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Warm up: Why does denatured protein no longer function normally ? (p.85) Exit: Planned activities: Notes / discussion Biological molecules Upcoming activities.

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Presentation on theme: "Warm up: Why does denatured protein no longer function normally ? (p.85) Exit: Planned activities: Notes / discussion Biological molecules Upcoming activities."— Presentation transcript:

1 Warm up: Why does denatured protein no longer function normally ? (p.85) Exit: Planned activities: Notes / discussion Biological molecules Upcoming activities :

2 Warm up: What are the major functions of proteins? Exit: Name the levels of protein structure. Planned activities: Notes / discussion Biological molecules Upcoming activities :

3 Warm up: How are saturated and unsaturated fats different from each other? Exit: Why are saturated fats less healthy for you than unsaturated fats? Planned activities: Notes / discussion Biological molecules Upcoming activities :

4 Warm up: What are two structural forms of monosaccharides? (see page 71) Exit: What are two major functions of carbohydrates? Planned activities: Notes / discussion Biological molecules Upcoming activities :

5 Warm up: What is a polymer? Give an example of three polymers. (p.68) Exit: What is the name they give for the breakdown of a polymer? (p. 69) What is the name they give for the synthesis of a polymer? (p. 69) Planned activities: Notes / discussion Biological molecules Upcoming activities :

6 Warm up: What is a geometric isomer? Exit: There is NO exit from this class! MuuaHaHaHa! Planned activities: Quiz or Make Study Sheet When completed with Quiz: Read Chapter 5, complete section review questions and define bold terms. Upcoming activities : (Due Friday) p. 59 #1 p.63 #1-3 p.66 #1-2 p.67 #1-10 Define bold terms Chapter 4 Practice questions

7 Warm up: Explain why carbon can form so many different kinds of compounds. Exit: Draw the structural formula for C 2 H 4. Planned activities: Quiz or Make Study Sheet When completed with Quiz: Read Chapter 5, complete section review questions and define bold terms. Upcoming activities : (Due Friday) p. 59 #1 p.63 #1-3 p.66 #1-2 p.67 #1-10 Define bold terms Chapter 4 Practice questions

8 Warm up: What is an enantiomer? (see page 62) Exit: Give an example or draw an illustration of an enantiomer, geometric isomer, structural isomer. Planned activities: Project Presentations Due Friday: Warm up questions Notes p. 59 #1, p.63 #1-3, p.66 #1-2, p.67 #1-10 Define bold terms Chapter 4 Practice questions Upcoming activities : p. 59 #1 p.63 #1-3 p.66 #1-2 p.67 #1-10 Define bold terms Chapter 4 Practice questions

9 Warm up: Name the six functional groups and in which important molecules they aere found. Exit: Why is Carbon such a “versatile” element? Planned activities: Project Presentations Due Friday: Warm up questions Notes p. 59 #1, p.63 #1-3, p.66 #1-2, p.67 #1-10 Define bold terms Chapter 4 Practice questions Upcoming activities : p. 59 #1 p.63 #1-3 p.66 #1-2 p.67 #1-10 Define bold terms Chapter 4 Practice questions

10 Warm up: No warm up ( we are re-using last week’s warm up sheet and Monday is already filled) Exit: no exit Planned activities: Project Presentations Due Friday: Warm up questions Notes p. 59 #1, p.63 #1-3, p.66 #1-2, p.67 #1-10 Define bold terms Chapter 4 Upcoming activities : p. 59 #1 p.63 #1-3 p.66 #1-2 p.67 #1-10 Define bold terms Chapter 4

11 Warm up: No warm up Exit: no exit Planned activities: Project Presentations Due Next week: Warm up questions Notes p. 59 #1, p.63 #1-3, p.66 #1-2, p.67 #1-10 Define bold terms Chapter 4 Project p. 59 #1, p.63 #1-3, p.66 #1-2, p.67 #1-10 Define bold terms Chapter 4

12 Warm up: Give an example of isomers that affect organisms differently. (see pages 62-63) Exit: no exit (we will be in the computer lab) Planned activities: Project Due Thursday: Warm up questions Notes p. 59 #1, p.63 #1-3, p.66 #1-2, p.67 #1-10 Define bold terms Chapter 4 Project Upcoming activities :

