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Once the designer has decided to use and selected the correct Magna 3 pump in a specific application they must communicate these decisions to the contractor.

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Presentation on theme: "Once the designer has decided to use and selected the correct Magna 3 pump in a specific application they must communicate these decisions to the contractor."— Presentation transcript:

1 Once the designer has decided to use and selected the correct Magna 3 pump in a specific application they must communicate these decisions to the contractor. This communication is typically executed using construction drawings and specification. Specification

2 CSI Master Format The Construction Specification Institute (CSI)
Guides the construction industry’s communication and documentation to bid and construct a project 2004 significant change to specification numbering and order In the U.S. the CSI format is used for building construction projects. CSI stands for the Construction Specification Institute. The CSI format is important because it is accepted by both design and construction industry enhancing communication in the bidding and construction process. The CSI master format made significant changes in 2004 and most of the industry has since made the transition to the new format. The following discussion will only cover the new format.

3 Contract Documents Contracting Requirements Contracting forms
Project forms Conditions of the Contract Revisions, Clarifications, & Modifications (Addenda) Specification Divisions Drawings The specification and drawings are components of the contract documents. In addition to the drawings and specifications the contract documents also include the contracting requirements. The item within the contract requirements that most important to product specifiers and suppliers are the addenda. The addenda will clarify any changes to the issued plans and specification prior the bid opening. This is important to consider because alternates or equals are often defined in the addenda in addition to changes. The drawings will often contain information such as location, quantity, system connections (i.e. piping connection to pumps), and anything else that is easiest to communicate in graphical form. Schedules for equipment can be shown either on the plans or in the specification (typically not both as this opens up the potential for error in the case they do not match). Most designers look to manufacturer representatives or web pages for guidance or assistance in writing the specification.

4 Specification The written portion of the contract documents that defines: Materials Equipment Systems Standards and workmanship Performance of related services Quality of product and installation requirements The specification is the written portion of the contract documents. The types of items included in this text include: materials, equipment, systems, standards, workmanship, installation, warranty, and training. It is important that the specification clearly identify the acceptable product for an application including its quality and installation.

5 Specification Specification Sub-groups / Divisions
General Requirements Division 01 Facility Construction Divisions Facility Services Divisions Site and Infrastructure Divisions Process Equipment Divisions The CSI master format is broken into 50 sub-groups or divisions based on the application. These divisions are standardized and do not all have to be used on every project – for example if there is not process equipment for a facility then divisions 40 – 49 would not be included in the specification. Each of these sub-groups are broken into many more specific product or system sections.

6 Specification Specification Sub-groups / Divisions
General Requirements Division 01 Facility Construction Divisions Facility Services Divisions Site and Infrastructure Divisions Process Equipment Divisions Pumps fall under sub-group Facility Services.

7 Facility Services Division 20 Reserved Division 21 Fire Suppression
Division 22 Plumbing Division 23 Heating, Ventilating, and Air-Conditioning Division 24 Reserved Division 25 Integrated Automation Division 26 Electrical Division 27 Communications Division 28 Electronic Safety and Security Division 29 Reserved Facility Services is broken into 9 divisions. Some of these divisions are labeled as ‘Reserved’ as it is anticipated that at some point in the future there may be additional items that need to be included in a spec but have not yet been identified.

8 Facility Services Division 20 Reserved Division 21 Fire Suppression
Division 22 Plumbing Division 23 Heating, Ventilating, and Air-Conditioning Division 24 Reserved Division 25 Integrated Automation Division 26 Electrical Division 27 Communications Division 28 Electronic Safety and Security Division 29 Reserved Both Divisions 22 Plumbing & 23 HVAC could include a magna pump depending on the application. Hot water recirc pumps would fall under division 22 and hydronic applications would be called out in Division 23.

9 Specification Section Number
Division 22 Plumbing Facility Water Distribution Domestic Water Pumps Close-Coupled, In-Line, Sealless Centrifugal Domestic-Water Pumps Division 23 Heating, Ventilation, and Air-conditioning Hydronic Piping and Pumps Hydronic Pumps In-Line Centrifugal Hydronic Pumps Each division is further broken down as defined by the CSI master format. When applying a Mangna 3 as a recirculating domestic hot water pump the section number will be When applying a Mangna 3 in a hydronic application the section number will be

10 Specification Organization
Part 1 General – Administrative & procedural requirements unique to the section Spec sections have a uniform organizational structure consisting of three the parts. Part 1 is the general section which defines the administrative and procedural requirements unique to the section.

