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Information Systems in Business and Management. Origins in a number of Disciplines –Management –Operations Research –Computer Science –Accounting –Organisation.

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Presentation on theme: "Information Systems in Business and Management. Origins in a number of Disciplines –Management –Operations Research –Computer Science –Accounting –Organisation."— Presentation transcript:

1 Information Systems in Business and Management

2 Origins in a number of Disciplines –Management –Operations Research –Computer Science –Accounting –Organisation Development Taxonomy of Information Systems –Transaction Processing –Management Reporting Systems –Decision Support Systems –Executive Information Systems

3 Management Information Systems Information: The most valuable resource What is an Information System?

4 Five Main Resources Personnel Material Machines –(including facilities and energy) Money Information (and data) Physical Conceptua l }

5 How Resources are Managed Acquire Assemble, or prepare Maximize use Replace

6 Factors Stimulating Interest in Information Management Increasing complexity of business –International economy –Worldwide competition –Increasing complexity of technology –Shrinking time frames –Social constraints Improved computer capabilities

7 Who are the Users? Managers Nonmanagers Persons & organizations in the firm’s environment

8 Where Managers are Found Various management levels Various functional areas of the firm

9 The Nature of Management Functional Activities –Accounting –Marketing –Production –Personnel Name Title Name Title Name Title Name Title Name Title Name Title Name Title Name Title Name Title Name Title Name Title Name Title Name Title Name Title Name Title Name Title Name Title Name Title Name Title Name Title Name Title Name Title Name Title Name Title Name Title Name Title Name Title Name Title Name Title Name Title Name Title Name Title Name Title Name Title Name Title Name Title Name Title Name Title Name Title Name Title

10 Levels of Management (Anthony 1965) Strategic Planning Management control Operational Control

11 Levels of Managers Strategic planning Management control Operational control Management in Organisations

12 Strategic Planning Relates to the Organisation as a Whole Occurs on an Irregular Basis Relies on External Information An Exercise in Applied Economics Small Numbers Involved Provides the Framework for Mgt Control

13 Management Control Elements Process Managers Goals Efficiency and Effectiveness Characteristics – Focus on Responsibility Centres – General Types of Information – Comprehensive – Expressed in Financial Terms – Defined Patterns and Timetables – Coordinated Integrated System

14 Operational Control Restricted to Narrowly Defined Activities Occurs in the Content of Mgt Control Based on a Financial Structure Relates to Individual Transactions Requires a Formal Model of Operation

15 The Influence of Management Level on Information Source Strategic planning level Management control level Operational control level Internal Environmental

16 The Influence of Management Level on Information Form Strategic planning level Management control level Operational control level Detail Summary

17 Managers Can Be Found on All Levels and in All Functional Areas of the Firm Finance Function Human Resources Function Information Services Function Manufacturing Function Marketing Function Strategic planning level Management Control Level Operational Control Level

18 Managerial Roles Fayol Mintzberg Stewart Planning, Staffing, Controlling etc

19 What Managers do -- Fayol’s Functions Strategic Planning Level Management Control Level Operational Control Level

20 What Managers do -- Mintzberg’s Roles Interpersonal roles –Figurehead –Leader –Liaison Informational roles –Monitor –Disseminator –Spokesperson Mintzberg's Managerial Roles n Decisional roles –Entrepreneur –Disturbance handler –Resource allocator –Negotiator

21 Problem Solving Information Comes in Many Forms Computer Reports Noncomputer reports Electronic mail Periodical s Telephone Problem Solving Written Media Oral Media Internal Sources External Sources Scheduled Meetings Unscheduled Meetings Voice Mail Tours Business Meals Letters & Memos

22 Management Skills Communications Problem solving How can an information specialist help?

23 Transaction Processing Systems A focus on data storage processing and flows at the operational ; Efficient Transaction Processing Automation of High Volume Routine Tasks Minimum Participation by Users Summary reports to Management Ryanair, EBay, Google

24 Management Reporting Systems An Information Focus aimed at Middle Managers Structured Information Flow Inquiry and Report Generation off a Database Planning and Control Summary Details Rhythmic in Nature Name Title Name Title Name Title Name Title Name Title Name Title Name Title Name Title Name Title Name Title Name Title Name Title Name Title Name Title Name Title Name Title Name Title Name Title Name Title Name Title Name Title Name Title Name Title Name Title Name Title Name Title Name Title Name Title Name Title Name Title Name Title Name Title Name Title Name Title

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