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IT CAME FROM THE SEWER IT’S ALIVELEVEL UPSCHLEID ON TIME CELL BLOCK -BONUS- 161116*21 271217*22 381318*23 491419*24 5101520*25 Copyright © 2010 Ryan P.

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Presentation on theme: "IT CAME FROM THE SEWER IT’S ALIVELEVEL UPSCHLEID ON TIME CELL BLOCK -BONUS- 161116*21 271217*22 381318*23 491419*24 5101520*25 Copyright © 2010 Ryan P."— Presentation transcript:

1 IT CAME FROM THE SEWER IT’S ALIVELEVEL UPSCHLEID ON TIME CELL BLOCK -BONUS- 161116*21 271217*22 381318*23 491419*24 5101520*25 Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy Cellular Biology Review Game

2 How to play… –Don’t play like Jeo_ _ _ _ y. –Class should be divided into several small groups. –Groups should use science journal (red slide notes), homework, and other available materials to assist you. –Groups can communicate quietly with each other but no sharing answers between groups. Practice quietly communicating right now? Practice Communication Question: Your group gets to order one pizza and you can have two toppings. What does your group want?

3 Questions 1-20 = 5pts Each Final Category (Bonus) = 1pt Each Final Questions = 5 pt wager If you wager 5 on the last question and get it wrong you lose 5 pts. Wager 5 and get it right you get 5 pts. Find the Owl = Secretly write “Owl” in the correct box worth 1pt. “I’ll be about this big.”

4 Is your name on the review sheet?


6 IT CAME FROM THE SEWER IT’S ALIVELEVEL UPSCHLEID ON TIME CELL BLOCK -BONUS- 161116*21 271217*22 381318*23 491419*24 5101520*25 Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy Cellular Biology Review Game

7 IT CAME FROM THE SEWER IT’S ALIVELEVEL UPSCHLEID ON TIME CELL BLOCK -BONUS- 161116*21 271217*22 381318*23 491419*24 5101520*25 Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy Cellular Biology Review Game

8 All of the following are characteristics of living things Except… –A.) Made of SPONCH Elements –B.) Made of Cells –C.) Moves –D.) Responds to a Stimulus –E.) Can Survive without Energy –F.) Adjusts to Changes Maintains Homeostasis –G.) Reproduces –H.) Grows and Develops –I.) Adapts to Changes –J.) Has a Life Span Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy

9 This SPONCH element is considered by many to be the duct tape of life –It holds everything together and makes up about 18.5% of animals.

10 Life comes from pre existing life. Except…Life comes from pre existing life. Except… Abiogenesis: The first life came from non- living materials.Abiogenesis: The first life came from non- living materials. Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy

11 This experiment was created in 1668 by Francesco Redi that helped disprove spontaneous origin. –People believed flies spontaneously came from meat. –He covered one flask, left one open to air. –Observed flies laying eggs on meat. –Flies come from flies. Life comes from life. Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy

12 Louis Pasteur's experiments (1860' s) showed that micro-organisms are even carried in the air. Both flasks boiled to sterilize Micro-organisms trapped in swan Open to air (broth spoils). and broth does not spoil. Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy

13 IT CAME FROM THE SEWER IT’S ALIVELEVEL UPSCHLEID ON TIME CELL BLOCK -BONUS- 161116*21 271217*22 381318*23 491419*24 5101520*25 Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy Cellular Biology Review Game

14 IT CAME FROM THE SEWER IT’S ALIVELEVEL UPSCHLEID ON TIME CELL BLOCK -BONUS- 161116*21 271217*22 381318*23 491419*24 5101520*25 Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy Cellular Biology Review Game

15 Living things need… –Energy – Supplied by the sun (most of the time) and stored in food. Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy

16 Living things need… –Energy – Supplied by the sun (most of the time) and stored in food. Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy

17 Living things need… –Energy – Supplied by the sun (most of the time) and stored in food. –Oxygen – To burn the food in cells. (Respiration) –Water – To keep things moving in and out of cells. (Universal Solvent) –Minerals- For proper chemical balance. Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy

18 Living things need… –Energy – Supplied by the sun (most of the time) and stored in food. –Oxygen – To burn the food in cells. (Respiration) –Water – To keep things moving in and out of cells. (Universal Solvent) –Minerals- For proper chemical balance. Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy

