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To return to the chapter summary click Escape or close this document. Chapter Resources Click on one of the following icons to go to that resource.

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Presentation on theme: "To return to the chapter summary click Escape or close this document. Chapter Resources Click on one of the following icons to go to that resource."— Presentation transcript:

1 To return to the chapter summary click Escape or close this document. Chapter Resources Click on one of the following icons to go to that resource. Image Bank Foldables Video Clips and Animations Standardized Test Practice Chapter Review Questions Chapter Summary

2 To return to the chapter summary click Escape or close this document.

3 To return to the chapter summary click Escape or close this document. Click on individual thumbnail images to view larger versions. Image Bank

4 To return to the chapter summary click Escape or close this document. Image Bank To transfer images to your own power point follow the following steps: Open the “Resource” file from the CD-ROM disc – view the file in the “normal view” or “slide sorter view” mode - go to slide #2 – from there you can click through the images and follow these instructions. Click once on the image. Copy the image Go to your own power point document Paste the image. Transfer Images

5 To return to the chapter summary click Escape or close this document. Image Bank Normal Fault

6 To return to the chapter summary click Escape or close this document. Image Bank Reverse Fault

7 To return to the chapter summary click Escape or close this document. Image Bank Strike-Slip Fault

8 To return to the chapter summary click Escape or close this document. Image Bank Earthquake Focus and Epicenter

9 To return to the chapter summary click Escape or close this document. Image Bank Seismograph

10 To return to the chapter summary click Escape or close this document. Image Bank Epicenter Location

11 To return to the chapter summary click Escape or close this document. Image Bank Table – Strong Earthquakes

12 To return to the chapter summary click Escape or close this document. Image Bank Earthquake Damage

13 To return to the chapter summary click Escape or close this document. Image Bank Where Plates Collide

14 To return to the chapter summary click Escape or close this document. Image Bank A Volcanic Risk Map

15 To return to the chapter summary click Escape or close this document. Image Bank Photo of Soufriere Hills Volcano Erupting in 1995

16 To return to the chapter summary click Escape or close this document. Image Bank Lava Streaming into the Ocean

17 To return to the chapter summary click Escape or close this document. Image Bank Shield Volcano

18 To return to the chapter summary click Escape or close this document. Image Bank Cinder Cone Volcano

19 To return to the chapter summary click Escape or close this document. Image Bank Composite Volcano

20 To return to the chapter summary click Escape or close this document. Image Bank Columbia River

21 To return to the chapter summary click Escape or close this document. Image Bank Where Volcanoes Form

22 To return to the chapter summary click Escape or close this document. Image Bank Hot Spots

23 To return to the chapter summary click Escape or close this document. Image Bank Locations of Earthquakes

24 To return to the chapter summary click Escape or close this document. Image Bank Earth’s Plates and Interior

25 To return to the chapter summary click Escape or close this document. Image Bank What is driving Earth’s plates?

26 To return to the chapter summary click Escape or close this document. Foldables Earthquakes and Volcanoes Make the following Foldable to help you compare and contrast the characteristics of earthquakes and volcanoes.

27 To return to the chapter summary click Escape or close this document. Foldables Draw a mark at the midpoint of a vertical sheet of paper.

28 To return to the chapter summary click Escape or close this document. Foldables Turn the paper horizontally and fold the outside edges in to touch at the midpoint mark.

29 To return to the chapter summary click Escape or close this document. Foldables Draw a volcano on one flap and label the flap Volcanoes. Draw an earthquake on the other flap and label it Earthquakes. The inside portion should be labeled Both and include characteristics that both events share.

30 To return to the chapter summary click Escape or close this document. Foldables Before you read the chapter, write what you know about earthquakes and volcanoes on the back of each flap. As you read the chapter, add more information about earthquakes and volcanoes. Analyze and Critique

31 To return to the chapter summary click Escape or close this document. Video Clips Click image to view movie.

32 To return to the chapter summary click Escape or close this document. 1 1 Earthquakes occur whenever rocks inside Earth pass their elastic limit, break, and experience elastic rebound. Earthquakes Seismic waves are vibrations inside Earth. P- and S- waves travel in all directions away from the earthquake focus. Surface waves travel along the surface. Reviewing Main Ideas

33 To return to the chapter summary click Escape or close this document. 1 1 Earthquakes Reviewing Main Ideas Earthquakes are measured by their magnitudes—the amount of energy they release—and by their intensity—the amount of damage they produce.

34 To return to the chapter summary click Escape or close this document. 2 2 The Soufrière Hills volcano is a composite volcano formed by converging plates. Volcanoes The way a volcano erupts is determined by the composition of the lava and the amount of water vapor and other gases in the lava. Reviewing Main Ideas Three different forms of volcanoes are shield volcanoes, cinder cone volcanoes, and composite volcanoes.

