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Dormant Accounts Fund Support Event Welcome & Introduction Deirdre Whitmore Development Co-ordinator.

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Presentation on theme: "Dormant Accounts Fund Support Event Welcome & Introduction Deirdre Whitmore Development Co-ordinator."— Presentation transcript:

1 Dormant Accounts Fund Support Event Welcome & Introduction Deirdre Whitmore Development Co-ordinator

2 Dormant Accounts Fund Support Event Key Requirements for Contract Holders: Non-Capital Projects


4 Q: W HAT IS OUR AIM TODAY ? Time consuming Daunting paperwork Complicated A: S IMPLIFICATION

5 O VERVIEW Contracting: What does this mean? Good Governance Public Procurement Human Resources Communication & Publicity Timelines: Finance & Non-Finance– Returns & Payments Progress Monitoring and the End of Project Report

6 U NDERSTANDING YOUR CONTRACT Read your contract carefully! Legal document Has conditions attached: general & project specific. Timeframe – All expenditure to be completed by end Dec 2016 or June 2017 dependent upon Measure. Eligible activities and spend Changes to your project must be requested in writing and approved by Pobal. Refer back to the Key requirements document!

7 S TATUS OF C ONTRACTS 8 Approved Measure 2 projects with a grant award of €526,304 16 Approved Measure 3 projects with a grant award of €856,577 23 Approved Measure 4 projects with a grant award of €885,735 7 Approved Measure 5 projects with a grant award of €527,451 6 Approved Measure 6 (b) projects with a grant award of €191,219 14 Approved Measure 7 projects with a grant award of €562,620 12 Approved Measure 8 projects with a grant award of €302,954 All 95 contracts issued. 81 have returned signed grant agreements. 68 have received a first payment, 5 in process and 8 in administration


9 What do we want to see? Each organisation to have a robust Internal Procedures Manual in place. This documents Financial & non-Finance procedures Grantees are encouraged to apply Pobal’s Managing Better Volume 1: Good Governance toolkit – And to adopt the Code of Practice for good governance of Community, Voluntary and Charitable Organisations.

10 C OMMUNICATION & P UBLICITY Requirement to acknowledge government support on all project related information and publicity material. Use the DAF Logo and strapline ‘This project was approved by Government with support from the Dormant Accounts Fund’ All projects - Display the DAF poster prominently in your building.


12 P UBLIC P ROCUREMENT Quotation from St. Luke, Chapter 15 “For which of you, intending to build a tower, sitteth not down first to count the cost, whether he have sufficient to finish it Otherwise if he laid the foundation and then found himself unable to finish the work the onlookers would all look at him and start making fun of him saying “here is a man who started to build and was unable to finish”.

13 HR & S TAFFING If your project involves DAF funded staff: New positions only Open & transparent recruitment process If an internal candidate is successful – there must be: Backfill of vacant post or Position of origin is redundant Evidence of compliance to be kept on file.

14 K EY T IMELINES Submission of Financial returns & Progress reports Final payment is retrospective. All payments are dependent upon satisfactory reporting. Operational funding only: Measure 2, 5, 7 & 8 (18 month projects) Financial ReportingProgress ReportFinal End of Project Report 30th April 2016 30th September 2016 Period to 30 th June 2017 (Due Mid-July 2017) 30 th September 2016 31 st March 2017 Period to 30 th June 2017 (Due End-July 2017)

15 K EY T IMELINES Submission of Financial returns & Progress reports Final payment is retrospective. All payments are dependent upon satisfactory reporting. Operational funding only: Measure 3, 4 & 6 (b) (12 month projects) Financial ReportingProgress ReportFinal End of Project Report 30th April 2016 30th September 2016 Period to 31st December 2016 (Due mid-January 2017) Period to 31 th December 2016 (Due end January 2017)


17 M ONITORING One progress report due at the end of September for 12 month projects (Measures 3, 4 & 6b). Two progress reports end September & end March 2017 for 18 month projects (Measures 2, 6, 7 & 8) This will be simple and via the DAF portal/on-line system. On-going grant payments are dependent upon satisfactory project progress. What will the Progress Report include? Progress against Targets. Chance to identify any issues.

18 E ND OF P ROJECT R EPORTING OVERVIEW: Measures 1,3,4 & 6 (12 Month Projects): End of project report on Two weeks after contract end. (Mid-January 2017) Measures 2,5,7 & 8 (18 Month Projects): End of project report on Two weeks after contract end. (Mid-July 2017) All returns will be via DAF portal/on-line system Part of Contractual Obligations – final payment will be dependent on completion Outline of End of Project Report and link to documents contained in Key Requirements document (Section 5)

19 E ND OF P ROJECT REPORTING What will the End of Project Report include? Financial information (detailed in next presentation) Non-financial information: A) Brief report on operational progress & success based on your project activities and targets as well as a statement of completion. B) Progress against Output and Outcome Indicators as set out in Fact Sheets for each measure

20 E ND OF P ROJECT R EPORTING Output and Outcome Indicators: Indicators are outlined in each Measure Fact Sheet These indicators have been converted into a set of questions for each measure. These questions are available on Pobal website and will be circulated after this event To demonstrate the impact/positive changes from each measure as a whole - not to capture all activities of individual projects Basis of reporting to relevant Departments Questions for each measure – mostly simple counts and tick boxes. Descriptions should be kept concise Full reporting instructions will be issued towards end of funding period Important to familiarise yourself with the data required and start collecting this data on an on-going basis

21 E ND OF P ROJECT R EPORTING - Q UESTIONNAIRES Questionnaires/Surveys: Measures 2, 3, 5, 6 (b) and 8 are required to administer a short and simple survey to clients after an intervention/training session: Measure 2: Survey to clients 3 months after the end of an intervention, e.g. training or 1-1 support (sample of clients to be selected) Measure 3: Questionnaire to clients 2 months after delivery of training sessions (sample of clients) Measure 5: Local Area Coordinators to administer questionnaire to each primary client 2 months after making initial contact. Measure 6b: Questionnaire to participants 2 months after delivery of training (one person per organisation, e.g. Manager) Measure 8: Questionnaire to beneficiaries of service at what you deem an appropriate interval e.g. 3 months (sample of clients for each service) Questions and wording for questionnaires are available on the website and will be circulated after this event.

22 E ND OF P ROJECT R EPORTING – K EY P OINTS In summary, key points to note: Documentation is available on website and will be circulated after this event Need to put procedure in place now to collect data in relation to beneficiaries/clients throughout lifetime of project Simple questions, tick box options and short descriptions only Measures 2, 3, 5, 6b and 8 will need to administer short questionnaires to clients (further details will be circulated) All data to be collated and input onto on-line system at end of project (12 or 18 months as required) Final retrospective payment will be dependent on completion of all reporting requirements

23 P ROGRAMME E VALUATION DAF Programme Evaluation Pobal will not be undertaking any formal evaluation of Dormant Accounts Funding. The relevant Government Departments may at some point commission independent evaluations on their respective Measures. If the decision is made to undertake an evaluation, the relevant projects will be informed and asked to contribute to the evaluation.

24 P OBAL L IAISON Any queries? Read the manual first then contact Pobal. Measure 1: Paul McLaughlin (015117275 or Measure 2: Deirdre Whitmore (015117177 or Measure 3: Anne Marie Moran (015117196 or Measure 4: Bernard Bolger (015117518 or Measure 5: Jo-Anne Hurley (015117113 or Measure 6: Jo-Anne Hurley (015117113 or Measure 7: Liam McKeever (015117608 or ) Measure 8: Sophia Hume (015117243 or

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