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Maureen DelGreco Kindergarten Teacher Hill Elementary School Ellen Ferrante Small Learning Group Teacher Lincoln Elementary School Deb Alter Math Coach.

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Presentation on theme: "Maureen DelGreco Kindergarten Teacher Hill Elementary School Ellen Ferrante Small Learning Group Teacher Lincoln Elementary School Deb Alter Math Coach."— Presentation transcript:

1 Maureen DelGreco Kindergarten Teacher Hill Elementary School Ellen Ferrante Small Learning Group Teacher Lincoln Elementary School Deb Alter Math Coach Paul Revere Elementary School Revere Parent PTO Meeting January 13 th, 2016

2 Overview

3 The 5 W’s of Open Circle Who: Students, teachers and any other classroom guests What: Hold a classroom meeting When: At least two times a week for 15 minutes Where: Students form a circle with their chairs inside their classroom Why: Open Circle is done in the classroom to create a safe environment where students feel comfortable and cared for. It is used to develop children’s skills for recognizing and managing emotions, empathy, positive relationships and problem solving.

4 Key Components of Open Circle Self-awareness: recognizing one’s emotions and values as well as one’s strengths and limitations Responsible Decision-Making: making ethical, constructive choices about personal and social behavior Relationship Skills: Forming positive relationships, working in teams, dealing effectively with conflict Social Awareness: Showing and understanding empathy for others Self-Management: managing emotions and behaviors to achieve one’s goal

5 Have You Ever… Different activities are sometimes used in Open Circle to get students familiar with their classmates Have You Ever… o Lived in a different country? o Gone out to eat by yourself? o Sang in the shower? o Changed a tire? o Laughed so hard you cried? o Found money and given it back? o Moved to a different school? o Been frustrated with your child’s homework?

6 Questions If you have further questions about Open Circle following this presentation please feel free to contact us: o Maureen DelGreco o Ellen Ferrante o Deb Alter

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