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Welcome to the Year 2 Briefing

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to the Year 2 Briefing"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to the Year 2 Briefing
Testing and Assessment Arrangements for the end of Year 2

2 End of KS1 Assessments National assessments
Pupils are assessed in 2 ways: Tests & Teacher Assessment using the Interim Framework

3 New Tests for Year 2 Throughout May 2016….
2 Reading papers – comprehension focus 1 harder than the other but all children must take both tests Spelling test Grammar & Punctuation paper Arithmetic paper – pure maths – number understanding, place value, counting & formal methods of addition/subtraction etc Maths Reasoning paper- 5 mental maths questions then 30 minutes of using and applying questions

4 Interim Framework – What is it?
The Standards and Testing Agency has introduced an interim assessment for this year A set of expectations to be used by teachers at the end of Key Stage One to teacher assess how children have achieved against their curriculum It needed to be introduced as levels no longer matched the new curriculum

5 What are the standards? Under the umbrella of Key Stage One –
Pre – key stage standard Working towards expected standard Working at the expected standard Working in greater depth

6 How does the assessment work?
Teacher assessment is used in the same way – building up a picture of your child’s classwork, (the tests in May are used to help to support the judgements made by the teacher) It has “I can” statements and your child will need to have all of these to be assessed at the standard The proceeding standard/s must also have evidence for them covered to be at the given standard

7 What does it mean for my child?
In class, teachers are still teaching the National Curriculum and using school assessments but know and understand the framework to give the right opportunities for the children to meet their targets If they have an area they find tricky, it is no longer best fit, so they couldn’t be awarded something unless it is all covered. Spelling, handwriting, maths … help at home advice

8 Spelling

9 New Curriculum/New Expectations
Age related spelling patterns Age related ‘common exception words’ Regular assessment of independent use within English writing

10 What we do in school… Spelling Board in classroom Morning/Booktime work Handwriting Access resources Individual Word books Additional provision

11 Common Exception Words


13 Handwriting Key skills your child needs by the end of the year.
Letters correctly formed using a cursive form. Lower case letters all sizes accurately. Upper case letters formed correctly and accurately sized. Using horizontal and diagonal joins accurately.

14 What are horizontal joins?
These joins are often called washing line joins. They can be tricky for children as they often exit with a downwards movement. They are where the letter exiting from requires a slide across join into the new letter e.g. oa

15 What are diagonal joins?
These are when the letter you are joining into requires a diagonal slide up to the new letter e.g. ae Diagonal to no ascender ei Diagonal to an ascender ad

16 Example of writing where letters are not sized

17 Example of writing where letters are not formed correctly daniel

18 Example of writing where joins are not correct Arnie


20 Ways to help at home Think three P’s Posture Pencil grip
Paper position Regular practice of key skills for words and short sentences. Useful websites: Apps: crazy cursive letters - joined


22 Maths in Year 2 How can you help at home?
Place value Addition facts to 10, 20 and 100 and related subtraction facts Multiplication facts and there related division facts 2’s, 5’s and 10’s Practical activities linked to real life Fractions Money Measures

23 Any questions?

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