35 To return to the chapter summary click Escape or close this document. 3 3 The locations of volcanoes and earthquake epicenters are related to the locations of plate boundaries. Earthquakes, Volcanoes, and Plate Tectonics Volcanoes occur along rift zones, subduction zones, and at hot spots. Reviewing Main Ideas Most earthquakes occur at convergent, divergent, and transform plate boundaries.

36 To return to the chapter summary click Escape or close this document. Chapter Review Question 1 Using the graph, what is the difference in the arrival times of the P wave and the S wave at 2,000 km? At 4,000 km? PS 2.2b

37 To return to the chapter summary click Escape or close this document. Chapter Review Answer At 2,000 km = the S waves will arrive about 3 minutes after the P waves At 4,000 km = the S waves will arrive about 5 minutes after the P waves

38 To return to the chapter summary click Escape or close this document. Chapter Review Question 2 What can be done to keep people and buildings safe from the dangers of earthquakes? PS 2.2b

39 To return to the chapter summary click Escape or close this document. Chapter Review Answer Structures in earthquake-prone areas are now being constructed with steel-and-rubber supports, underground water and gas pipes are being replaced with pipes that will bend during an earthquake, and spiral reinforcements are being added to highways in earthquake-prone areas.

40 To return to the chapter summary click Escape or close this document. Chapter Review Question 3 Why is it easier to predict where an earthquake will occur than it is to predict when it will occur? PS 2.2b

41 To return to the chapter summary click Escape or close this document. Chapter Review Answer Geologists have determined that earthquakes are most likely to occur along plate boundaries. However, it is more difficult to predict when an earthquake will occur because no single change in Earth accounts for all earthquakes.

42 To return to the chapter summary click Escape or close this document. Chapter Review Question 4 Compare and contrast divergent and convergent plate boundaries. PS 2.2f

43 To return to the chapter summary click Escape or close this document. Chapter Review Answer Plates move away from one another at divergent plate boundaries while plates join together at convergent plate boundaries. At divergent plate boundaries, cracks between the plates allow magma to flow to Earth’s surface. Plates joining together at convergent boundaries result in one plate sinking below the other.

44 To return to the chapter summary click Escape or close this document. Chapter Review Question 5 Seismic waves travel through Earth’s layers at different speeds. At which layer do they slow down? A. athenosphere B. lithosphere C. mantle D. outer core PS 2.2b

45 To return to the chapter summary click Escape or close this document. Chapter Review Answer The answer is B. Researchers have discovered that the lithosphere forms a warmer, softer layer and seismic waves seem to slow when they reach the base of this layer.

46 To return to the chapter summary click Escape or close this document. Standardized Test Practice Question 1 Which waves cause the most damage to property during a earthquake? A. primary waves B. ocean waves C. secondary waves D. surface waves PS 2.2b

47 To return to the chapter summary click Escape or close this document. Standardized Test Practice Answer The answer is D. Surface waves cause the most damage to property. They are the slowest and largest of the seismic waves. Surface waves can vibrate in a side-to-side motion or in a rolling motion that moves across land like ocean waves.

48 To return to the chapter summary click Escape or close this document. Standardized Test Practice Question 2 What force causes part of the crust to become shorter and thicker? A. compression B. normal force C. shearing D. tension PS 2.2f

49 To return to the chapter summary click Escape or close this document. Standardized Test Practice Answer The correct answer is A. Compression forces squeeze rocks together.

50 To return to the chapter summary click Escape or close this document. Standardized Test Practice Question 3 Which are waves whose energy is spread out over large distances and great water depths? A. earthquake B. eruption C. tsunami D. volcano PS 2.2b

51 To return to the chapter summary click Escape or close this document. Standardized Test Practice Answer A tsunami is an ocean wave caused by an earthquake. When one of these waves breaks on shore, it forms a very large crest that destroys everything in its path.

52 To return to the chapter summary click Escape or close this document. Standardized Test Practice Question 4 Which of the following is used to measure seismic waves all over the world? A. magnitude B. richter scale C. seismograph D. volcanic risk map PS 2.2b

53 To return to the chapter summary click Escape or close this document. Standardized Test Practice Answer The answer is C. A seismograph is the instrument used to obtain a record of seismic waves all over the world.

54 To return to the chapter summary click Escape or close this document. Standardized Test Practice Question 5 Which type of volcano is being illustrated in this drawing? A. cinder cone B. composite C. fissure eruption D. shield PS 2.2f

55 To return to the chapter summary click Escape or close this document. Standardized Test Practice Answer The answer is D. Shield volcanoes are formed when basaltic lava, high in iron and magnesium and low in silica flows in broad, flat layers.

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