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Additional Convection/Heat Flux Loading Options and Simple Thermal/Flow Elements Chapter 7.

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1 Additional Convection/Heat Flux Loading Options and Simple Thermal/Flow Elements Chapter 7

2 Training Manual Inventory #001445 March 15, 2001 7-2 Convection/ Heat Flux Applied As A Surface Load Convection and flux boundary conditions can be applied as surface loads on: –the solid model (lines in 2-D, areas in 3-D), regardless of whether the model has been meshed ( ANSYS SFL, SFA commands ) –on element faces ( ANSYS SFE command ) –on nodes (ANSYS finds the faces of the elements that have all the faces in the node set and then applies the convection to the element faces) ( ANSYS SF command ) Only one type of thermal surface load can be applied to a given entity. That is, one cannot apply a flux and a convection boundary condition directly to the face of a given element.

3 Training Manual Inventory #001445 March 15, 2001 7-3 SURF152 SURF151 Surface Effect Elements The surface effect elements; SURF151 (2-D), SURF152 (3-D), may be overlaid on the face on any 2-D thermal solid (except harmonic elements PLANE75 and PLANE78) or any 3-D solid element, respectively.

4 Training Manual Inventory #001445 March 15, 2001 7-4 Why Use Surface Effect Elements? Gives additional flexibility in defining which temperature is used to define temperature-dependent film coefficients, surface temperature, fluid temperature, average temperature, absolute value of differential temperature. Allows the user to apply multiple surface loads (e.g., flux and convection) to a given element face or region. Provides a convenient means to model convection effects when the bulk temperature is unknown. Elements have an extra node that can be connected to other elements (e.g., thermal-flow elements-FLUID116) in the model. Elements can be used to model surface heat generation effects since heat generation rates can be input as body loads (requires thickness real constant input).

5 Training Manual Inventory #001445 March 15, 2001 7-5 Why Use Surface Effect Elements? (continued) Allows simple radiation effects to be included, e.g., radiation to the atmosphere. Provides a convenient means to postprocess surface flux and convection results on selected regions of the model. Provides a convenient means (listing the reaction heat flow) to assess net heat loss/gain by convection when extra node temperature is fixed at the bulk temperature.

6 Training Manual Inventory #001445 March 15, 2001 7-6 Special Capabilities of Surface Effect Elements Fluid bulk temperature can come from the extra node (using D command or an attached element) or can be specified (SFE command). Film coefficient specified by the SFE command can be modified by activating the user subroutine USERCV with the USERCAL command. USERCV can be used to modify the film coefficient of a surface element with, or without, the extra node. This allows users to incorporate company specific, film coefficient correlation's into the program (refer to the ANSYS Programmer’s Manual for more information). Other options for evaluating the film coefficient and bulk temperature are available if FLUID116 elements are connected to the third node.

7 Training Manual Inventory #001445 March 15, 2001 7-7 Procedure To Create Surface Effect Elements with Extra Nodes Assuming that Thermal/Flow elements (FLUID116) are not to be used with the surface effect elements, follow this procedure to create surface effect elements with extra nodes: –Define surface effect element type with “extra node” option. –Mesh the 2-D or 3-D solid regions as usual. –Create the extra node(s). –Select nodes on the surfaces where surface effect elements are needed and select the solid elements attached to them. –Set the default attributes (element type, material type, real set) to correspond to the surface effect elements to be created. (Procedure for creation of surface effect elements with use of FLUID116 elements starts on viewgraph 7-31.)

8 Training Manual Inventory #001445 March 15, 2001 7-8 At this point, the user will be prompted to pick or enter the node number of the extra node. Procedure To Create Surface Effect Elements with Extra Nodes (continued) Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Create>Elements 1 2

9 Training Manual Inventory #001445 March 15, 2001 7-9 Procedure To Create Surface Effect Elements without Extra Nodes In the majority of situations, surface effect elements will be used with the extra node option. However, it is possible to create surface effect elements without extra nodes (e.g., heat flux loading only). To do so, follow this procedure: –Define surface effect element type without “extra node” option. –Mesh the 2-D or 3-D solid regions as usual. –Select nodes on the surfaces where surface effect elements are needed and select the solid elements attached to them. –Set the default attributes (element type, material type, real set) to correspond to the surface effect elements to be created.

