry Chapter 1 Matter and Change. I. What is Chem *Chem: *Chemical: *Quantitative: *Qualitative:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Chemistry Chapter 1 Matter and Change

2 I. What is Chem *Chem: *Chemical: *Quantitative: *Qualitative:

3 -Branches of Chem: 1. Organic 2. Inorganic 3. Physical 4. Biochemistry 5. Analytical Chem

4 -Scientific Method 1. State the Problem 2. Gather Information 3. Form a hypothesis 4. Test the hypothesis 5. Record and Analyze Results 6. Conclusion

5 -Sci. Method: *Hypoth: *Law: *Theory:

6 II. Matter and Its Properties -Matter: has mass & occ space 1. Occupy space 2. Experience ineritia *Ineritia: resist change

7 *weight: (mass)(gravity) *mass: amount of matter *Law of Conservationof Mass

8 -NRG *ability to do work * ability to create a force over a distance some time in the future ~Chem deals mostly with 1. Thermal 2. Radiant 3. Electric

9 *kinetic nrg= (.5)(m)(v) 2 nrg of motion *potential nrg= (m)(g)(h) nrg do to position

10 -Law of Conservation of NRG (1st) -States of Matter 1. Solid 2. Liquid 3. Gas 4. Plasma **See Website Ex’s**

11 -Properties & Changes *can be used to classify subst 1. Physical: observ or measure without alter ident of the material. ex: color 2. Chemical: change that alters ident ex: burn wood, rust iron

12 *Chem Rxn: pg13 *Reactans yields Products A + B ----> AB *Exother: acid + HOH -->heat + ??? *Endother: ice + heat ---> HOH

13 Indicators of Chem Rxn’s 1. Produce heat & light 2. Produce gas 3. Produce precipitate **K Demo** *precip.: solid formed from a solution

14 III. Classification of Matter -Mixture *Heterogeneous: pg 16 ex: veg. soup, clay + water *Homogeneous / Solutions: pg16 ex: air, salt HOH

15 *Homogeneous / Solutions: pg16 ex: air, salt HOH ~components of any mixture can be separated from each other by physical methods

16 -Pure Substances 1. Same property 2. Same composition 3. Can not be separated without changing the ident ex: electrolysis

17 *element: ex: K, Pb *chem. Cmpnd:ex: HOH, sugar *Law of Definite Composition: ex: CH 4 C=75% H=25%

18 IV. Chemical Elements *Groups: vert *Periods: horz -Symbols:

19 -Types of Elements (pg21) 1. Metals: 2. Nonmetals: 3. Metalloids: 4. Noble Gas:

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