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Summary and Wrap-up Discussion 8 July 2015

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1 Summary and Wrap-up Discussion 8 July 2015

2 Railway Engineering is the integration of:
Civil Engineering Railway Engineering is the integration of: Transportation Engineering Electrical Engineering Systems Engineering Mechanical Engineering Environmental Engineering Safety Engineering

3 Summary of Presentations
Vision for Railway Engineering Education - Barkan Introduction to Rail Transport & Fundamental Principles - Barkan Introduction to Railway Infrastructure - Thomsen Train Energy, Power and Traffic Control - Lipfert Railway Intermodal Transportation - Clarke Railway Alignment Design and Geometry – AREMA/FRA Basis - Loehr Railway Alignment Design and Geometry – TCRP 155/FTA Basis - Loehr High Speed Rail Design - Ruppert Transit, Regional and Intercity Passenger Rail Transportation - Vuchic

4 Introduction to Rail Transport & Fundamental Principles
North American rail network and traffic growth Railroads provide sustainable mobility Physics of railroad efficiency Fundamental characteristics enable infrastructure optimized for highly efficient performance Efficiency leads to economic, energy and environmental benefits Efficiency also poses some challenges Rail safety and metrics Rail safety trends and comparison to highway transport

5 Introduction to Railway Infrastructure
Types of track and components Basic support, hardware and track system Special trackwork Diverging routes and crossings Bridges and tunnels Navigating topography Stations, yards and terminal facilities Sorting cars and making up trains Passenger boarding and egress

6 Train Energy, Power and Traffic Control
Basic power and propulsion systems DC vs AC power Characteristics and applications of each Introduction to train and traffic control systems Signals, track circuits, block systems & interlockings Automatic stop and speed control technology Train control research opportunities Leveraging PTC for capacity and energy efficiency CBTC open architecture Grade crossing continuous warning technology Dispatching optimization to optimize: track capacity, rolling stock and operating crews Simulation-based operational and traffic forecasting

7 Railway Intermodal Transportation
Passenger and freight rail intermodal transport Definition of intermodal Passenger – Aspects of connectivity Physical, Temporal, Cognitive, Transactional, Comfort, Safety, Security and Reliability Intermodal freight transport Major source of rail freight traffic growth in recent decades Hardware, technology and infrastructure Future issues Improving rail system capacity, service & efficiency Funding improvements – private, public & partnerships Short-haul rail intermodal competitive with truck

8 Railway Alignment Design and Geometry
Heavy rail systems Distinction between rail and highway practice and terminology Designs often must accommodate freight and passenger Light rail systems Distinction between light rail and heavy rail practice

9 High-Speed Rail Design
High speed rail is a system Vehicle track interaction Implicit in previous presentations but must be explicitly recognized in HSR Definitions and Requirements System and subsystems Core Systems Track Works Civil Works Maintenance Depots Stations

10 High-Speed Rail Design
High speed rail is a system System dynamics Vehicle track interaction Implicit in previous presentations but must be explicitly recognized in HSR Definitions and Requirements System and subsystems Core Systems Track Works Civil Works Maintenance Depots Stations Transport hub Profit center

11 Transit, Regional and Intercity Rail
Urban transport modes and their evolution with cities’ growth Rail transit modes definitions and descriptions Rolling stock design and operations Rail transit mode characteristics and comparisons Intercity rail: Amtrak and High-Speed Rail Advantages of high-speed ground transport

12 Questions and Discussion Points
Need to rebuild academic curricula at North American colleges and universities Funding for academic rail research and education Expand funding of “conventional” rail research and more basic topics Develop new alternative rationale for funding to support sustainable growth Engagement with rail community Develop understanding of rail research questions and opportunities Industry organizations – APTA, AREMA, TRB Academic organizations – ASCE, ASME, IEEE, INFORMS Participant questions and topics

13 Discussion 铁路运输及工程中心

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