10 Training Manual Inventory #001445 March 15, 2001 7-10 Procedure To Create Surface Effect Elements without Extra Nodes (continued) NOTE: Surface effect elements without extra nodes can also be created by meshing lines (LMESH). When this technique is used, the element coordinate systems of surface effect elements will be dictated by the line direction and not the underlying solid element surface normal (as with ESURF). Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Create>Elements 1 2

11 Training Manual Inventory #001445 March 15, 2001 7-11 Graphical Display of Surface Effect Elements By default when an element plot is requested, ANSYS plots the surface effect elements as a surface with the extra node shown as a dot. surface extra node

12 Training Manual Inventory #001445 March 15, 2001 7-12 Graphical Display of Surface Effect Elements The style of the element plot can be changed as shown. This plot clearly identifies the extra node. 1 2 3

13 Training Manual Inventory #001445 March 15, 2001 7-13 Convection Link The convection link element (LINK34) can be used for many purposes: –as a convection connection in thermal network models –as a convection connection between thermal/flow elements and 2-D and 3-D thermal solids (normally surface effect elements are easier to use) –as a means of specifying contact resistance/conductance at the interface of two or more parts. Since the convection element does not require a length, nodes I and J can be coincident (unlike the conduction link elements LINK32 and LINK33). LINK34

14 Training Manual Inventory #001445 March 15, 2001 7-14 The heat flow rate between nodes I and J is defined as: See the ANSYS Elements manual for details on this equation. Convection Link (continued)

15 Training Manual Inventory #001445 March 15, 2001 7-15 TT T x Contact Resistance Two surfaces (at different temperatures) in contact experience a temperature drop across the interface. The drop is due to imperfect contact between the two surfaces. The imperfect contact, and hence the contact resistance, can be influenced by many factors such as: –surface flatness –surface finish –oxides –entrapped fluids –contact pressure –surface temperature –use of conductive grease

16 Training Manual Inventory #001445 March 15, 2001 7-16 Convection elements Contact Resistance (continued) Typically when contact resistance effects are desired, a convection element is used to connect the contacting surfaces. This approach requires that the nodes of each surface be aligned (usually coincident). The use of convection elements is preferred to use of conduction links since thermal resistance is not a function of element length with the convection links (convenient for flush surfaces with coincident nodes). Two common approaches to contact resistance are described on the next three (3) viewgraphs.

17 Training Manual Inventory #001445 March 15, 2001 7-17 Modeling Contact Resistance with Convection Links A LINK34 convection link element can provide a contact resistance at an interface. The resistance is controlled by the real constant data for the LINK34. The thermal resistance (inverse of the conductance) is defined as: Then, if E=F=1 (n,CC=0), hf*A is the thermal conductance and hence the inverse of the thermal resistance.

18 Training Manual Inventory #001445 March 15, 2001 7-18 The following procedure can be used to create the LINK34 elements to provide contact resistance between adjacent parts: –mesh both parts such that the meshes align (duplicate nodes at the interface) –activate the appropriate element type, material type and real set –select both sets of nodes at the interface –create the elements automatically via the EINTF command: (Preprocessor> Modeling> Create> Elements> Auto-numbered> At Coincident Nodes) Convection Links at contact surface (note: elements at edges of surface will have different real constants due to reduced area) Separation of surfaces exaggerated for clarity Modeling Contact Resistance with Convection Links (continued)

19 Training Manual Inventory #001445 March 15, 2001 7-19 Separation of surfaces exaggerated for clarity Row of shared extra nodes Modeling Contact Resistance with Surface Effect Elements The 2-D SURF151 and 3-D SURF152 thermal surface effect elements can also be used to simulate contact resistance. When using surface effect elements in this manner, two surface effect elements with same extra node are used in series as shown. The location of the extra node is not important, as long as it is shared by the surface effect elements. Define Hf as twice the value used with LINK34s since there are really two contact resistances in series. This is similar to the procedure used to simulate convection between surfaces and a fluid in a small channel (described in the next section). The difference is that the extra nodes would also be used to define thermal-fluid elements.