11 Magna3 Specification We will look at the Magna3 spec to better understand the specification structure as well as become familiar the content. Understand the spec and its content is critical in effectively giving direction to system designers and specification writers. Expect that most designers and specification writers will not copy and past the manufacturer spec into their construction document but will instead select specific content. It is important that contact be made with the designer when the spec is being written (typically one of the last steps in the design prior to being released for bid) to provide any help – a great way to do this is to volunteer to proof the spec section allowing you to see what is include or neglected and allow you to make timely suggestions.

12 Magna3 Spec – Part 1 Part 1 General – Administrative & procedural requirements unique to the section This is the Magna3 spec Part 1 – General.

13 Magna Spec – Part 1 Part 1 General – Administrative & procedural requirements unique to the section The text is a little small – let’s enlarge this.

14 Magna Spec – Part 1 Part 1 General – Administrative & procedural requirements unique to the section 1.1 Work Included could also be called the summary.

15 Magna Spec – Part 1 Part 1 General – Administrative & procedural requirements unique to the section The next subsection 1.2 is again too small to read easily.

16 Magna Spec – Part 1 (all referenced later in spec?)
Part 1 General – Administrative & procedural requirements unique to the section Subsection 1.2 Referenced Standards. The referenced standards are those documents written by independent agencies that set a standard for operation, performance, and safety for the industry for which the pump complies.

17 Magna Spec – Part 1 Part 1 General – Administrative & procedural requirements unique to the section Subsection 1.3 is again too small to read easily.

18 Magna Spec – Part 1 Part 1 General – Administrative & procedural requirements unique to the section 1.3 Installation References is specific to the quality assurance of the final performance of the pump.

19 Specification Organization
Part 2 Products – describes product, materials, equipment, fabrications, systems, and assemblies Part 2 of the spec is specific to the product being specified. This part includes the assembly methods, fabrications, and materials. This is typically longest portion of the spec section as it addresses the details of the product.

20 Magna Specification Note that section 2 is the highlighted sections of the 4 page spec. Of course this text is much too small to read therefore each subsection will be separately presented on the following slides.

21 Specification Organization
Part 2 Products – describes products, materials, equipment, fabrications, systems, and assemblies

22 Magna Spec – Part 2

23 Specification Organization
2.1.1.C PUMPS, Features (Continued)

24 Magna Spec – Part 2

25 Magna Spec – Part 2

26 2.1.3.A OPERATING MODES (Continued)
Magna Spec – Part 2 2.1.3.A OPERATING MODES (Continued)

27 Magna Spec – Part 2

28 Magna Spec – Part 2 (should be 3?)

29 Specification Organization
Part 3 Execution – Installation, Start-up, Testing, Commissioning, Demonstration, Training The final section of the specification is Part 3 Execution. The purpose of this section is to ensure that once the proper pump has been supplied that it performs properly. Items included in this section is installation, start-up, testing, and training.

30 Performance vs Prescriptive Spec
Performance specifications - focus on the outcomes rather than the characteristics of the components Required results, criteria for verification Prescriptive specifications - define the requirements using generic or proprietary descriptions of what is required Generic needed for a competitive bid There are primarily two types of specification – Performance and Prescriptive. Each has the same intent of defining a product for application in construction but the approaches are very different. A performance spec is one that neither the product nor the manufacturer are defined but rather the outcomes are the focus. In this method the designer states what they would like the product to do within defined parameters. Prescriptive specifications define what is required such as the specific materials used, assembly, etc. The later specification is the more common in the U.S. market.

31 Proprietary Spec Writing
Easier for the designer (basis of design) Name a specific manufacturer and product Open: Allows alternate or substitute products Named product serves to indicate the desired properties Closed: No substitutions When using a prescriptive specification it is common that a open proprietary spec be used. This means that the designer has selected a product is which they have designed around, ‘basis of design’, and have called this out in the specification. The spec then lists alternate acceptable manufactures and products that would be considered ‘equal’ to ensure a competitive bid. Becoming the basis of design is desirable as it is easier to bid a project when designed around your product.

