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European capacity building initiativeecbi Key Issues of the Framework for Various Approaches Potential links with NAMAs, NAPAs and REDD+ Dr. Daniel V.

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Presentation on theme: "European capacity building initiativeecbi Key Issues of the Framework for Various Approaches Potential links with NAMAs, NAPAs and REDD+ Dr. Daniel V."— Presentation transcript:

1 european capacity building initiativeecbi Key Issues of the Framework for Various Approaches Potential links with NAMAs, NAPAs and REDD+ Dr. Daniel V. Ortega Pacheco General Coordihnator of Rights and Guarantees Ministry for Foreign Affairs and Human Mobility of Ecuador european capacity building initiative initiative européenne de renforcement des capacités ecbi for sustained capacity building in support of international climate change negotiations pour un renforcement durable des capacités en appui aux négociations internationales sur les changements climatiques

2 european capacity building initiativeecbi Main Criterias of the Framework for Various Approaches - FVA A set of components and rules. To ensure environmental integrity of actions with the aim to enhance the cost- effectiveness of mitgation. A facilitator for the implementation of actions by parties to achieve a net reduction and/or avoidance of global emissions. Should cover all units from all mitigation approaches that engage reductions that cross international borders. UNFCCC

3 european capacity building initiativeecbi Functions and Components of the FVA Set of fundamental characteristics; units must have to comply with the UNFCCC. Standard form to describe the compliance with the main FVA criterias. International Transaction Log; avoid double counting. International registry linked with national registries. C O M P O N E N T S F U N C T I O N S Development of Core characteristics. Design a protocol for the integration of the cross- international-border mitigation units accounting system and provision of the information.

4 european capacity building initiativeecbi Links with REDD+ Applicatio n of Net Reduction and / or Avoidanc e concept. Project based mitigation units for internatio nal use. Sector based approach: Forest sector. Encourages the conservation of ecosystems trough finance incentives Sustainable management of forest and carbon storage

5 european capacity building initiativeecbi Net Avoided Emissions(NAE)

6 european capacity building initiativeecbi Sector based mitigation. MRV / National Inventories Creation of units for the approaches within the FVA. Enable finance of early action and capacity building Links with NAMAs

7 european capacity building initiativeecbi Links with NAPAs Action-oriented and country- driven. Flexible and based on national circumstances. Address Priority Sectors/Areas: Agriculture and food security, water resources, coastal zones, and early warning and disaster management.

8 european capacity building initiativeecbi 8 Institutional Arrangements NAE

9 european capacity building initiativeecbi FVA in a broader context: A mechanism open for universal participation A vehicle for an enhancement of mitigation actions An upgrade of the cost-effectiveness of mitigation An opportunity to foster REDD+, NAMAS and NAPAS A stimulus for an early implementation of actions

10 european capacity building initiativeecbi...FVA in a broader context: A real opportunity for developing countries A stimulus for low carbon economies to keep a low level of GHG emissions A feasible set of rules for a potential financial commitment from developed countries A concrete element for a roadmap from Varsaw to Paris towards a new global agreement in 2015

11 european capacity building initiativeecbi THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION Dr. Daniel V. Ortega Pacheco General Coordinator of Rights and Guarantees Ministry for Foreign Affairs and Human Mobility of Ecuador Quito – Ecuador

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