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Local Strategic Partnership “The Best Start In Life”

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Presentation on theme: "Local Strategic Partnership “The Best Start In Life”"— Presentation transcript:

1 Local Strategic Partnership “The Best Start In Life”

2 The best start in life for every child How we prioritise spending Focus on partnership arrangements – a locally agreed vision Outcome focused – not just actions Children and young people’s voice is critical to success The Children’s Collective oversees the CYPP and report to the LSP Children and Young People’s Plan 2014 – 2017

3 Measuring our progress against the 2011-2014 plan Reduce obesity in children and young people (19.4% to 18% in Year 6 but up from 8.8% to 9.4% in Reception) Reduce health inequalities (self-reported alcohol use down from 21% to 16%, self-reported drug use down from 9.2% to 2%) Reduce under 18 conceptions and promote positive sexual health (25% reduction from baseline has improved to 38.3% reduction from baseline) Help children, young people and adults to develop positive relationships and not to bully (secondary aged pupils reporting being bullied fell from 47% to 31%)

4 Measuring our progress against the 2011-2014 plan Ensure all children and young people including all vulnerable groups receive high quality teaching and learning, improving academic progress and narrowing the gap in performance between settings, schools and phases (children looked after and those on free school meals closed the attainment gap at the Early Years Foundation stage from 38% to 30%, at KS2 from 20% to 16% and from 35% to 33% at KS4) To reduce the causes and mitigate the impact of child poverty (children living in families with out of work benefits reduced from 22.3% to 20.9% but has begun to increase again) Support young people to remain in education, employment and training and prepare them for adult life (NEET population decreased from 7.1% to 6.8%) We were concerned about the rate of unintentional and deliberate injuries leading to hospital admission for young people. (This has increased from 192.6 per 10,000 to 205.9)

5 What children and young people are telling us? The social norms survey of over 1,000 young people showed that drug use and alcohol use had fallen Key messages from a survey of over 200 young people: 75% know where to access information and advice 60% feel safe in Darlington 75% like living in Darlington 52% think there is not enough employment opportunities in Darlington for young people 4,000 young people voted for the Youth MP – with key campaign issues being about health, employment and leisure Data also shows the annual rate of admissions as a result of self harm amongst young people has begun to rise

6 Emerging priorities for 2014 – 2017 Improving health - particularly sexual and mental health Preventing harm Effectively engaging children and young people in the design of services Narrowing the attainment gap Employment opportunities for young people Access to leisure activities

7 The Best Start in Life – [Discussion groups for 15 mins] What are the Boards priorities for children and young people? How can the Board support the key issues identified by children and young people [eg mental health, healthy activities, employment and protection from harm]? How can the Board support the Children’s Collective to deliver the outcomes?

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