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What’s New about the Test?.  Increased student engagement through a more dynamic testing experience  Built-in accommodations and accessibility features.

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Presentation on theme: "What’s New about the Test?.  Increased student engagement through a more dynamic testing experience  Built-in accommodations and accessibility features."— Presentation transcript:

1 What’s New about the Test?

2  Increased student engagement through a more dynamic testing experience  Built-in accommodations and accessibility features appropriate for a range of student needs  Staged adaptivity which captures students’ individual range of language skills  Increased ease for test administrators  Greater logistical flexibility as a result of being able to simultaneously administer multiple grades and proficiency levels  Group administration for all domains  Central scoring by Data Recognition Corporation (DRC) for all domains  Test Administrators will not need to determine tiers

3  Reading 1-12 online  * Speaking 1-12 online  Listening 1-12 online  Writing 4-12 online: computer  prompts, paper responses)  Writing 1-3 will continue to be a paper based test  Kindergarten- will continue to be face-to- face/individually administered  *Test Administrators will no longer need to administer and score the Speaking test one-on-one

4 ACCESS for ELLs K1-23-56-89-12 ACCESS for ELLs 2.0 K*12-34-56- 8 9- 12 Note that Kindergarten will remain interactive, paper-based kit for the near future. All changes discussed apply to Grades 1-12

5 ACCESS 2.0- onlineACCESS 2.0- Paper


7  School Assessment Coordinator (SAC) is responsible for coordinating ALL ACCESS 2.0 materials and assessment * Please refer to the SAC Contract

8 EL Contact Person  The ACCESS contact person(s) will provide consultation (as needed) to the School Assessment Coordinator (SAC) before and during ACCESS 2.0 testing. The role may include, but is not limited to the following:  interpreting EL Eligibility list  providing support around grouping of EL students for test administration  EL levels  test scheduling  supporting communication between SpEd coaches/Teachers and EL Staff in the process of updating ACCESS test accommodations in students’ IEPs. 

9 Test Administrators/Monitors  Administer ACCESS for ELLs 2.0.  Complete the WIDA/district Training Course, including review of all applicable Test Administration Manuals and web-based modules  Complete checklists available through the WIDA Training Course to prepare for test administration activities

10  REA: Robin Lane and Michael Wirtz  MLL: Phi Vu, MLL Supervisors and TOSAs  Technology Department: Josh Glossing and Mario McHenry  WIDA: spx

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