32 Magna 3 Attribute Comparison
We have spent a lot of time talking about the Magna3 pump. An important part of making an effective sale to the designers and contractors is to know how it compares to the competition. Magna 3 Attribute Comparison

33 Incomplete This spreadsheet was developed to help show how the new Magna3 stacks up against the existing Mangna1 as well as products from other manufacturer – Stratos and Viridian. This table was created to make the comparison quick and easy but the size makes it hard to see all at once. The following slides will break this table into smaller sections allowing us to emphasize the different comparison categories.

34 Incomplete We will begin at the top of the table and work our way down through the sections.

35 As you can see the Manga3 provides (5) control modes that are not available with the competitors pumps 1) Autoadapt, 2) Constant Temperature, 3) Constant Differential Temperature, 4) Flow Adapt, and 5) Flow Limit. An advantage of the Magna3 that becomes apparent when compared to other pumps is the extended capability available without having to either an accessory module or connect a laptop – both incurring added cost and complexity because it is not integral.

36 Incomplete

37 Incomplete The next section addresses the reading and setting that available on the pump. It is clear that the focus of the Manga3 is to be provide the user as much information as possible in a manner that is easily accessible - the color screen with graphics and full text make interpreting the data output quicker and requires less training. Standard features of the Manga3 that lend it be the best choice for those who are designing for energy efficiency over the life of the facility are the Power Consumption and Run Time Hours.

38 Incomplete

39 Incomplete The final two areas to compare are: Communication & Monitoring and Specifications. In the attributes of Communication & Monitoring it becomes obvious that Manga3 has more built capability to communicate than the other pumps and has as much flexibility of any of the other when accessory modules are considered. This is extremely important as owners are asking for high efficiency and high performance buildings because the only way to truly get to these levels is to consider the systems as a whole requiring communication with building control/management systems. The specification shows the flexibility and quality materials used as well as the larger capacity capability of the Magna3.

40 Having discussed the many features of the Magna3, it seems like it should be the obvious choice for any designer looking for a pump in this capacity range. It is important to recognize the potential obstacles one might have in convincing a designer to not only accept it as equal in their design specification but to get it to be the basis of design. Obstacles

41 Obstacles Familiarity & Risk Grundfos as a Manufacturer
Proven Technology Support Economics The primary obstacles the sales representatives should consider and be ready to discuss with designers include: familiarity & risk and economics.

42 Grundfos as a Manufacturer
In the pump market for more than 60 years Annual production of more than 16 million pumps One of the world’s leading pump manufacturers The world’s largest manufacturer of circulators, covering approximately 50% of the world market Grundfos is not a small nor new manufacturer the following stats: In the pump market for more than 60 years; currently one of the world’s leading pump manufacturers with an annual production of more than 16 million pumps; and are the world’s largest manufacturer of circulators, covering approximately 50% of the world market

43 Incomplete Proven Technology Case studies / white papers
Operating applications – list of names of prominent clients/users and in what HVAC application they are being used The Manga3 is newly released but its predecessor the Magna (smaller with fewer functionality attributes as shown on the comparison spreadsheet) has been installed and performing in many applications…. The Mangna3 is brand new to the market and has only been installed in a few key applications…. It is expected that with the expanded capacity and the enhanced features, the Magna3 will quickly gain a presence in both new and renovation projects as applied to HVAC and domestic hot water systems.

44 Support –
Support from Grundfos is readily available to designers not only from their sales representative but also from the Grudfos website. This website has been recently updated and provides access to many new features.

45 Incomplete Support Grundfos Connect – show links Selection software
Electronic specifications and cut sheets Electronic catalogue Installation & maintenance information BIM and AutoCAD files The website will have everything a designer, contractor, or owner will need to specify, install, or maintain a Manga 3 pump. Grundfos Connect website includes: Selection software; Electronic specifications and cut sheets; Electronic catalogue; Installation & maintenance information; & BIM and AutoCAD files

46 Incomplete Economics x
The final obstacle to any sale and often the most important to an owner and contactor is price. The Life Cycle Cost as shown in an earlier presentation prove that over the life of the system a Magna3 pump can be justified…

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