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Excellence without Excuses. At Alcova we have seven basic school-wide standards :  Students will be present at school and arrive on time so they.

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1 Excellence without Excuses




5 At Alcova we have seven basic school-wide standards :  Students will be present at school and arrive on time so they can learn.  Students will be prepared for all learning activities.  Students will do quality work and give school their best effort.  Students will follow the directions of the adult in charge the first time they are given.  Students will respect themselves, others, and the environment, which includes doing nothing to hurt themselves or others at any time.  Students will follow all school, classroom, and bus standards so everyone can be safe and able to do their best.  Students will take responsibility for their actions.

6  Level 4 Highest level of behavior  Shows self-control  Shows kindness to others  Respectful  Responsible  Trustworthy  Good citizenship  Displays good behavior because it is the right thing to do  Follows classroom rules independently

7  Level 3 Appropriate and acceptable level of behavior  Considerate of others  Listens  Practices  Cooperates  Follows directions  Follows classroom rules with encouragement

8  Level 2 Neither appropriate nor acceptable level of behavior  Does not respect others  Bothers others  Interferes with teaching and learning  Breaks classroom rules

9  Level 1 Lowest level of behavior  Noisy  Unsafe  Physically aggressive  Rude  Breaks classroom rules


11  The Alcova Elementary School (AES) Excellence without Excuses reflects an understanding of adolescent human maturation. This five-step model provides the backbone for a comprehensive program which promotes the ideal of each student working toward self-management and controlling his or her own actions. At the same time, AES recognizes that adult intervention is both desirable and necessary. When students make inappropriate choices at AES, the teacher will implement the classroom management plan. When administrative intervention is necessary the following steps will be followed:   Step 1 —Warning   Step 2 – Teacher-led conference with student, teacher and administrator (AES Behavior Plan is reviewed with student and consequences for future infractions are explained.).Parents will be contacted by teacher.   Step 3 – Student will be assigned 1 hour in the Study. The student will be referred to the grade level counselor for intervention. Parents will be contacted by teacher.   Step 4 - Student will be assigned 3 hours in the Study, increasing with each referral. (Study may be assigned for the next day if necessary.) The student will be referred to the grade level administrator for intervention. The grade level administrator will arrange a conference to meet with student and parents to discuss behavioral challenges and AES expectations. Parents, students, and school staff will develop a plan to help the student make more responsible choices to avoid further consequences.   Step 5 – Referral to Administrator, GCPS discipline procedures will be followed.


13  Every Nine Weeks  I will discuss on morning announcements.  Grade Level must set the criteria and notify parents in policy letter.  Will occur during an extended specials time similar to last year.

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