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Introduction to Spectral Analysis Phil Lockett Centre College KAPT meeting March 16, 2013.

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2 Introduction to Spectral Analysis Phil Lockett Centre College KAPT meeting March 16, 2013

3 Any Time Signal can be represented by Sums of Cosines and Sines The signal can be represented in either the Time Domain or Frequency Domain

4 Time DomainFrequency Domain


6 Spectrogram is the Frequency Spectrum as a function of Time Time Frequency

7 Chirp

8 Tuning Fork Time Signal

9 Tuning Fork Frequency Spectrum 465.82 1/s 931.65 1/s

10 0.12 time (sec) 10k Hz dBnV time (sec)0.12 AEP Sound input (nuthatch ‘quank’) Spectrogram of AEP Jeff Lucas - Purdue


12 [A] [i] [u]

13 Vowel Formant Average Spectrograms

14 Me saying “ee”

15 Vocal Fold Harmonics: 1 – 127.2 Hz 2 – 254.4 Hz skip to 20 – 2544 Hz Power Spectrum for “ee”

16 “ee”“ah”

17 “schwa” [ə]orThe Vowel

18 Use “schwa” Frequencies to measure Vocal Tract Length By Modeling Vocal Tract as Uniform Tube

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