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Naturalism December 16. Jack London (1876-1916) Author: Jack London 1876-1916 First American writer to become a millionaire 1897 took off to prospect.

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Presentation on theme: "Naturalism December 16. Jack London (1876-1916) Author: Jack London 1876-1916 First American writer to become a millionaire 1897 took off to prospect."— Presentation transcript:

1 Naturalism December 16

2 Jack London (1876-1916) Author: Jack London 1876-1916 First American writer to become a millionaire 1897 took off to prospect for Yukon Territory in northwestern Canada His own adventures in the frozen area were the basis for many of his own stories

3 General Information The unnamed protagonist is presented a being too confident and often unaware of his own “frailty” As the harshness of nature surrounds him, he becomes more aware about the folly of this thinking

4 General Information Setting The action takes place in Alaska as an unnamed man tries to make his way along the Yukon Trail. The story’s setting is important in that the story unfolds during a time of extreme cold: the story describes 75 below 0 temperatures and a sun that is seldom seen

5 Summary and Plot Overview An unnamed protagonist and his dog ignore advice and make a trek on the Yukon trail in below freezing temperatures The protagonist, walking at a brisk pace, hopes to meet “the boys” at camp in 4 hours time

6 Literary Focus Foreshadowing Symbolism London gives subtle clues throughout the narrative pointing to future points of danger in the cold conditions. –Make sure to take mental notes of these subtle warnings! London intentionally does not tell the reader protagonist’s name: he is symbolic of any man, and any man struggling against forces outside of this control

7 Literary Focus Point of View The 3 rd Person Omniscient narration others the reader three distinct views: 1.That of an uncaring, unattached observer 2.Insight into the thoughts of the protagonist 3.Insight into the thoughts of his companion, a dog.

8 Literary Focus Style: Naturalism and Realism Naturalism: –Humans were often subjects to natural forces beyond their control –He was strongly influenced by Charles Darwin’s theories of natural selection and survival of the fittest Realism: –stories were painfully realistic

9 Themes and Focus Man’s Insignificance –Nature is unfeeling, unresponsive and will continue to survive long after man died Nature’s Power –A seemingly skilled, intelligent protagonist quickly finds himself in dire circumstances Keep the image of this tree in your mind as we read the story “To Build a Fire”.

10 Themes and Focus Instinct over Reason –As the story progresses the man’s ability to reason becomes of less value than his dog’s ability to rely on its instinct Natural Selection and the Survival of the Fittest –Man is not made to survive in the elements presented in the story

11 Character Analysis The Prospector Confident to a fault, it is the prospector’s own sense of invulnerability that puts him in dangerous situations His personality and thoughts alter drastically as his situation worsens

12 Character Analysis The Dog Relies solely on a sense of instinct and survival The dog is able to detect subtle clues of danger that his master cannot He is better suited for the cold conditions than his human counterpart

13 Man Vs. Nature With all of our technological developments, whom reigns supreme? Which species is better built for survivor of the fittest: Man or Beast?


15 READING – 10 MIN PAGE 622-623 ANSWER THE FOLLOWING: 1.What evidence on page 622 supports the conflict of Man vs. Nature? 2.What is ironic about the dog’s instincts? 3.What evidence of foreshadowing is present in paragraph 3?

16 Reading – 10 Min Page 624 – 625 Answer the Following: 1.What danger does the prospector face at the creek? 2.What is ironic that about the prospector’s thought: “one must not be too sure of things”? 3.Page 625-paragraph 3 what does the dog instinctually know that the prospector does not?

17 Reading 10 Min Page 626-627 Answer the following: 1.Describe the relationship between the huskie and the Prospector. 2.What does it mean when he speaks with the sound of “whiplashes”? 3.What was the old-timer’s warning to the Prospector?

18 Reading – 10 Min Page 628 – 629 Answer the Following: 1.What happens to the fire? 2.What new development has hindered the prospector as he tries to light a new fire?

19 Reading – 10 Min Page 630-631 Answer the following: 1.What happens to the prospector as he tries to start a new fire? 2.What realization does he come to about the old-timer’s warning? 3.What conflict has intensified at the sight of the dog?

20 On Your Own Finish London’s Story Page 633-635 Answer the Following: 1.What does the man attempt to do as he tries to survive? 2.What thought does the man refuse to consider? 3.What does the sudden feeling of being “quite comfortable” suggest? 4.What is the fate of the prospector? The Huskie? 5.Who fits the theme of survival of the fittest the best: man or beast? Explain why

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