13 Warm up: Give an example of isomers that affect organisms differently. (see pages 62-63) Exit: no exit (we will be in the computer lab) Planned activities: Project Due Thursday: Warm up questions Notes p. 59 #1, p.63 #1-3, p.66 #1-2, p.67 #1-10 Define bold terms Chapter 4 Project Upcoming activities :

14 Warm up: What did Stanley Miller’s experiment demonstrate? (see page 59) Exit: Draw the electron configuration (dot diagram) of a Carbon atom. How many valence electrons does Carbon have? Planned activities: Notes/ Discussion Due Thursday: Warm up questions Notes p. 59 #1, p.63 #1-3, p.66 #1-2, p.67 #1-10 Define bold terms Chapter 4 Upcoming activities :

15 Warm up: Why is water considered the “solvent of life”? Pages 51-52 Exit: No exit today Planned activities: Notes/ Discussion Due Friday: Read pp. 47-56 Define bold terms in reading p. 48 #1-2 p.53 #1-4 56 # 1-2 worksheet Upcoming activities :

16 Due today: Read pp. 47-56 Define bold terms in reading p. 48 #1-2 p.53 #1-4 56 # 1-2 worksheet

17 Warm up: Water is a polar molecule. What is a polar molecule? (p.47) Exit: What is the difference between cohesion and adhesion? Planned activities: Notes/ Discussion Due Friday: Read pp. 47-53 Define bold terms in reading p. 48 #1-2 p.53 #1-4 Upcoming activities :

18 Warm up: No warm up today. ExitN o exit today Planned activities: Quiz today Upcoming activities :

19 Warm up: Explain how you can tell how many electrons an atom may gain or lose based on its location on the periodic table. Exit: How can you tell if two atoms are likely to form an ionic bond, covalent bond, or metallic bond? Planned activities: Discussion/ Review for quiz Upcoming activities : Test over Chapter 2 (Tuesday 29th)

20 All topics for this quiz are found between pages 32-43 Things to know: Definitions of all bold terms found in paragraphs List the top four elements found in living organisms Arrangement of subatomic particles and their charges Scientific uses for radioactive isotopes Explain how you can tell how many electrons an atom may gain or lose based on its location on the periodic table. Be able to make an electron shell diagram when given the element’s atomic number. Decide if two atoms are likely to form an ionic bond, covalent bond, or metallic bond? Be able to answer all concept check questions for 2.1, 2.2, 2.3

21 Warm up: Which concentrations of cornstarch/water worked to make non-newtonian fluid? Exit: No exit question today. Planned activities: Notes/Discussion Chemical Context of Life Chapter 2.1, 2.2 Read pages 32-43 Define bold terms p.34 #1-2 p.39 #1-5 p.44 #1-2 p. 46 #1-10 (together in class) Upcoming activities : Test over Chapter 2 (Tuesday 29th)

22 Warm up: What is a polymer? Exit: Which kind biological molecule is the starch/water polymer? Planned activities: Notes/Discussion Chemical Context of Life Chapter 2.1, 2.2 Read pages 32-43 Define bold terms p.34 #1-2 p.39 #1-5 p.44 #1-2 p. 46 #1-10 (together in class) Upcoming activities : Test over Chapter 2 (Tuesday 29th)

23 Warm up: If an atom has a high electronegativity, what does that tell you about how it interacts with other electrons? (p.40) Exit: What is a molecular mimic? Give an example of a molecular mimic in living cells. (p.43) Planned activities: Notes/Discussion Chemical Context of Life Chapter 2.1, 2.2 Read pages 32-43 Define bold terms p.34 #1-2 p.39 #1-5 p.44 #1-2 p. 46 #1-10 (together in class) Upcoming activities : Thursday: Making polymers (silly putty) Test over Chapter 2 (Tuesday 29th)

24 Warm up: What is an isotope and how is it used in science/medicine? (p.35) Exit: Draw the electron configuration of carbon. How many bonding sites does it have? (P.37) Planned activities: Notes/Discussion Chemical Context of Life Chapter 2.1, 2.2 Read pages 32-43 Define bold terms p.34 #1-2 p.39 #1-5 p.44 #1-2 Upcoming activities : Test over Chapter 2 (Tuesday 29th)

