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Spoken English. On your desk: Name tag Notebook Pen Are you sitting in the correct seat ?

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Presentation on theme: "Spoken English. On your desk: Name tag Notebook Pen Are you sitting in the correct seat ?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Spoken English

2 On your desk: Name tag Notebook Pen Are you sitting in the correct seat ?


4 Highest Class Score Class: 12 Average team score: 7.5

5 slang informal, casual speech 俚语 非正式的

6 屌丝

7 When should you use slang? whenever you are with peers in an informal place 非正式的 Examples?

8 QUIZ! What is slang? Should you use slang when you are eating lunch with your friends? Should you use slang with your teachers? Give me an example of slang.

9 Yo! Hi!Ugly!

10 What’s good? What’s up?What’s the matter? What are you doing?

11 bro loser friend

12 Yeah right! You are smart! I don’t believe it!

13 the bomb something smelly something great

14 chill relax with friendsrun quickly

15 wacko crazy persontall person

16 Let’s practice Yeah right! I don’t believe it!

17 Yo! Hi!

18 the bomb something great

19 What’s good? What’s up? What are you doing?

20 chill relax with friends

21 bro friend

22 wacko crazy person

23 tired bed-bed My slang Your slang Create one slang word What does it mean? Use it in a sentence

24 You are Dr. Cool! Get one partner Decide where you are (choose an informal place) Have a cool conversation: Use at least 4 slang words that we talked about Use 1 new slang word that you created

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