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Health Technology Assessment

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1 Health Technology Assessment

2 What is ECRI Institute? A ‘not for profit’ health services research agency chartered in 1955 International – Offices in Europe, Middle East, Far East, USA 11,500 m2 Head Office One of the world’s most comprehensive source of information on healthcare practices and technology employing over 300 staff A Collaborating Centre for WHO.

3 Our mission…….. To improve the safety, efficacy, delivery and cost-effectiveness of healthcare through an informed consumer.

4 Why we are different…... ‘Not for profit’ (similar to a charitable trust) and not a corporation or a company We are totally independent, which maintains our objectivity and integrity We accept no royalties, gifts or commissions Neither ECRI Institute nor its staff are permitted to own shares in or consult for the medical device or pharmaceutical companies …….strict conflict of interest rules.

5 Our services…... Applied research Publications Software Databases
Information services (web access) Risk Management including Accident and Forensic services Consultancy.

6 Health Technology Assessment

7 What is Health Technology include?
Drugs Devices Procedures Biotechnology Information technology Systems technology.

8 Definition: Technology Assessment
Technology Assessment-- a practical process of determining the value of a new or emerging technology in and of itself or against existing or competing technologies using efficacy, effectiveness, outcome, risk management, strategic, financial and competitive criteria.

9 Purpose of Technology Assessment
Determining the safety, efficacy and cost-effectiveness of medical technology Discriminate between the appropriate and inappropriate indications of use of medical technologies To advise upon the formulation of safe, effective, health policies that are patient focused and seek to achieve best value.

10 The Current Environment
Enormous duplication of services Technology changing faster than clinical practice Pressure for information on the value of new approaches Pressure on providers to deliver care in a capitated environment Integration and consolidation Pressure from payers for less costly services

11 The Challenge of Technology Assessment
Encourage the development of new technology Avoid inappropriate diffusion Align payers, providers, and manufacturers in the assessment of technology Propagate complex issues in an intelligible form..


13 Issues in the Health Care Debate
Wide variations in practices among clinicians locally, regionally, nationally and internationally No match between resources used and needs Information ABOUT technology diffuses faster than information about the VALUE of technology How do we empower the clinician for the rational use of technology?

14 How Do Hospitals Assess and Acquire Technology?
By careful review of value and other criteria? By comparison against competing and existing technology? By buying what clinicians want? By buying what the manufacturers tell them? By listening to the BBC? Google?

15 The Technology Chasm Don’t just look for the big “splash” in the pond—follow the ripples; few reach shore Pushing the technology edge is critical—but real-world use and real-world benefits must be demanded Whether a technology becomes successful depends on much more than whether it works well Never underestimate psychology and emotion.

16 Technology Assessment Spectrum
Macro Micro Holistic Regional/ National Local Pre-purchase Evaluation Procurement Efficacy Safety Cost-effectiveness Legal issues Ethical issues Epidemiology Patient demographics Health priorities Resource allocation Competition Business feasibility Financial benefits Assimilation capability User expertise Effectiveness Performance Features Ease of use Life-cycle cost User support Training Service Specification Bid analysis Selection Financing

17 Gartner Hype Cycle Source: Gartner,

18 How a technology is used determines whether it will be cost-effective

19 The First Rule of Technology Assessment
In God we trust, all others bring data. -Anonymous

20 The Second Rule of Technology Assessment
Data is not the plural of anecdote. - Donald Berwick

21 Putt’s Law Technology is dominated by two types of people: those who understand what they do not manage, and those who manage what they do not understand.

22 Thank you for your attention

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