20 Training Manual Inventory #001445 March 15, 2001 7-20 1-D Thermal/Flow Element - FLUID116 This element models one-dimensional thermal and flow effects but it can be employed in models with 2-D or 3-D solid elements. By default, this element has two degrees of freedom per node, pressure and temperature, and can be used in steady-state and/or transient analysis. In most applications, FLUID116 is used to include mass transport of heat and convection effects in 2-D and 3-D models without employing complex, computational fluid dynamics (CFD) models. FLUID116

21 Training Manual Inventory #001445 March 15, 2001 7-21 1-D Thermal/Flow Element - FLUID116 (continued) Temperature and flow distributions are 1-D (i.e., along the I-J axis). Users can specify the fluid flow rate (via SFE command with HFLUX label) and avoid the nonlinear flow calculations or supply the fluid conductance (or sufficient information for the program to calculate the fluid conductance). The program can then calculate the pressure and flow distribution via fluid network equations based on Bernoulli’s equation. Thermal effects include: –conduction along the length –mass transport of heat –internal heat generation (user specified or calculated viscous heating) –convection via optional nodes (K,L) or by using the FLUID116 nodes as the extra node on surface effect elements.

22 Training Manual Inventory #001445 March 15, 2001 7-22 1-D Thermal/Flow Element - FLUID116 (continued) Fluid flow effects can include pipe friction losses and loss coefficients. Head, pumping and other inertia effects can be included using the standard ANSYS commands, e.g., ACEL, OMEGA, etc.

23 Training Manual Inventory #001445 March 15, 2001 7-23 1-D Thermal/Flow Element - FLUID116 (continued) The equilibrium equations for one element have the form:

24 Training Manual Inventory #001445 March 15, 2001 7-24 1-D Thermal/Flow Element - FLUID116 (continued) Consider the following when using the FLUID116: –Whenever mass transport of heat effects are included, the thermal conductivity matrix is nonsymmetrical and hence more computational resources are needed for solutions. –In Bernoulli’s equation, the pressure drop (Pi - Pj) is not linearly related to the flow (w) and hence a nonlinear flow solution is done if the program is calculating the flow rate. The flow calculation can be bypassed by supplying the flow rate (via SFE command) and using the keyoption for temperature DOF only. –In a transient analysis, the fluid flow reacts instantaneously. Quasistatic compressibility effects can be included via an Ideal Gas Law assumption within the fluid. –The energy change due to mass transport is lumped at the outlet node of the element (fluid exit node).

25 Training Manual Inventory #001445 March 15, 2001 7-25 KEYOPT(1) degrees of freedom –0, PRES and TEMP –1, TEMP –2, PRES KEYOPT(2) –0, 2 nodes no convection effects –1, 2 nodes and convection related information passed to SURF151/152 elements –2, 4 nodes and convection areas supplied via real constants Description of FLUID116 Element Options

26 Training Manual Inventory #001445 March 15, 2001 7-26 Description of FLUID116 Element Options (continued) KEYOPT(5) temperature at which to evaluate hf=f(T) –0, average fluid temperature(Ti+Tj)/2 –1, average wall temperature(Tk+Tl)/2 –2, average element temperature(Ti+Tj+Tk+Tl)/4 –3, differential temperature=average fluid-average wall KEYOPT(4) –this keyoption determines how the film coefficient is to be defined (see viewgraph 7-29)

27 Training Manual Inventory #001445 March 15, 2001 7-27 Description of FLUID116 Element Options (continued) KEYOPTs (6),(7),(8) control how the fluid conductance is being supplied/calculated

28 Training Manual Inventory #001445 March 15, 2001 7-28 Convection Heat Transfer To/From FLUID116 Means of defining convection surface area: –use optional nodes (K,L), user supplies convection areas at nodes (K,L) as real constants or program calculates based on the real constant - hydraulic diameter –convection handled via SURF151/152 elements that use nodes I or J as the extra node

29 Training Manual Inventory #001445 March 15, 2001 7-29 Film Coefficient Options - FLUID116 If using FLUID116 with optional nodes (K,L), these options are available for specification of hf: –hf defined using MP command –hf defined by equation relating the Nusselt (hf*D/Kxx), Reynolds and Prandtl numbers –use TB commands for tabular input of: hf as a function of temperature and average velocity hf as a function of temperature and Reynold’s number Nusselt number as a function of temperature and Reynold’s number –using call to user subroutine, USER116HF (refer to the ANSYS Programmer’s Manual for more information)

