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My Schedule Vivian Toscano. Info Tech Mr. Totten In this class, we learn about the computer, keyboard shortcuts, and the internet. We are given assignments.

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Presentation on theme: "My Schedule Vivian Toscano. Info Tech Mr. Totten In this class, we learn about the computer, keyboard shortcuts, and the internet. We are given assignments."— Presentation transcript:

1 My Schedule Vivian Toscano

2 Info Tech Mr. Totten In this class, we learn about the computer, keyboard shortcuts, and the internet. We are given assignments to do and we email them to the teacher when we have completed them. We have made an email at the beginning of the semester specifically for this class. I find this class to be pretty interesting.

3 Biology Mr. Wuoltee In this class, we learn about life, animals and their environment, and early humans. This class is not really one of my favorites but I do learn a lot in this class and it is not all that difficult. I am the only freshmen in this class.

4 Break Break is a time where the school just takes a break from their classes for 10 minutes. Break is from 10:10 a.m. to 10:20 a.m. During break, I usually just hang out with my friends and have a snack. I always try to hang out with different people so I don’t lose touch with them.

5 Geometry Mr. Anderson In this class, we learn about shapes and how to find their area and perimeter using different formulas. This class is one of my favorite classes because math is my favorite subject. During class, the teacher always gives us notes, reviews homework from the night before, and gives us time to do our homework during class in case we need help we can ask him questions.

6 English 9 Mrs. Rusert In this class we learn about punctuation, how to write different kinds of essays,and we also read books. The books we have read so far are Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck, Night by Elie Weisel, The Good Earth by Pearl Buck, and right now we are finishing up Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare. I like all the books we have read so far except for The Good Earth. I just didn’t find the book at all interesting. The next book we will be reading is To Kill A Mockingbird. I like this class because the teacher and the students in the class make it fun for everyone to learn.

7 Lunch At lunch, everyone in the school eats their lunch and hangs out with friends. Our school has an open campus at lunch where we are allowed to leave campus and buy our own lunch. Usually at lunch, I just eat and I go walk around with my best friend and we stop by with our other friends and say hi and hang out with them for a while and then we go and go hang out with other friends. Lunch is 40 minutes long. It is from 12:35 p.m. to 1:15 p.m.

8 Physical Education Ms. Butler In this class, we learn how to play different sports and we learn how to be fit. We are always physically active in this class. This is another class I don’t really like because I am not really into physical education but I still always try to do my best.

9 Band Mr. Black This class is my elective and I have this class 6 th period. This is my favorite class. In band, we play and learn new music.We have a wind ensemble and a marching band. Marching band is mandatory for all band students. Marching band is usually at the beginning of the year. In marching band, we learn the how to march and the marching commands so we can march in the parades. For marching band I play the clarinet. In the wind ensemble, we play all different kinds of music and we perform concerts and we go to an end of the year festival. I know how to play the flute, clarinet, bass clarinet, alto saxophone, tenor saxophone, and baritone saxophone. I usually play the bass clarinet, clarinet, and/or flute in this class.

10 Jazz Band Mr. Black This class is an 8th period class. Jazz band is on Thursdays from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. and on Sundays from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m.Only students in band can be in jazz band. In jazz band, we play practice and play jazz music. We sometimes hold events and concerts with the wind ensemble or also known as the regular band. We also to go an end of the year festival and we also have dinner dances. In this class I play the alto saxophone.

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