19 Living things need… –Energy – Supplied by the sun (most of the time) and stored in food. –Oxygen – To burn the food in cells. (Respiration) –Water – To keep things moving in and out of cells. (Universal Solvent) –Minerals- For proper chemical balance. Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy

20 Which is a cheek cell, and which is an onion cell? Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy

21 Plant and animal cells both have all of the following except… A.) Nucleus to hold DNA B.) Cytoplasm as fluid. C.) Cell Membrane to keep materials in. D.) Chloroplast to make sugar from light. Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy

22 Plant and animal cells both have all of the following except… A.) Nucleus to hold DNA B.) Cytoplasm as fluid. C.) Cell Membrane to keep materials in. D.) Chloroplast to make sugar from light. Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy

23 Plant and animal cells both have all of the following except… A.) Nucleus to hold DNA B.) Cytoplasm as fluid. C.) Cell Membrane to keep materials in. D.) Chloroplast to make sugar from light. Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy

24 Plant and animal cells both have all of the following except… A.) Nucleus to hold DNA B.) Cytoplasm as fluid. C.) Cell Membrane to keep materials in. D.) Chloroplast to make sugar from light. Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy

25 Plant and animal cells both have all of the following except… A.) Nucleus to hold DNA B.) Cytoplasm as fluid. C.) Cell Membrane to keep materials in. D.) Chloroplast to make sugar from light. Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy

26 Life comes from life. Name these two sex cells? Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy

27 Humans have some… A.) 7,000 Cells B.) 1 Million total cells C.) 50-75 Trillion cells. D.) 876 Quintillion cells E.) We are not made of true cells. Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy

28 Humans have some… A.) 7,000 Cells B.) 1 Million total cells C.) 50-75 Trillion cells. D.) 876 Quintillion cells E.) We are not made of true cells. Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy

29 Humans have some… A.) 7,000 Cells B.) 1 Million total cells C.) 50-75 Trillion cells. D.) 876 Quintillion cells E.) We are not made of true cells. Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy

30 Humans have some… A.) 7,000 Cells B.) 1 Million total cells C.) 50-75 Trillion cells. D.) 876 Quintillion cells E.) We are not made of true cells. Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy

31 Humans have some… A.) 7,000 Cells B.) 1 Million total cells C.) 50-75 Trillion cells. D.) 876 Quintillion cells E.) We are not made of true cells. Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy

32 Humans have some… A.) 7,000 Cells B.) 1 Million total cells C.) 50-75 Trillion cells. D.) 876 Quintillion cells E.) We are not made of true cells. Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy

33 IT CAME FROM THE SEWER IT’S ALIVELEVEL UPSCHLEID ON TIME CELL BLOCK -BONUS- 161116*21 271217*22 381318*23 491419*24 5101520*25 Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy Cellular Biology Review Game

34 IT CAME FROM THE SEWER IT’S ALIVELEVEL UPSCHLEID ON TIME CELL BLOCK -BONUS- 161116*21 271217*22 381318*23 491419*24 5101520*25 Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy Cellular Biology Review Game

35 Use the terms from class to describe A and B. –It has to do with how many cells it has. Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy

36 Cells are the structural and functional units of all living organisms. Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy

37 Name, A, B, C, and D? AtomMoleculeCell Organelle Cell Tissue Organ Organ System Cell Organism Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy

38 Anton van Leeuwenhoek –Looked at the first living cells. –Advanced early microscopes and work. Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy

39 There are two main groups of cells. –A.) Prokaryotic –B.) Eukaryotic Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy

40 Robert Hooke –Looked at the first cells. –Advanced early microscopes and work. Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy

41 IT CAME FROM THE SEWER IT’S ALIVELEVEL UPSCHLEID ON TIME CELL BLOCK -BONUS- 161116*21 271217*22 381318*23 491419*24 5101520*25 Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy Cellular Biology Review Game

42 IT CAME FROM THE SEWER IT’S ALIVELEVEL UPSCHLEID ON TIME CELL BLOCK -BONUS- 161116*21 271217*22 381318*23 491419*24 5101520*25 Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy Cellular Biology Review Game

43 Rudolf Virchow (1900) came up with an early cell theory. –All cells come from pre-existing cells. Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy

44 Name A and B that helped create the modern cell theory. Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy

45 All of the following are part of the modern cell theory except? A.) -Living things are made of cells. B.) -All cells come from pre-existing cells. C.) -Cells contain genetic information. D.) -All cells are different in composition. E.) -Energy flow of life occurs in cells. Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy

