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LACTATION BIOLOGY ANIMAL SCIENCE 337 Spring Semester, 2016 11:00 – 12:15 T-Th 0105 Curtiss.

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Presentation on theme: "LACTATION BIOLOGY ANIMAL SCIENCE 337 Spring Semester, 2016 11:00 – 12:15 T-Th 0105 Curtiss."— Presentation transcript:

1 LACTATION BIOLOGY ANIMAL SCIENCE 337 Spring Semester, 2016 11:00 – 12:15 T-Th 0105 Curtiss

2 Instructors: Dr. “Leo” Timms, 123 Kildee Hall, 294-4522, 515-291- 7371(cell), 232-5058 (home), Dr. Howard Tyler, 123A Kildee, 294-6434, Emily Davis, 651-249-9416, Logan Goff, 563-260-4660, lpgoff@iastate Aislinn Pomfret, 715-441-8097, apomfret

3 “Leo”Timms “Leo” Timms Animal Science / College of Vet Med 60% extension, 40% teaching, 0% Res Lots of extension / research/ teaching I team taught this at ISU / Madison! I’ll try to stay ahead of you! I don’t know everything! (but I’ll find it) I have an open door policy (when I’m in!) I’m excited and interactive!

4 How many of you have had? Biology Reproduction Biochemistry Endocrinology Physiology Immunology Histology Other - ology? BAKE CHOCOLATE CHIP COOKIES? EAT? Drink Root Beer? WANT TO LACTATE?

5 Course objectives: mammary glands of 1.Understand the development, morphology, physiology, biochemistry, and immunology mammary glands of many representative species!!!!!!! 2. Understand chemical & biological properties and functional importance of lacteal secretions, and milk synthesis and secretion. 3. Contemporary issues assoc. with lactation 4. Have fun while learning! Interactive!

6 References: Textbook: (recommended, not required) : Lactation and the Mammary Gland. R. Michael Akers. 2002. Iowa State Press. ~$75 ($60 used). Available at both book stores. Lactation Biology Website (AnS 308 University of Illinois): required. Other references: (available in my office or 305 Kildee) Lactation. 1985. Larson. Encyclopedia of Dairy Sciences (2002)

7 Course materials:  Under AS 337 class in computer lab  \\\anslab\Class\AnS337 *** lecture notes (powerpoints) (print these out before class: 6/page) (greyscale: scale to fit paper) * U of IL An Sci 308 Lactation website Handouts / other materials distributed in class

8     


10 PROJECTS: 1.5 page paper (double spaced) on any aspect of lactation in any species but dairy cattle. Paper must contain 5 references. (Logan) Paper due : Thurs. Mar. 10, 2016 (midnight)! Topics due to me by: February 12, 2016 “(in person)” 2. Magical Minutes: based on paper 20% of grade: 2-3 minute oral presentation! (Aislinn)

11 CLASS SCHEDULE Magical minutes of mammals * 2-3 minute oral presentation * highlights from your paper * Formal presentation (powerpoints) 7-9/day : last 25 min of class: during late March-April (A-Z)

12 PROJECTS: Lactation ethics discussions/ debates 3. Lactation ethics discussions/ debates: Students will be assigned to groups of 6-8. Two groups will be assigned to each topic ( one pro / one con). Leo et. al (start building your team) EACH GROUP 2 page position paper (bullets /ref) Due 4/30 5-8 minute oral presentation (everyone)* Q and A* * (final exam slot) Mon May 2 9:45-11:45

13 PROJECTS: 4. Current Events or Lactation topic Each student: 2X/semester (assigned) Find a lactation current event (preferred) or lactation topic or fact (be creative) Send site / topic to Dr. Timms / Emily Bring topic to class: 2-3 min. to present Your name / article title/ article site/ synopsis

14 Exams: 3 exams February 9 March 29 April 21 not comprehensivenot comprehensive review sessions 1-2 nights before ex. 7 pm 104 K Where are my old exams??? Quizzes: Eight (8) (see syllabus) (drop one)

15 Grading/evaluation: Total course is worth 675 points: - Exams: 100 points apiece or 300 points. - Paper: 125 points (20% oral – 25 pt.) - Ethics: 100 points (70% group, 30% ind.) -Quizzes: 80 or more points -Current events / lactation facts (2): 50 pt total Extra credit ditties! Class participation: PRICELESS! ( But worth points!)

16 ** EXTRA CREDIT ** Multiple problems/ searches over the semester (5-6) - you will work but you will learn! - will help on exams and grades!  90-100 points  “Gravy” points after your grade

17 CLASS SCHEDULE Only proposed so may vary a little You can read it on your own! Before class this Thurs: on your own - U of Illinois: An Sci 308 Website - linked from AS337 in computer lab - peruse site; print and study intro / terms! “ Beginning module: Part 6: DEFINITIONS” Ethics discussions: During final exam slot! Mon. May 2 9:45 – 11:45am

18 Quiz 1: This Thursday Assignment Get on Illinois Laction Website Become familiar with topics Surf / navigate the site Beginning module: Page 6 Definitions!! This is the quiz!!!!





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