30 Training Manual Inventory #001445 March 15, 2001 7-30 Film Coefficient Options - FLUID116 (continued) If using FLUID116 as “extra nodes” for SURF151/152, these options are available for specification of hf: –hf as specified on the SURF151/152 elements via the SFE command –hf from the user subroutine USERCV activated with the USERCAL command –hf from the user subroutine USERSURF116, note the use of this routine will override any values specified using SFE or USERCV

31 Training Manual Inventory #001445 March 15, 2001 7-31 Interfacing With Surface Effect Elements Macros have been written to automate model creation in cases where the FLUID116 nodes are used as “extra” nodes on SURF151 and 152 elements. The macros quickly create surface effect elements with the nearest FLUID116 node defined as the “extra node”. –LFSURF,Sline,Tline meshes surface effect elements on lines in component “Sline” and uses as the extra node the nearest FLUID116 node that was previously meshed on lines in component “Tline”. –AFSURF,Sarea,Tline meshes surface effect elements on areas in “Sarea” and connects to nearest FLUID116 that was previously meshed on lines in component “Tline”. Component names for these macros must be in single quotes when command is issued directly (non-GUI). Note: When using these macros, the surface effect element coordinate system will be based on the corresponding line direction or area normal, not the underlying solid element normal as with ESURF.

32 Training Manual Inventory #001445 March 15, 2001 7-32 The macros can be invoked using the GUI, as shown below: Interfacing With Surface Effect Elements (continued) 1 2 3 4 Select areas/lines as instructed in picking window. 5

33 Training Manual Inventory #001445 March 15, 2001 7-33 FLUID116 Units In most thermal analyses, units for density are not critical. However, units for the product of density and specific heat are critical. When FLUID116 elements are included in a model, units for density and flow rate are critical and should be on the basis of mass. The use of such units also ensures compatibility if a structural analysis is done using this database. Example set of units: –conductivity: BTU/(hr-ft-F) –density:lbf-hr 2 /ft 4 –specific heat: BTU-ft/(lbf-hr 2 -F) –viscosity:lbf-hr/ft 2 –flow rate: lbf-hr/ft

34 Training Manual Inventory #001445 March 15, 2001 7-34 Specialized Capabilities for Rotating Parts FLUID116 and SURF151/152 elements are frequently used to model thermal/flow effects in rotating machinery, e.g., gas turbine engines. Specific capabilities that can be employed in such models include: Use of the “adiabatic” wall temperature as the bulk temperature (see the ANSYS Theory Manual) –user defines angular velocities of the fluid (FLUID116 real constants) and the rotor (SURF151/152 real constants), can be tabular inputs (functions of position,time) –slip factor (FLUID116 real constants), can be tabular input –recovery factor (SURF151/152 real constants) –axis of rotation (KEYOPT(3) on SURF151/152 elements)

35 Training Manual Inventory #001445 March 15, 2001 7-35 Example of Thermal Analysis With Mass Transport of Heat Steam at a saturation temperature of 220°F is condensed in a small heat exchanger made of brass tubes connected in parallel. Each tube has a diameter of 5/8” and a wall thickness of 0.083”. Water enters each tube at 70°F with a velocity of 10 ft/sec. An ANSYS input file for this example is provided in Appendix B

36 Training Manual Inventory #001445 March 15, 2001 7-36 Example of Thermal Analysis With Mass Transport of Heat (continued) Objective: Determine the temperature rise in the water for the first foot of a single tube and the temperature distribution on the outer surface of the tube. Assumptions:Axisymmetric geometry and boundary conditions, steady-state conditions Needed for mass transport of heat effects (not transient effects) Given: Brass; K=60 BTU/(hr-ft-F) Water; K=0.347 BTU/(hr-ft-F) C=0.988 BTU/(lbm-F) DENS=1.5E-7 lbf-hr 2 /ft 4 Ho=1800 BTU/(hr-ft 2 -F) Hi=2500 BTU/(hr-ft 2 -F)

