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Published byHector McLaughlin Modified over 9 years ago
PARTIALLY SUPERVISED CLASSIFICATION OF TEXT DOCUMENTS authors: B. Liu, W.S. Lee, P.S. Yu, X. Li presented by Rafal Ladysz
2 WHAT IT IS ABOUT the paper shows: –document classification –one class of positively labeled documents –accompanied by a set of unlabeled, mixed documents –the above enables to build accurate classifiers –using EM algorithm based on NB classification –strengthening the EM by so called “spy documents” –experimental results for illustration we will browse through the paper and –emphasize/refresh some of its theoretical aspects –try to understand the methods described –look at results obtained and interpret them
3 AGENDA (informally) problem described document classification PSC - general assumptions PSC - some theory Bayes basics EM in general I- EM algorithm introducing spies I-S-EM algorithm selecting classifier experimental data results and conclusions references
4 KEY PROBLEM – a big picture no labeled negative training data (text documents) only a (small) set of relevant (positive) documents necessity to classify unlabeled text documents importance: –finding relevant text on the web –or digital libraries
5 DOCUMENT CLASSIFICATION – some techniques used kNN (Nearest Neighbors) Linear Least Squares Fit SVM Naive Bayes: utilized here
6 PARTIALLY SUPERVISED CLASSIFICATION (PSC) – theoretical foundations fixed distribution D over space X x Y, where Y = {0, 1} X, Y: sets of possible documents, classes (positive and negative), respectively ”example” is a labeled document two sets of documents: – labeled as positive P of size n 1 drawn from D X|Y=1 – unlabeled M of size n 2 drawn indep. from X for D X remark: there might be some relevant documents in M (but we don’t know about their existence!)
7 PSC cont. Pr D [A]: A X x Y chosen randomly according to D T: a finite sample being a subset of our dataset Pr T [A]: A T X x Y chosen randomly learning algorithm: deals with F, a class of functions and selects a function f from F: F: X {0, 1} to be used by classifier probability of error: Pr[f(X) Y] = Pr [(f(X) = 1) (Y = 0)] + Pr [(f(X) = 0) (Y = 1)] –sum of “false positive” and “false negative” cases
8 PSC: approximations (1) after transforming expression for probability of error: Pr[f(X) Y] = = Pr[f(X) = 1] - Pr[Y = 1] + 2Pr[f(X) = 0|Y = 1] Pr[Y = 1] notice: Pr [Y = 1] = const (no changes of criteria) approximation 1: keeping Pr[f(X) = 0|Y = 1] small: learning error Pr[f(X) = 1] - Pr[Y = 1] = = Pr[f(X) = 1] – const minimizing Pr[f(X) = 1]
9 PSC: approximations (2) error: Pr[f(X) Y] = = Pr[f(X) = 1] - Pr[Y = 1] + 2Pr[f(X) = 0|Y = 1] Pr[Y = 1] approximation 2: keeping Pr[f(X) = 0|Y = 1] small AND minimizing Pr[f(X) = 1 minimizing Pr M [f(X) = 1]) (assumption: most irrelevant) AND keeping Pr P(ositive) [f(X) = 1]) r where r is a recall: (relevant retrieved) / (all relevant) for large enough sets P (positive) and M (unlabeled)
10 CONSTRAINT OPTIMIZATION simply summarizing what has just been said: a good learning results are achievable if: –the learning algorithm minimizes the number of unlabeled examples labeled as positive –the constrain that fraction of errors on the positive examples 1 – recall (declared upfront) is satisfied
11 COMPLEXITY FUNCTION (CF) VC-dim: complexity measure of F (class of f.) meaning: cardinality of the largest sample set T T X such that |F |T | = 2 |T| thus the larger T, the more functions F (class of f.); conversely, the higher VC-dim, the more f. in F Naive Bayes: VC-dim 2m + 1 where m is the cardinality classifier’s of vocabulary
12 CF – two cases no noise: f t F (X, Y) D: Y = f t (X) (“perfect” f.) it can be shown that selecting f^ F which minimizes i= 1 n 2 f(X i ) |M AND with total recall on set of positives (P) results in a function with small expected error noise: Y may or may not equal f t (X) F may or may not contain the target function f labels are noisy specifying target expected recall required
13 CF in noise – modus operandi learning algorithm tries to output f^ F such that: E[recall(f^)] r (that’s why recall is required) E[precision(f^)] best available for f F recall(f) r how the algorithm achieves that selecting a set of positives examples from D X|Y=1 and unlabeled examples from D |X searches a function f which minimizes i=1 n 2 f(Z i ) operating on unlabeled examples under constrain: errors fraction on positives 1 - r
14 PROBABILITY vs. LIKELIHOOD in the Webster dictionary: apparently synonims from probabilistic point of view: –{s i }: some collectively exclusive states of nature –assuming the prior probabilities P(s i ) are known –observing experimental outcomes {o j }: more info –suppose that o j s i : P(o j |s i ) is known –it is the likelihood of the outcome o j given state s i –Bayes theor. combines prior probab. with likelihood –and determines posterior probability for each s i likelihood: probability of observed experimental outcome
