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06/02/2016radiation safety - level 51 Radiation safety level 5 Frits Pleiter.

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1 06/02/2016radiation safety - level 51 Radiation safety level 5 Frits Pleiter

2 06/02/2016radiation safety - level 52 Contents  atomic and nuclear physics(1)  interaction with matter(3) o sources and x-ray equipment (2) o shielding (3) o detection (4) o radiobiology (6) objective risk of radiation (6) subjective risk acceptation (6)  quantities and units(5)  regulations(7) o practical health physics (8 - 10) o waste (11)

3 06/02/2016radiation safety - level 53 Quantities and units activity = disintegrations / time(A)becquerel(Bq) exposure = charge / mass(X)röntgen(R) absorbed dose = energy / mass(D)gray(Gy) equivalent dose(H)sievert(Sv) effective dose(E)sievert(Sv) commited dose(E(50))sievert(Sv)

4 06/02/2016radiation safety - level 54 Quantities and units H T = w R  D T w R = radiation weighting factor E =  T w T  H T w T = tissue weighting factor  T w T = 1 E(50) = e(50)  Ae(50) = effective dose coefficient E(50) is summed over 50 year E(50) is attributed to the year of intake

5 06/02/2016radiation safety - level 55 Quantities and units radiation weighting factor typew R  -radiation20  -radiation 1  -radiation 1 neutrons 5 - 20(depending on energy)

6 06/02/2016radiation safety - level 56 Quantities and units tissue weighting factor organw T gonades0.20 bone marrrow0.12 large intestine0.12 lungs0.12 stomach0.12 bladder0.05 breast tissue0.05 liver0.05 oesophagus0.05 thyroid0.05 skin0.01 bone surface0.01 remainder0.05

7 06/02/2016radiation safety - level 57 Quantities and units appropriate language what is meant by a dose of 2 Sv on the thyroid an absorbed dose of 2 Gy on the thyroid ? for the unit of dose is gray an equivalent dose of 2 Sv on the thyroid ? in that case the effective dose was 0.05  2 = 0.10 Sv an effective dose of 2 Sv due to an irradiation of the thyroid ? in that case the equivalent thyroid dose was 2 / 0.05 = 40 Sv

8 06/02/2016radiation safety - level 58 Quantities and units orders of magnitude activity in human body8.5 kBq activity handled in radionuclide laboratory1 kBq - 1 GBq activity used for medical diagnostics10 MBq - 1 GBq activity used for medical therapy100 MBq - 100 TBq annual dose from natural background1.6 mSv annual dose from medical diagnistics0.8 mSv annual limit for normal workers1 mSv annual limit for exposed workers 20 mSv lethal dose> 5 Sv

9 06/02/2016radiation safety - level 59 Quantities and units natural background radiation

10 06/02/2016radiation safety - level 510 Quantities and units radiation at large altitude

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