25 Warm up: What is the definition of a compound? Exit: List the top 11 elements found in the human body. (you can use the chemical symbol) see p.33 Planned activities: Notes/Discussion Chemical Context of Life Chapter 2.1, 2.2 Read pages 32-39 Define bold terms p.34 #1-2 p.39 #1-5 Upcoming activities : Test over Chapter 2 (Tuesday 29th)

26 Warm up: Name the three domains of life. Exit: No exit question today. Planned activities: QUIZ Essay: Homeostasis - Read pages 9-12 - page 12 #1-3 + -define bold terms in reading. -Read pages 12-15 -Pages 15 #1-2 and define bold terms Upcoming activities : Chapter 2.1-2.4 (due next week) -Concept check Questions -Define bold terms Test over Chapter 2 (next week)

27 Warm up: What is a carbohydrate? (see p.45) Exit: Name the 4 main carbon-based biological molecules (pp.45-47) Planned activities: Notes/Discussion BIOLOGICAL MOLECULES Molecular models p.44 define vocabulary p.48 #1-5 Upcoming events: Tuesday (29 th ) QUIZ: Biological Molecules /Enzymes and Energy (Chapter 2)

28 Warm up: Describe the criteria for separating the kingdoms of plants, animals and fungi. Exit: No exit question today. Planned activities: Discuss quiz Essay work time (computer room) Essay: Homeostasis - Read pages 9-12 - page 12 #1-3 + -define bold terms in reading. -Read pages 12-15 -Pages 15 #1-2 and define bold terms Upcoming activities : Friday: Chapter 1 quiz (pages 9-15)

29 DUE FRIDAY: -warm up questions -notes Essay: Homeostasis  - Read pages 9-12 - page 12 #1-3 -define bold terms in reading. -Read pages 12-15 -page 15 #1-2 and define bold terms

30 Warm up: What is the difference between negative and positive feedback loops? (p.11) Exit: No exit question today. Planned activities: Revisit old assignments for quiz prep. Essay work time (computer room) Essay: Homeostasis - Read pages 9-12 - page 12 #1-3 + -define bold terms in reading. -Read pages 12-15 -Pages 15 #1-2 and define bold terms Upcoming activities : Friday: Chapter 1 quiz (pages 9-15)

31 Warm up: List the levels of organization that could be found in your body. (p. 5) Exit: Why are organelles not considered to be living organisms? Planned activities: Notes: Biological systems / Diversity Essay: Homeostasis - Read pages 9-12 - page 12 #1-3 + -define bold terms in reading. -Read pages 12-15 -Pages 15 #1-2 and define bold terms Upcoming activities : Friday: Chapter 1 quiz

32 Warm up: In science what is reductionism? (p.9) Exit: What are the characteristics of organisms in the domain Eukarya? Planned activities: Safety Quiz Notes: Biological systems / Diversity Read pages 9-12 page 12 #1-3 + define bold terms in reading. Read pages 12-15 Pages 15 #1-2 and define bold terms Upcoming activities : Friday: Chapter 1 quiz

33 Warm up: Describe how to safely exit the room during a fire drill. Exit: Describe the safety procedures during a lockdown drill. Planned activities: Safety Procedures review Safety Quiz Work time on assignments due today Video: Experiment design W7UQM Due Today: -Syllabus “Confirmation of Understanding” due FRI. -All assignments due (assignment packet) -Lab Safety Study Guide -Warm up answer sheet -p.8 #1-3, -Define bold terms in reading -Lab Safety Quiz

34 Warm up: Which two features in textbooks allows you to quickly find the location of topics within the textbook? Exit: Which feature tells you the major topics covered in that section of the chapter? Where is this feature located within the chapter? Planned activities: Finding information in a textbook Work time on assignment (due Friday) Read pages 1-8 and complete: p.8 #1-3 + define bold words in text. Upcoming events: Friday: -Syllabus “Confirmation of Understanding” due FRI. -All assignments due (assignment packet) -Lab Safety Study Guide -Warm up answer sheet -p.8 #1-3, -Define bold terms in reading -Lab Safety Quiz

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