15 NAIVE BAYES in general formally, Bayes’ theorem can be formulated P(S i |O j ) = P(O j |S i )P(S i ) / ( k=1 n P(O j |S k )P(S k )) and is called Inverse Probability Law NB model assumptions –words randomly selected from lexicon, with replacement –words’ independence (words as components of a feature vector) even though simplistic works pretty well NB together with EM will be emplloyed here
16 NB-based text classification - formalism D: training set of documents as ordered list of words w t V = : vocabulary used w d i,k is a word V in position k of doc. d i C = {c 1, c 2,...,c |C| }: predif. classes, here: c 1, c 2 Pr[c j |d i ]: posterior probab needed total p.: Pr[c j ] = i Pr[c j |d i ] / |D| (indeed: Pr[d i ] 1/|D|) in NB model: class with the highest Pr[c j |d i ] is assigned to the document
17 ITERATIVE EXPECTATION-MAXIMIZATION ALGORITHM (I-EM): a concept a general method of estimating max. likelihood –of an underlying distribution’s parameters –when the data is incomplete two main applications of the EM algorithm: –when the data has missing values due to problems with the observation process –when optimizing the likelihood function is: analytically hard but the likelihood function can be simplified by assuming values for additional, hidden parameters
18 I-EM - mathematically (i+1) = argmax z P(Z=z|x, (i) )L(x,Z=z| ) where: x is an observable, Z represents all hidden (unknown, missing) data, stands for all (sought after) parameters problem: determine parameter on the base of observations y only, i.e. without knowledge of complete data set x solution: exploit y and determine iteratively x,
22 I-EM properties simple but computationally demanding convergence behavior –no guarantee for global optimum –initial point (0) determines if global optimum is reachable (or algorithm gets stuck in local optimum) –stable: likelihood function increases in every iteration until (local if not global) optimum reached M(aximum) L(ikelihood) are fixed points in EM
23 I-EM ALGORITHM – why and how for the classification (main objective) posterior probability Pr[c j |d i ] needed probabilities will converge during iterations EM: iterative algorithm for max. likelihood estimation for incomplete data (interpolates) two steps: 1. expectation: filling in missing data 2. maximization: parameters estimating next iteration launched
24 I-EM: symbols used symbols used: D: training set of documents each documant: ordered list of words w d i,k : k th word in i th document each w d i,k V = {w 1, w 2,..., w |V| } (vocabulary) vocabulary: all words to be classified C = {c 1, c 2 }: predefine dclasses (only 2)
25 I-EM - application initial labeling: d i P c 1, i.e. Pr[c 1 |d i ] = 1, Pr[c 2 d i ] = 0 d j M c 2, i.e. Pr[c 1 |d j ] = 0, Pr[c 2 d j ] = 1 (vice versa) NB-C created, then applied to dataset M: –computing posterior probab. Pr[c 1 |d j ] in M (eq. 5) –assigning computed new probabilistic label to d j –Pr[c 1 |d i ] = 1 ( not affected) during the process in each iteration: –Pr[c 1 |d j ] is revised, then –new NB-C built based on new Pr[c 1 |d j ] for M and P iterating continues till convergence occurs
26 I-EM pseudocode I-EM(M, P) 1. build initial NB classifier NB-C using M and P sets 2. loop while NB-C parameters keep changing (i.e. as long as convergence is taking place) 3. for each document d j M 4. compute Pr[c 1 |d j ] using current NB-C (eq. 5) // Pr[c 2 |d j ] = 1 - Pr[c 1 |d j ]: c 1 and c 2 are collectively excl. // if Pr[c 1 |d j ] > Pr[c 2 |d j then d i is classified as c 1 5. update Pr[w t |c 1 ] and Pr[c 1 ] (eq. 3, 4) // given probabilistically assigned classes for // d j (Pr[c 1 |d j ]) and set P, // a new NB-C built during processing
27 I-EM – benefits and limitations EM A. helps assign probabilistic class labels to each d j in mixed set of documents: Pr[c 1 |d j ] and Pr[c 2 |d j } all the above probabilities converge (iterations) the final result is sensitive to initial conditions assumed conclusion: –good handling of “easy” data (+/- separable easily) –a niche for improvement for “hard” data –source of the limitation: initialization strongly biased towards positive data (documents) solution: –balanced initialization (+/-) –find reliable negative documents for initialization c 2 in EM
28 I-EM: extension I-EM helps identify (most likely) negatives in M issue: how to get as reliable as possible data (documents) to do so idea: using “spy“ documents from P in M approach: –select s 10% of documents from P; denoted S –add S-set to M-set –S behave as unknown positive documents do in M –enabling inference within M I-EM still in use –but instead of M it operates on M S
29 SPIES – determining threshold set of spy documents S = {s 1, s 2,..., s k } Pr[c 1 |s i ] s i : probab. label assigned to each spy in noiseless case: t = min{Pr[c 1 |s i ]}, i = 1, 2,..., k –equivalent to retrieving all spy documents in more realistic scenario: noise and outliers exist –minimum probability might be unreliable, because e.g.: for outlier s i in S: posterior Pr[c 1 |s i ] might be << Pr[c 1 |d j ] M –setting t: sort s i in S according to Pr[c 1 |s i ] set noise level l (e.g. 15%) so that l% of docs have probability < t thus, Step-1 objective is: –identifying a set of reliable negative documents from the unlabeled set –unlabeled set to be treated as negative data (docs)