37 Training Manual Inventory #001445 March 15, 2001 7-37 Example of Thermal Analysis With Mass Transport of Heat (continued) An overview of each step with important guidelines follows: set GUI Preferences to Thermal use parameters to define dimensions, mesh size controls, material properties, etc. Define three element types - FLUID116, SURF151, PLANE55 Set the following keyoptions for the FLUID116 element type: –keyoption(1)=1, temperature DOF only, user will supply mass flow so elements will behave linearly –keyoption(2)=1, convection information passed to attached SURF151 Note: an input file that builds the model and applies the boundary conditions is given in Appendix B)

38 Training Manual Inventory #001445 March 15, 2001 7-38 Example of Thermal Analysis With Mass Transport of Heat (continued) Set the following keyoptions for the surface effect and solid element types: –SURF151 - keyopt(3)=1, axisymmetric keyopt(4)=1, no midside node keyopt(5)=1, has extra node for FLUID116 keyopt(8)=2, evaluate Hf at (Ts+Tb)/2 –PLANE55 - keyopt(3)=1, axisymmetric Define parameter GC=32.2*(3600**2), convert as follows: –all dimensions into feet –density=density/GC –specific heat=specific heat*GC

39 Training Manual Inventory #001445 March 15, 2001 7-39 Example of Thermal Analysis With Mass Transport of Heat (continued) Convert input velocity by defining scalar parameters as follows: –flow=QAV=62.4*(pi*Ri**2)*10*3600 ! In lbm/hr –massflow=flow/GC Define the real constant set for the FLUID116 elements: –hydraulic diameter (not needed) –flow area (will be used as the heat conduction area) –number of channels (one in this case) Define material properties brass and water.

40 Training Manual Inventory #001445 March 15, 2001 7-40 Define two lines down the center of the tube which share a common keypoint. These lines will be meshed with FLUID116 elements. –The first line should be 1’ long –The second line should be one element (0.083/12)’ long. The line direction is important since the element coordinate system will be determined by the line direction; a positive mass flow will be assumed to be in the direction of the line. NOTE: Since mass transport of heat effects are attributed to exit node of FLUID116 elements, the short line at the outlet is needed to accurately measure temperature drop through first complete foot length of pipe. 1 2 3 Flow Direction Example of Thermal Analysis With Mass Transport of Heat (continued)

41 Training Manual Inventory #001445 March 15, 2001 7-41 Example of Thermal Analysis With Mass Transport of Heat (continued) Define rectangular area that has dimensions 1’ x (0.083/12)’ for the tube cross-section. Make sure it is offset (0.0625/12)’ from tube center line. Assign attributes to the lines where fluid elements will be used and attributes for the tube area where solids will be used. Set global element size control (ESIZE) to be equal to tube wall thickness of (0.083/12)’. Mesh lines with flow elements. Mesh the rectangular area with solid elements. Flow Direction

42 Training Manual Inventory #001445 March 15, 2001 7-42 Create following components: –WATERLIN - lines meshed with FLUID116 elements –TUBELIN - line on inner surface of tube Set the default element type to SURF151 and use the following macro command to create surface effect elements using the nearest FLUID116 node as the third node: LFSURF,’TUBELIN’,’WATERLIN’ Impose the following conditions in the Solution processor: –water temperature (70°F) at the fluid inlet keypoint –convection (Ho and Tb) on line on tube outer surface –convection (Hi) on the surface effect elements (via SFE) –specify mass flow for FLUID116 elements by selecting them and issuing: SFE,ALL,,HFLUX,,MASSFLOW Example of Thermal Analysis With Mass Transport of Heat (continued)

43 Training Manual Inventory #001445 March 15, 2001 7-43 PLANE55s SURF151s FLUID116s NOTE: One element is generally insufficient for capturing temperature distribution in thick pipes. Example of Thermal Analysis With Mass Transport of Heat (continued) Plots of the overall model and zoomed views at each end, using a square mesh and one element through the pipe thickness are shown below:

44 Training Manual Inventory #001445 March 15, 2001 7-44 Example of Thermal Analysis With Mass Transport of Heat (continued) After the solution has been obtained, the following results can be extracted: –water temperature rises from 70 to 77.55°F during first foot of tube. –the outer tube surface temperature plotted vs. length:

45 Training Manual Inventory #001445 March 15, 2001 7-45 Example of Thermal Analysis With Mass Transport of Heat (continued) All finite element solutions should be checked to see if the results appear reasonable. Hand check is given below.


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