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Battleship Microsoft Excel. Objective & Performance Outcome Students will follow a series of instructions presented by the teacher. You will need to take.

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Presentation on theme: "Battleship Microsoft Excel. Objective & Performance Outcome Students will follow a series of instructions presented by the teacher. You will need to take."— Presentation transcript:

1 Battleship Microsoft Excel

2 Objective & Performance Outcome Students will follow a series of instructions presented by the teacher. You will need to take the information from each slide, and apply it to the battleship assignment in Microsoft Excel. Once you have constructed your Battleship game, you will test the design and battle your opponent.

3 Step #1 Open Microsoft Excel.

4 Step #2 Change your page orientation to Landscape.

5 Step #3 Change your margins to.25

6 Step #4 Make sure that your page fits 1 page wide by 1 page long

7 Step #5 Select Columns A to Y. Change the column width to 3.

8 Step #6 Highlight cells A1 to Y23. Change the color to a shade of blue for the ocean. This is your playing grid.

9 Step #7 Use WordArt to enter the name Battleship below your playing grid.

10 Step #8 Use WordArt to enter your name vs. your opponent’s name (for example, Leslie vs. Lance) below Battleship.

11 Step #9 Now, place your ships on your grid. You have the following ships: 1 Carrier – 5 cells 1 Battleship – 4 cells 2 Nuclear Submarines – 3 cells 1 Submarine – 3 cells 2 Destroyers– 2 cells

12 Step #10 To place your ships, select the correct number of cells and then color them a color of your choice (not black or red, though). Remember, your cells can only go across or down.

13 Step #11 Now, choose someone to go first. Whomever goes first chooses coordinates (i.e. B12). If B12 is a miss, the person that went should change the cell color to black. If it is a hit, change it to red.

14 Step #12, 13 & #14 Continue playing the game until you sink all the ships. Once you’ve finished the game, use WordArt to place the name of the winner across the playing grids. Submit to my website

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