30 SPY DOCUMENTS and Step-1 algorithm threshold t used for decision making: –if Pr[c 1 |d j ] < t: denoted as N(egative) –if for d j P Pr[c 1 |d j ] > t: denoted as U(nlabeled) algorithm Step-1 for identifying most likely negatives N from unlabeled U set
positivesnegatives LN (likely negative) positive M (un- labeled) P (positive) positive STEP-1 effect some spies spies c1c1 c2c2 c2 c1 U un- labeled initial situation: M = P N no clue which are P and N spies from P added to M help of spies: most positives in M get into unlabeled set, while most negatives get into LN; purity of LN higher than that of M BEFORE AFTER
32 STEP-2: building and selecting final classifier EM still in use, but now with P, LN and U algorithm proceeds as follows: 1.put all spies S back to P (where they were before) 2. d i P: c 1 (i.e. Pr[c 1 |d i ] = 1); (fixed thru iterations) 3. d j LN: c 2 (i.e. Pr[c 2 |d j ] = 1); (changing thru EM) 4. d k U: initially assigned no label (will be after EM (1) ) EM using P, LN and U until it converges final classifier is produced when EM stops all these constitutes S-EM (spy EM)
33 STEP-2: comments probabilities of sets U and LN are allowed to change set U participates in EM since EM (2) on with its documents assigned probab. labels Pr[c 1 |d k ] experimenting with a = 5%, 10% or 20% gave similar results; why? for the parameter a (% used for creating LN): when within a range of approximately 5%-20%: if too many positives in LN, then EM corrects it slowly adding them to positives
34 STEP-1 AND STEP-2 SUMMARY Step 1: Identifying a set of reliable negative documents from the unlabeled set. The unlabeled set is treated as negative data. Step 2: Building and selecting a classifier, consists of two sub-steps: a)building a set of classifiers by iteratively applying a classification algorithm; the EM algorithm is used again. b) selecting a good classifier from the set of classifiers constructed above; this sub-step may be called "catching a good classifier".
35 SELECTING CLASSIFIER as said, EM is prone to local maxima trap if a local maximum separates the two classes well: no problem (or problem solved) otherwise (i.e. positives and negatives consist of many clusters each) the data may be not separable remedy: stop iterating of EM at some point what point?
36 SELECTING CLASSIFIER continued eq. (2) can be helpful: error probability Pr[f(X) Y] = Pr[f(X) = 1] - Pr[Y = 1] + 2Pr[f(X) = 0|Y = 1] Pr[Y = 1] it can be shown that knowing the component Pr M [Y = c 1 ] allows us to estimate the error method: estimating the change of the probability error between iterations i and i+1 i = can be computed (formula in 4.5 of the paper) if i > 0 for the first time, then i-th classifier produced is the last to add (no need to proceed beyond i)
37 EXPERIMENTAL DATA described two large document corpora 30 datasets created –e.g. 20 newsgroups subdivided into 4 groups all headers removed –e.g. WebKB (CS depts.) subdivided into 7 categories objective: –recovering positive documents placed into mixed sets no need to separate test set (from training set) –unlabeled mixed set serves as the test set
38 DATA description cont. for each experiment: –dividing full positive set into two subsets: P and R –P: positive set used in the algorithm with a% of the full positive set –R: set of remaining documents with b% have been put into negative set M (not all in R put to M) –belief: in reality M is large and has a small proportion of positive documents parameters a and b have been varied to cover different scenarios
39 EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS techniques used NB-C: applied directly to P (c 1 ) and M(c 2 ) to built classifier to be applied to classify data in set M I-EM: applies EM-A to P and M as long as converges (no spy yet); final classifier to be applied to M to identify its positives S-EM: spies used to re-initialize I-EM to build the final classifier; threshold t used
40 RESULTS cont. Table 1: 30 results for diferent parametrs a, b Table 2: summary of averages for other a, b settings –precision F = 2pr/(p+r), where p, r are and recall, respectively –S-EM outperforms NB and I-EM in F dramatically –accuracy (of a classifier) A = c/(c+1), where c, i are numbers of correct and incorrect decisions, respectively –S-EM outperforms NB and I-EM in A as well comment: datasets skewed (positives are only a small fraction), thus A is not a reliable measure of classifier’s performance
41 RESULTS cont. Table 3: F-score and accuracy A results in this table show great effect of reinitialization with spies: S-EM outperforms I-EMbest reinitialization is not, however, the only factor of improvement: S-EM outperforms S-EM4 conclusions: both Step-1 (reinitializing) and Step-2 (selecting the best model) are needed!
42 REFERENCES other than in the paper ayes+likelihood&hl=pl&ie=UTF-8&inlang=pl
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