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Developing the Curriculum Peter F. Oliva

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1 Developing the Curriculum Peter F. Oliva
Chapter 8 Curriculum Goals and Objectives Jack Baker, Alisa Barnette, Marty Gilchrist, Bruce Hunt, Beth Jones

2 Define and give an example of:
Aims of education Curriculum goals Curriculum objectives

3 Aims of Education The very broad, general statements of the purposes of education. They are meant to give general direction to education throughout the country. For example: To prepare youth to fit into a planned society.

4 Yes, according to our text.
Are curriculum goals & objectives different from instructional goals and objectives? Yes, according to our text.

5 Curriculum Goals Are a purpose or end stated in general terms without criteria or achievement. They are derived from a statement of philosophy, defined aims of education, and assessment of needs. Example: Students will demonstrate responsible behavior as citizens of our school, community, state, nation, and world.

6 Characteristics of Curriculum Goals
They relate to the educational aims and philosophy. They are programmatic. They refer to the accomplishment of groups rather than the achievement of individual students. They are broad enough to lead to specific curriculum objectives.

7 Curriculum Objectives
A purpose or end stated in specific, measurable terms. They refine the curriculum goal. Example: One hundred percent of the students will make some kind of positive contribution to the community’s clean-up campaign.

8 Characteristics of Curriculum Objectives
We can change a goal into an objective by adding the following three elements: Performance or behavioral terms. The degree of mastery desired by the curriculum planners. Conditions under which the performance will take place, if not readily understood.

9 “On completion of the first testing, 75% of the eleventh graders will have successfully passed the state’s minimal competencies test; by completion of the second testing, 90% will have passed.”

10 Yes. The performance expected: successfully passing the state’s minimal competencies test. Degrees of mastery: 75% and 90%. The condition: completion of the first and second testing.

11 Validating and Determining Priority of Goals and Objectives
Validation is the process of determining whether the goals and objectives are accepted as appropriate or “right” for the school proposing them. Determining priority is the placing of the goals and objectives in order of relative importance to the school.

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