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Information/Q&A session for supervisors of students beginning October 2012 Barry Hirst Dean of Postgraduate Studies, FMS Graduate School and DTP Director.

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Presentation on theme: "Information/Q&A session for supervisors of students beginning October 2012 Barry Hirst Dean of Postgraduate Studies, FMS Graduate School and DTP Director."— Presentation transcript:

1 Information/Q&A session for supervisors of students beginning October 2012 Barry Hirst Dean of Postgraduate Studies, FMS Graduate School and DTP Director Dianne Ford DTP Director, Newcastle University Tim Cheek DTP cohort coordinator, Newcastle University Richy Hetherington Researcher Skills Development Co-ordinator, FMS Graduate School 28 March 2012

2 Studentship allocation 14 partnerships funded 220 four-year studentships p.a. for three intakes from October 2012 Newcastle University lead research organisation in partnership with the University of Liverpool and Durham University – Awarded 15 studentships p.a – Matched funding generates 30 studentships p.a. – Allocated on basis of BBSRC income 16:11:3 (Newcastle:Liverpool:Durham) for 2012-13

3 Studentship allocation 78% 70%

4 Training programme structure Integrated MRes/PhD – Concession for 3 year programme MRes Biosciences in year 1 Submission within 4 years of MRes registration – NO additional year for writing up MRes programmes

5 Training programme structure Integrated MRes/PhD – Concession for 3 year programme MRes Biosciences in year 1 Submission within 4 years of MRes registration – NO additional year for writing up MRes course structure – Semester 1 80 credits taught 3 x 20 credit subject-specific modules – May be mandatory module(s) » Bioinformatics and Computational Systems Biology (MSc)? Total >30 MRes modules 2 x 10 research skills modules – Under review for 2013 – Semester 2 (from mid- February) 24 week research project

6 PIPs Three months within the 4-year programme “Each student will take a three-month internship during their PhD, to experience working in an area not directly related to their PhD project”

7 Meeting our requirement to deliver training in BBSRC priority areas October 2012 - return data on studentships to BBSRC (via JeS)

8 Student recruitment BSc First Class Honours (or high 2.1) – Conditional offer (2.1) Three year programme by concession – e.g. MRes or equivalent Two academic references Interview by two academic selectors Selection to include also DTP representative – DF to sign off on E2R

9 Meeting our requirement to deliver wide-ranging training RO's encouraged to adopt 'cohort' based training programmes (structured training) MRes – semester 1 research skills modules for 1+3 students? Day of talks given by second year students to to peer group plus incoming first years (no supervisors)

10 Biennial meetings at which students present their work to a consortium-wide audience – contribution to organisation will help develop research management skills Supervisors – this meeting – supervisors to present at their own institution (share best practice) Activities reported to BBSRC via 'Portfolio Agreement' (annually monitored)

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