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Citizen’s of the 21 st Century PBL Entry Event. What is the one world problem you think needs to be solved? How would you solve that problem?

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Presentation on theme: "Citizen’s of the 21 st Century PBL Entry Event. What is the one world problem you think needs to be solved? How would you solve that problem?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Citizen’s of the 21 st Century PBL Entry Event

2 What is the one world problem you think needs to be solved? How would you solve that problem?

3 Objective: Students will choose an issue currently impacting our planet and then propose a solution to the problem. Additionally, students will educate their peers and community members and raise awareness of their topic. Citizens of the 21 st Century PBL How? Investigate a problem that is currently facing our planet that interests you and all of the members of your group. Work together to collect research and come up with a solution to your specific problem. You will collaborate on a final product that will be presented at the Cedar Valley Youth Conference.

4 Individual Project: Each group member will write a Personal Opinion Essay. The essay will include your personal opinion on how your problem should be solved. You must have supporting evidence for your proposed solution. Pay close attention to the personal opinion essay rubric to know exactly how you will be graded. Your essay is due at the beginning of class on Monday, May 11 th. Group Project: As a group, you will create a final product that you will present at the Cedar Valley Youth Conference on Wednesday, May 13 th. Your final product must; 1) educate your audience and 2) raise awareness of your chosen topic. * Your group grade will be a combination of the score you receive from the audience rubrics, teacher rubric, self evaluation, and peer evaluations. Please make sure you have looked closely at these rubrics and know exactly how you will be graded. Products

5 Possible Topics: Climate Change – Can it be reversed? And how? Illegal Wildlife Trade – How can this trade be stopped? Genetically Modified Food - What happens when plants are genetically engineered? Species Loss – What is the importance of biodiversity? Water Crisis – Why care about water? Poverty and Hunger – What is the solution in America and the world? Cancer – Can we find a cure? Eradicating Infectious Diseases – Can we find a cure for Ebola and other diseases in 3 rd world countries? Can We Find Another Planet to Colonize? How can we find it? How can we travel there and modify it for humans? Should we? Your Choice – must be approved by teacher Alternative Energy – What ’ s Hot, What ’ s not? Making Renewable Energy Affordable – How can we stop our reliance on fossil fuels and begin to make renewable energy our primary energy resource? Recycling – What exactly happens when we recycle? Technology – How we can use technology to improve the world? Stem Cell Research – Where we ’ ve Been, Where We Are, Where We ’ re Going Overpopulation – Has our planet reached its carrying capacity? Genetics and Ethics – Is it OK to clone animals & plants? What about humans? Over-Fishing – What impact does overfishing have on the ocean and us? How do we regulate fishing globally? Deforestation – Can ’ t we just plant more?

6 Tri-Fold Poster Brain Pop Photo Story Musical Play Magazine Article Your Choice (with teacher approval) Newscast Song/Rap Possible Products for Group Product

7 Choose a problem from the list or get your choice approved by teacher Create your own databank of information on your topic. Fill out the research sheets. Group Project Procedure Assemble Teams. Create Group Member role rubrics. Describe your personal opinion on how this problem should be solved. Create a Product to share your research with peers, parents, and community.

8 You will have a Designated Area for Your Presentation create an attractive display even if presentation is on a computer (I recommend having a decorated tri-fold poster even if your presentation is on computer) title should be large and readable from a distance prepare a small talk for visitors to your project (not everyone will be able to stay for more than a minute or two) one group member must be with project at all times (you may take turns visiting other projects)

9 Timeline – Week One EVERY STUDENT will turn in their own packet – make sure to get Teacher Signatures at every checkpoint indicated!!

10 Timeline – Week Two EVERY STUDENT will turn in their own packet – make sure to get Teacher Signatures at every checkpoint indicated!!

11 Individual Project – Personal Opinion Essay Individual Project: Each group member will write a personal opinion essay about how they believe their chosen problem should be solved. Essay Guidelines Essays should be persuasive and informative.  All of the facts and examples should be specific and relevant, and explanations are given that show how each piece of evidence supports your position.  Provide a minimum of three different pieces of evidence or reasons of support to defend your position. At least one-page in length (no more than two pages) Should be type-written, double-spaced, using 12 point font. Essays should have at least three-paragraphs: State what your topic is. Include a brief description of your topic. State your opinion of what needs to be done to solve your problem. Provide specific rather than general information that supports your opinion. Finish your essay with a conclusion paragraph that summarizes your opinion.









20 Inspiring Stories of Youth Tackling World Problems TedTalks: Award-winning teenage science in action (16:16) TedTalks: 12-year old App Developer (4:37) TedTalks: Teenager creates a promising test for pancreatic cancer (10:49) TedTalks: Teenager builds a nuclear fusion reactor (3:29) TedTalks: A new way to “sketch” with electronics (6:30) TedTalks: Teenager works on a movement to stop 20-year war in Africa (12:51) TedED Blog: Three Brilliant Inventions from a 12-year old scientist TedTalks: Advice to young scientists (14:56)

21 When is the Cedar Valley Youth Conference?? Wednesday, May 13 th 3:30 pm to 5:00 pm CeVMS Cafeteria

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