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2013 Building up a profile of SITS training activities across the UK (for the SITS Trainers Network) Dr. Richard Clark SITS:System Training Manager University.

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Presentation on theme: "2013 Building up a profile of SITS training activities across the UK (for the SITS Trainers Network) Dr. Richard Clark SITS:System Training Manager University."— Presentation transcript:

1 2013 Building up a profile of SITS training activities across the UK (for the SITS Trainers Network) Dr. Richard Clark SITS:System Training Manager University of London International Programmes John Davis Systems Support Officer: Training & Promotion University Wolverhampton -

2 2013 Contents Background Information About the SITS Trainers Network – Events during 2012, 2013 & Outcomes SITS Trainers Network Survey/Profile – Summary of results What’s next for the SITS Trainers Network Questions and Discussion

3 2013 Background Information Driver for project – key objectives Business case – what was spent, including internal days effort, any software costs, external effort, timescales, implementation SITS:Vision components used Key benefits and Return on in Investment

4 2013 About the SITS Trainers Network First session facilitated by Richard Clark (UOL) & Aditya Vadali (Univ. Surrey). John Davis (Univ. Wolverhampton) co-ordinating since 2012 with Richard Clark. To identify issues and challenges surrounding the delivery of SITS training. To share good practice and to see what everyone else is doing. To explore possibilities for collaboration and working together. 2011 Survey (Univ. Surrey) showed that 23 institutions supported the idea for a SITS training SIG/WG. A ‘network’ was setup as the format of the group.

5 2013 First event was held on 29/02/2012 (at the University of Oxford). 35 delegates attended the first meeting. Consisted of short presentations and facilitated discussions about training issues faced by many institutions. Second event at SITS User Conference (July 2012). – University of London showcase (SITS Training) + STN discussion Events During 2012

6 2013 Outcomes (2012) Open to the idea of sharing materials and approaches to training (where possible). Offer re-purposed training materials (Introduction to SITS:Vision client server). Share/compare approaches to training. This will help to create a network of SITS trainers who can collaborate & share good practise and meet during conferences etc. Share good practise/ideas/materials etc via MySITS forum or via SITS Trainers Network meetings.

7 2013 Events During 2013 Third event at University of Wolverhampton (24/05/2013). 19 delegates attended. Consisted of two ‘showcase’ presentations (Trinity College Dublin/St. Andrews), two breakout sessions and a short facilitated discussion. Downloads:

8 2013 Outcomes: STN event May 2013 Many comments from STN members that it was a very worthwhile event. Longer breakout sessions would be needed in the future. Nearly all Institutions offer some sort of basic introduction to SITS. Skills analysis of members of STN. Visit other Institutions to attend relevant training courses. Length of the day was good (perhaps a 2 day event in the future). Many common themes in terms of issues faced by training community. – Presentations/discussions offer further opportunities to debate issues. At future events, member Institutions to showcase e-Learning approaches.

9 2013 SITS Trainers Member Profile Survey - 28 Responses so far (on-going piece of work)

10 2013


12 Training Delivery Methods

13 2013 + Video (short-clips) to help students + Apps for Mobiles/Portable Devices (m-Learning) + Provide remote desktop assistance (i.e. via Microsoft Lync) Training Delivery Methods

14 2013 Training Delivery Methods (Summary) Mostly In-class/F2F & 1:1 Training documentation (Manuals/notes etc) Provide update/refresher courses Workshops/presentations Lots of Institutions experience ‘J.I.T.’ approach e-Learning (staff do not fully engage?)

15 2013 Profile of SITS use/training (1)

16 2013 Profile of SITS use/training (2)

17 2013 STN: Venue Search

18 2013 STN: Format of Meetings

19 2013 STN: Future Meetings

20 2013

21 What’s next for STN? (1) Collaboration: – Visit each others Institutions (SITS / non-SITS training sessions, showcase approaches etc) Skills analysis of members of STN: – Helen Lane (Anglia Ruskin) –> types of SITS training – Jeanette Fluellen (Winchester) -> Trainer skills analysis – Richard Clark (UOL) & John Davis (Wolverhampton) Shared Web Presence (STN web-site?)

22 2013 What’s next for STN? (2) Future Events: – Another 1 or 2 day event (to be proposed to community) – Longer breakout sessions – More showcases Institutions showcase e-Learning approaches: – Examples of best-practise – How to engage users (staff/students/stakeholders) – Methods used for blended learning – What about m-Learning?

23 2013 Keeping in touch

24 2013 Keeping in touch

25 2013 Keeping in touch

26 2013 Keeping in touch

27 2013 Questions and Discussions Join the STN (join our participant/mailing list) What would you like from the Network?

28 2013 Thank You & Contact Details Downloads: Dr. Richard Clark SITS:System Training Manager University of London International Programmes John Davis Systems Support Officer: Training & Promotion University Wolverhampton -

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