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Tuesday, 12 January 2016 With a new year, starts a new opportunity.

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Presentation on theme: "Tuesday, 12 January 2016 With a new year, starts a new opportunity."— Presentation transcript:

1 Tuesday, 12 January 2016 With a new year, starts a new opportunity.

2 ENTERING THE CLASSROOM TARDY BELL RINGS – Class Leader calls class to ATTENTION At ATTENTION by side of desk Take SEATS – Say: “Per Ardua Ad Astra” Work on starter

3 Starter: Black Book 7 minutes to write No numbers, tagging, drawing Topic written is your choice 5 lines (one paragraph) for credit


5 Quiet WorkStand & Deliver Open Discussion Team Work THE CURRENT CLASSROOM “MODE”

6 STANDARDS FOR QUIET WORK I am listening to the teacher or speaker. I am not talking. I am taking notes or doing other silent work as directed. I am paying complete attention to the teacher or speaker.

7 MATERIALS CHECK Quiet Mode Four yellow pencils, rubber banded, labeled Scissors, labeled Glue stick, labeled Ten markers rubber banded, labeled 2 dictionaries, labeled 1 thesaurus, labeled Stapler Four highlighters, rubber banded, labeled

8 Notebooks Entries Are: Quiet Mode In pencil Labeled with the date Labeled with the entry number Labeled with a proper title Written very neatly Clearly legible Followed by a horizontal line to separate entries on a single page Written so as to maximize the use of each page Representative of your best effort Complete

9 Objective Check If the Governor of California came into our classroom, where could you find the objective for today? What entry # was that objective?

10 Entry 4: “The Lure of Shakespeare” Quiet Mode What does “lure” mean? Write the definition here After reading, what did you learn about the universal appeal of Shakespeare from this article? Write your answer in complete sentences. What was different about learning from the article versus the images in our gallery walk? Write your answer in complete sentences.

11 Notebooks Entries Are: Quiet Mode In pencil Labeled with the date Labeled with the entry number Labeled with a proper title Written very neatly Clearly legible Followed by a horizontal line to separate entries on a single page Written so as to maximize the use of each page Representative of the student’s best effort Complete

12 Quiet WorkStand & Deliver Open Discussion Team Work THE CURRENT CLASSROOM “MODE”

13 DURING TEAM WORK… I work cooperatively with my team members to accomplish a particular goal by: – Performing assigned tasks/roles – Listening to my team members – Respecting the ideas of others – Being a helpful contributor to the team.

14 Notebooks Entries Are: Team Work In pencil Labeled with the date Labeled with the entry number Labeled with a proper title Written very neatly Clearly legible Followed by a horizontal line to separate entries on a single page Written so as to maximize the use of each page Representative of the student’s best effort Complete

15 Discuss your 4 square (Entry 4) Team Work Working with your group at your table, you will discuss your answer about the universal appeal of Shakespeare. Then, you will discuss how the reading was different from the pictures. – Perform the assigned tasks/roles – Listen to my team members – Respect the ideas of others – Be a helpful contributor to the team

16 Quiet WorkStand & Deliver Open Discussion Team Work THE CURRENT CLASSROOM “MODE”

17 WHEN I STAND AND DELIVER… I stand at my seat so all my classmates can see who is speaking. I address the teacher or leader as “sir” or “ma’am”. I ask or answer a question in a clear, loud voice. I sit down without making a fuss (quietly and without disturbing others).

18 Stand and Deliver 1 person from your table group your answer about the universal appeal of Shakespeare Speaker start with “Our group felt the universal appeal of Shakespeare is…”

19 Quiet WorkStand & Deliver Open Discussion Team Work THE CURRENT CLASSROOM “MODE”

20 Entry 5: Word Wall Quiet Mode I can evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of using different media to present an idea. – Use the dictionaries at your table to fill in the following definition. Evaluate—

21 Notebooks Entries Are: Quiet Mode In pencil Labeled with the date Labeled with the entry number Labeled with a proper title Written very neatly Clearly legible Followed by a horizontal line to separate entries on a single page Written so as to maximize the use of each page Representative of the student’s best effort Complete

22 Planner Homework Quiet Mode Advantages/Disadvantages, Homework 1 worksheet

23 MATERIALS CHECK Quiet Mode Four yellow pencils, labeled Scissors, labeled Glue sticks, labeled Ten markers, labeled 2 dictionaries, labeled 1 thesaurus, labeled Four highlighters, labeled

24 END OF CLASS Quiet Mode 3 minute warning from class leader Planner check by class leader (homework must be recorded for each class period today) SECURE YOUR GEAR Class, ATTENTION Dismissal by group

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