46 All of the following are part of the modern cell theory except? A.) -Living things are made of cells. B.) -All cells come from pre-existing cells. C.) -Cells contain genetic information. D.) -All cells are different in composition. E.) -Energy flow of life occurs in cells. Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy

47 All of the following are part of the modern cell theory except? A.) -Living things are made of cells. B.) -All cells come from pre-existing cells. C.) -Cells contain genetic information. D.) -All cells are different in composition. E.) -Energy flow of life occurs in cells. Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy

48 All of the following are part of the modern cell theory except? A.) -Living things are made of cells. B.) -All cells come from pre-existing cells. C.) -Cells contain genetic information. D.) -All cells are different in composition. E.) -Energy flow of life occurs in cells. Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy

49 All of the following are part of the modern cell theory except? A.) -Living things are made of cells. B.) -All cells come from pre-existing cells. C.) -Cells contain genetic information. D.) -All cells are different in composition. E.) -Energy flow of life occurs in cells. Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy

50 All of the following are part of the modern cell theory except? A.) -Living things are made of cells. B.) -All cells come from pre-existing cells. C.) -Cells contain genetic information. D.) -All cells are different in composition. E.) -Energy flow of life occurs in cells. Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy

51 There are two main groups of cells. –A.) Prokaryotic –B.) Eukaryotic Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy

52 There are two main groups of cells. –A.) Prokaryotic –B.) Eukaryotic Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy

53 Which one is older (evolved)? Can you provide a reference of time. –A.) Prokaryotic (appeared about 3.8 billion years ago.) –B.) Eukaryotic (Appeared approx. 2.2 billion years ago.) Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy


55 This PowerPoint is one part of my Cellular Biology Unit. This unit includes… A 3 Part 1,800 Slide PowerPoint slideshow 11 page bundled homework package that chronologically follows the PowerPoint slideshow 16 pages of unit notes with visuals for students who need assistance and support staff Video and activity links, PowerPoint review game, answers keys, rubrics, and much more. ml ml


57 Areas of Focus within the Cellular Biology Unit What is SPONCH?, Biologically Important Molecules, % of SPONCH in Living Things, What does it mean to be living?, Characteristics of Living Things, Needs of Living Things, Cellular Biology, History of Cellular Biology, Modern Cell Theory, Types of Cells, Prokaryotic Cells, Eukaryotic Cells, Cellular Organelles, Cell Wall, Plasma Membrane, Passive Transport, Diffusion, Osmosis, Active Transport, The Nucleus, DNA, Chromatin / Chromosomes, Nucleolus, Transcription, Translation Nuclear Membrane, Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum, Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum, Ribosomes, Protein Synthesis, Golgi Apparatus, Lysosomes, Cytoskeleton / Microtubules / Microfilaments, Centrioles, Plastid, Mitochondria, Vacuoles, Organelles by real images, and much more. Full unit can be found at…





62 Please visit the links below to learn more about each of the units in this curriculum –These units take me about four years to complete with my students in grades 5-10. Earth Science UnitsExtended Tour Link and Curriculum Guide Geology Topics Unit Astronomy Topics Unit Weather and Climate Unit Soil Science, Weathering, More Water Unit Rivers Unit = Easier = More Difficult = Most Difficult 5 th – 7 th grade 6 th – 8 th grade 8 th – 10 th grade

63 Physical Science UnitsExtended Tour Link and Curriculum Guide Science Skills Unit Motion and Machines Unit Matter, Energy, Envs. Unit Atoms and Periodic Table Unit Life Science UnitsExtended Tour Link and Curriculum Guide Human Body / Health Topics DNA and Genetics Unit Cell Biology Unit Infectious Diseases Unit Taxonomy and Classification Unit Evolution / Natural Selection Unit Botany Topics Unit Ecology Feeding Levels Unit Ecology Interactions Unit Ecology Abiotic Factors Unit

64 Thank you for your time and interest in this curriculum tour. Please visit the welcome / guide on how a unit works and link to the many unit previews to see the PowerPoint slideshows, bundled homework, review games, unit notes, and much more. Thank you for your interest and please feel free to contact me with any questions you may have. Best wishes. Sincerely, Ryan Murphy M.Ed

65 The entire four year curriculum can be found at... Please feel free to contact me with any questions you may have. Thank you for your interest in this curriculum. Sincerely, Ryan Murphy M.Ed

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