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Lecture 2 Stars Hubble sequence Galaxy classification Photometry.

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1 Lecture 2 Stars Hubble sequence Galaxy classification Photometry











12 The role of star formation

13 About 6 new stars per year are born in our Galaxy

14 Oph V380 Ori + NGC1999 GMCs contain: dark clouds, cores, Bok globules GMC mass / solar mass ~ 10 5

15 Dark clouds L57 Barnard 68

16 Oph Giant Molecular Cloud, 160 pc away contains numerous dark clouds

17 H II regions Bright ionized hydrogen clouds, illuminated by type O,B stars




21 IRAS all sky survey in the infrared

22 8.5 kpc



25 Can you find the sun?


27 Earlier ideas More recent findings

28 V = GM(r)/r 2

29 From BT

30 From Ch.1 BT

31 Other galaxies M 31 Andromeda galaxy (Sb) companions: M 32 (E2) (foreground object) & M 110 (E6p) (below M31) M-object names are from a catalogue by Charles Messier 1740s)


33 Hubble sequence (tuning fork diagram)

34 Similar classification applies to other bandpasses (near-IR, in this case) but there’s no guarantee that the morphological type will be the same in the visible (here Hubble sequence is defined) and the other wavelengths. On the contrary, there are sometimes bars and rings which are revealed only in the UV, IR, or radio wavelengths.

35 Hubble sequence (tuning fork diagram)

36 De Vaucouleurs galaxy classification extends the Hubble scheme in orthogonal directions, adding more criteria

37 De Vaucouleurs galaxy classification (cross-section at Hubble type Sb)

38 Bulk Properties of Galaxies Galaxy Type: Spiral /Barred Spiral M=10 9 to 10 11 Msun, L=10 8 to 10 10 Lsun, Diameter=5-250 kpc disk: Population I halo:Population IIPopulation I Population II f=77% (f=Percentage of Observed Galaxies) Elliptical 10 5 to 10 13 10 5 to 10 11 D= 1-205 kpcPopulation IIPopulation II f=20% Irregular 10 8 to 10 10 10 7 to 10 9 D= 1-10 kpcPopulation IPopulation I f=3%

39 a bright supernova Some objects in/around galaxies are tiny but almost as bright: supernovae, Active Galactic Nuclei, Quasars (extreme AGNs)

40 M 104 (Sa)

41 M 81 (Sb)

42 M 51 (Sc) + NGC 5195 (peculiar SBb?)

43 Are these colliding or is it just projection effect? Can you say what type they are?

44 Criteria for distinguishing spirals along the sequence of ‘early-type’ to ‘late-type’: Sa--Sb--Sc 1. Bulge-to-disk light (mass) ratio, size of the bulge (decreases) 2. Prominence of spiral arms, arm-interarm contrast (increases) 3. Visibility and number of population I objects such as: H II regions, OB associations, dark lanes of dust (increases) 4. Pitch angle (openness) of spiral arms (increases)

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