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Federalism The division of power into 3 levels of government: national, state & local.

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2 Federalism The division of power into 3 levels of government: national, state & local

3 Delegated (enumerated) Powers Powers specifically granted to the national government Examples: –Coin money –Raise an army –Declare war

4 Reserved Powers Powers left to the state governments (Amendment #10) Examples: –Education –Hunting & fishing licenses/seasons –Marriage and divorce laws –Death penalty, gambling

5 Concurrent Powers Powers that are shared by the national & state governments Examples: –To tax –To build & maintain roads –To operate court systems

6 Denied Powers The Constitution specifically denies or prohibits the National government the following: –No titles of nobility –No ex post facto laws Can’t back date a law to make an act a crime if it wasn’t a crime at the time committed –No bill of attainder Can’t pass a law to deny a person the right to trial by jury

7 The following are powers denied to the state governments –States can’t coin money –States can’t tax goods from another state –States can’t declare war

8 Implied Powers The national government is given powers in the ELASTIC CLAUSE of the Constitution (Article I Sec. 8 Clause 18) These powers allow Congress to make laws that are “necessary and proper to carry out the delegated powers”

9 Examples of the Use of the Elastic Clause Congress has the power to raise an army Sometimes it may be “necessary and proper” for Congress to create a military draft to raise individuals for an army

10 Uses of Elastic Clause Congress has the power to regulate interstate commerce It may be “necessary and proper” that Congress regulates the form of transportation that moves goods from state to state (i.e. railroads, trucking companies, airlines)

11 Uses of the Elastic Clause Congress can tax to raise money, borrow money, coin money It may be “necessary and proper” to create a Bank of the United States to manage that money

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