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Diffraction Image Library F. Remacle & G. Winter.

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Presentation on theme: "Diffraction Image Library F. Remacle & G. Winter."— Presentation transcript:

1 Diffraction Image Library F. Remacle & G. Winter

2 What is it? A C++ library to access data of various formats of diffraction images in a standard way. Originally developed for DNA and XIA, now being developed further as part of the CCP4 library.

3 What can be done with it? Reading images from the following detectors: –ADSC (all) –Rigaku: R-AXIS IV, SATURN –Mar: MAR300, MAR345, MARCCD –CBF (in development) –Bruker

4 What can be done with it? Access to “standard” information –Beam centre coordinates –Distance to detector –Wavelength –2 Theta value –Exposure time –Image size –Collection time –Pixel size –Oscillation range –Image data (pixel values)

5 What can be done with it? Different calculations (histogram, asymmetry, corner, radial profile, gain) Writing image data as jpeg or ppm. Peak finding and other peak operations with the PeakList object. Available as Tcl and Python modules!

6 Who is using it? Me, for writing a Tcl new version of ipdisp. Now called idiffdisp. xia2 currently wraps compiled programs built on the library, but will use the python module directly in the future.

7 idiffdisp

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