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Descriptive statistics Describing data with numbers: measures of variability.

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1 Descriptive statistics Describing data with numbers: measures of variability

2 What to describe? What is the “location” or “center” of the data? How do the data vary?

3 Measures of Variability Range Interquartile range Variance and standard deviation Coefficient of variation All of these measures are appropriate for measurement data only.

4 Range The difference between largest and smallest data point. Highly affected by outliers.

5 Range?

6 Range Descriptive Statistics Variable N Mean Median TrMean StDev SE Mean GPA 92 3.0698 3.1200 3.0766 0.4851 0.0506 Variable Minimum Maximum Q1 Q3 GPA 2.0200 3.9800 2.6725 3.4675 Range = 3.98 - 2.02 = 1.96

7 Interquartile range The difference between the third quartile and the first quartile. So, the “middle-half” of the values. Robust to outliers.

8 Interquartile range?

9 Interquartile range Descriptive Statistics Variable N Mean Median TrMean StDev SE Mean GPA 92 3.0698 3.1200 3.0766 0.4851 0.0506 Variable Minimum Maximum Q1 Q3 GPA 2.0200 3.9800 2.6725 3.4675 IQR = 3.4675 - 2.6725 = 0.795

10 Variance Sample variance denoted by s 2 Measures average squared deviation of data points from their mean. Highly affected by outliers.

11 Standard deviation Sample standard deviation is square root of sample variance, and so is denoted by s. Measures average deviation of data points from their mean. Also highly affected by outliers.

12 Variance or standard deviation?

13 Variance or standard deviation Sex N Mean Median TrMean StDev SE Mean female 126 91.23 90.00 90.83 11.32 1.01 male 100 06.79 110.00 105.62 17.39 1.74 Minimum Maximum Q1 Q3 female 65.00 120.00 85.00 98.25 male 75.00 162.00 95.00 118.75 Females: s = 11.32 mph and s 2 = 11.32 2 = 128.1 mph 2 Males: s = 17.39 mph and s 2 = 17.39 2 = 302.5 mph 2

14 Variance or standard deviation?

15 Variance or standard deviation Sex N Mean Median TrMean StDev SE Mean female 126 152.05 150.00 151.39 18.86 1.68 male 100 177.98 183.33 176.04 28.98 2.90 Sex Minimum Maximum Q1 Q3 female 108.33 200.00 141.67 163.75 male 125.00 270.00 158.33 197.92 Females: s = 18.86 kph and s 2 = 18.86 2 = 355.7 kph 2 Males: s = 28.98 kph and s 2 = 28.98 2 = 839.8 kph 2

16 Coefficient of Variation Ratio of sample standard deviation to sample mean multiplied by 100. Measures relative variability, that is, variability relative to the magnitude of the data. Unitless, so good for comparing variation between two groups.

17 Coefficient of variation (MPH) Sex N Mean Median TrMean StDev SE Mean female 126 91.23 90.00 90.83 11.32 1.01 male 100 106.79 110.00 105.62 17.39 1.74 Minimum Maximum Q1 Q3 female 65.00 120.00 85.00 98.25 male 75.00 162.00 95.00 118.75 Females: CV = (11.32/91.23) x 100 = 12.4 Males: CV = (17.39/106.79) x 100 = 16.3

18 Coefficient of variation (KPH) Sex N Mean Median TrMean StDev SE Mean female 126 152.05 150.00 151.39 18.86 1.68 male 100 177.98 183.33 176.04 28.98 2.90 Sex Minimum Maximum Q1 Q3 female 108.33 200.00 141.67 163.75 male 125.00 270.00 158.33 197.92 Females: CV = (18.86/152.05) x 100 = 12.4 Males: CV = (28.98/177.98) x 100 = 16.3

19 The most appropriate measure of variability depends on … the shape of the data’s distribution.

20 Choosing Appropriate Measure of Variability If data are symmetric, with no serious outliers, use range and standard deviation. If data are skewed, and/or have serious outliers, use IQR. If comparing variation across two data sets, use coefficient of variation.

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